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Celkem nalezeno: 1684 záznamů
Kasalický V., Zeng Y. H. , Piwosz K., Šimek K., Kratochvilová H., Koblížek M. (2018) Aerobic Anoxygenic Photosynthesis Is Commonly Present within the Genus Limnohabitans Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84: e02116-17.
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Kaštovský J., Hauer T., Geriš R. , Chattová B., Juráň J. , Lepšová-Skácelová O., Pitelková P., Puzstai M., Škaloud P., Šťastný J., Čapková K., Bohunická M. , Mühlsteinová R. (2018) Atlas sinic a řas ČR 1 [Atlas of Cyanobacteria and Algae of the Czech Republic 1] ISBN 978-80-7568-071-6: p. 384.
Kaštovský J., Hauer T., Geriš R. , Chattová B., Juráň J. , Lepšová-Skácelová O., Pitelková P., Puzstai M., Škaloud P., Šťastný J., Čapková K., Bohunická M. , Mühlsteinová R. (2018) Atlas sinic a řas ČR 2 [Atlas of Cyanobacteria and Algae of the Czech Republic 2] ISBN-978-80-7568-125-6: p. 480.
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Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J., Porcal P., Turek J. (2018) Fluxes of ecologically important solutes in the Čertovo catchment–lake system from 1998–2017 Silva Gabreta 24: 85-114.
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J., Porcal P., Turek J. (2018) Fluxes of ecologically important solutes in the Plešné catchment–lake system from 2000–2017 Silva Gabreta 24: 115-147.
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Kust A., Urajová P., Hrouzek P., Vu D. L., Čapková K., Štenclová L., Řeháková K., Kozlíková E., Lepšová-Skácelová O., Lukešová A., Mareš J. (2018) A new microcystin producing Nostoc strain discovered in broad toxicological screening of non-planktic Nostocaceae (cyanobacteria) Toxicon 150: 66-73.
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Mehrshad M., Rodriguez-Valera F. , Amoozegar M. A., López-García P., Ghai R. (2018) The enigmatic SAR202 cluster up close: Shedding light on a globally distributed dark ocean lineage involved in sulfur cycling The ISME Journal 12: 655-668 .
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Mehrshad M., Salcher M.M., Okazaki Y., Nakano S., Šimek K., Andrei A., Ghai R. (2018) Hidden in plain sight—highly abundant and diverse planktonic freshwater Chloroflexi Microbiome 6: 176.
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Petrash D.A., Jan J., Sirová D., Osafo N.O.A., Borovec J. (2018) Iron and nitrogen cycling, bacterioplankton community composition and mineral transformations involving phosphorus stabilisation in the ferruginous hypolimnion of a post-mining lake Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts 20: 414-1426 .
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Piwosz K., Shabarova T., Tomasch J., Šimek K., Kopejtka K., Kahl S., Pieper D.H. , Koblížek M. (2018) Determining lineage-specific bacterial growth curves with a novel approach based on amplicon reads normalization using internal standard (ARNIS) ISME Journal 12: 2640-2654.
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-018-0213-y
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