Celkem nalezeno: 76 záznamů |
Jarić I., Correia R.A., Bonaiuto M., Brook B.W., Courchamp F. , Firth J.A., Gaston K., Heger T., Jeschke J.M., Ladle R., Meinard Y. , Roberts D.L. , Sherren K., Soga M., Soriano-Redondo A., Veríssimo D., Roll U. (2023) Transience of public attention in conservation science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
21: 333-340.
DOI: 10.1002/fee.2598 |
Jarić I., Lennox R.J. ,
Prchalová M., Monk C.T.,
Říha M., Nathan R., Arlinghaus R. (2023) The power and promise of interdisciplinary international research networks to advance movement ecology. Movement Ecology
11: 67.
DOI: 10.1186/s40462-023-00428-8 |
Jovičić K., Janković S., Nikolić D.M., Đikanović V., Skorić S., Krpo-Ćetković J.,
Jarić I. (2023) Prospects of fish scale and fin samples usage for nonlethal monitoring of metal contamination: a study on five fish species from the Danube River. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
424: 4.
DOI: 10.1051/kmae/2022027 |
Ladle R., Alves-Martins F., Malhado A.C.M., Reyes-García V., Courchamp F. , Di Minin E., Roll U.,
Jarić I., Correia R.A. (2023) Biocultural aspects of species extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction
1: e22.
DOI: 10.1017/ext.2023.20 |
Molnár Z., Fernández-Llamazares Á., Schunko C., Teixidor-Toneu I.,
Jarić I., Díaz-Reviriego I., Ivascu C., Babai D., Sáfián L., Karlsen P., Dai H., Hill R. (2023) Social justice for traditional knowledge holders will help conserve Europe's nature. Biological Conservation
285: 110190.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110190 |
Rašković B., Poleksić V.,
Jarić I., Skorić S., Topisirović G., Stojnić B. (2023) Accumulation of metal trace elements in different body parts of terrestrial Roman snail Helix pomatia L., 1758 on three polluted sites in Serbia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
30: 21853–21862.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-23697-z |
Roberts D.L. ,
Jarić I., Lycett S.J., Flicker D., Key A. (2023) Homo floresiensis and Homo luzonensis are not temporally exceptional relative to Homo erectus. Journal of Quaternary Science
38: 463-470.
DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3498 |
Bernery C. , Bellard C., Courchamp F. , Brosse S., Gozlan R.E. ,
Jarić I., Teletchea F., Leroy B. (2022) Freshwater fish invasions: a comprehensive review. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics
53: 427-456.
DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-032522- 015551 |
Cooke S.J., Docker M.F., Mandrak N.E., Young N., Heath D.D., Jeffries K.M., Howarth A., Brownscombe J.W., Livernois J., Venturelli P.A., Danylchuk A.J., Lennox R.J. ,
Jarić I., Fisk A.T., Vandergoot C.S., Britton J.R., Muir A.M. (2022) Technoscience and the modernization of freshwater fisheries assessment and management. Environmental Technology & Innovation
28 : 102865.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2022.102865 |
Jarić I. (2022) Zapomenuté druhy vyhynou dvakrát. [Forgotten species go extinct twice.] Vesmír
4: 216-217.
Jarić I. (2022) Ochrana přírody opomíjí vodní houby. [Nature conservation neglects aquatic fungi.] Vesmír
101: 422-423.
Jarić I.,
Říha M.,
Souza A.,
Rabaneda Bueno R.,
Děd V., Gjelland K.Ø., Baktoft H.,
Čech M.,
Blabolil P.,
Holubová M.,
Jůza T.,
Muška M.,
Sajdlová Z.,
Šmejkal M.,
Vejřík L.,
Vejříková I.,
Peterka J. (2022) Influence of internal seiche dynamics on vertical movement of fish. Freshwater Biology
67: 1543-1558.
DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13959 |
Jarić I., Roll U., Bonaiuto M., Brook B.W., Courchamp F. , Firth J.A., Gaston K., Heger T., Jeschke J.M., Ladle R., Meinard Y. , Roberts D.L. , Sherren K., Soga M., Soriano-Redondo A., Veríssimo D., Correia R.A. (2022) Societal extinction of species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
37: 411-419.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2021.12.011 |
Latombe G., Lenzner B., Schertler A., Dullinger S., Glaser M.,
Jarić I., Pauchard A., Wilson J.R.U. , Essl F. (2022) What is valued in conservation? A framework to compare ethical perspectives. NeoBiota
72: 45-80.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.72.79070 |
Lennox R.J. , Sbragaglia V., Vollset K.W., Sortland L.K., McClenachan L.,
Jarić I., Guckian M.L., Ferter K., Danylchuk A.J., Cooke S.J., Arlinghaus R. , Twardek W.M. (2022) Digital fisheries data in the Internet age: Emerging tools for research and monitoring using online data in recreational fisheries. Fish and Fisheries
23: 926–940.
DOI: 10.1111/faf.12663 |
Nathan R., Monk C.T., Arlinghaus R. , Adam T., Alós J., Assaf M., Baktoft H., Beardsworth C.E., Bertram M.G., Bijleveld A.I., Brodin T., Brooks J.L., Campos-Candela A., Cooke S.J., Gjelland K.Ø., Gupte P.R., Harel R., Jeltsch F., Killen S.S., Hellström G., Klefoth T., Langrock R., Lennox R.J. , Lourie E., Madden J.R., Orchan Y., Pauwels I.S.,
Říha M., Roeleke M., Schlägel U., Shohami D., Signer J., Toledo S., Vilk O., Westrelin S., Whiteside M.A.,
Jarić I. (2022) Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement. Science
375: eabg1780.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abg1780 |
Nazarizadeh M.,
Peterka J.,
Kubečka J.,
Vašek M.,
Jůza T.,
Ribeiro de Moraes K.,
Čech M.,
Holubová M.,
Souza A.,
Blabolil P.,
Muška M., Tsering L.,
Bartoň D.,
Říha M.,
Šmejkal M.,
Tušer M.,
Vejřík L.,
Frouzová J.,
Jarić I.,
Prchalová M.,
Vejříková I., Štefka J. (2022) Different hosts in different lakes: occurrence and prevalence of Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Czech water bodies. Folia Parasitologica
69: 18.
DOI: 10.14411/fp.2022.018 |
Nazarizadeh M.,
Peterka J.,
Kubečka J.,
Vašek M.,
Jůza T.,
Ribeiro de Moraes K.,
Čech M.,
Holubová M.,
Souza A.,
Blabolil P.,
Muška M., Tsering L.,
Bartoň D.,
Říha M.,
Šmejkal M.,
Tušer M.,
Vejřík L.,
Frouzová J.,
Jarić I.,
Prchalová M.,
Vejříková I., Štefka J. (2022) Different hosts in different lakes: occurrence and prevalence of Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Czech water bodies Folia Parasitologica
69: 18.
DOI: 10.14411/fp.2022.018 |
Říha M.,
Rabaneda Bueno R.,
Jarić I.,
Souza A.,
Vejřík L.,
Draštík V.,
Blabolil P.,
Holubová M.,
Jůza T., Gjelland K.Ø.,
Rychtecký P.,
Sajdlová Z.,
Kočvara L.,
Tušer M.,
Prchalová M.,
Seďa J.,
Peterka J. (2022) Seasonal habitat use of three predatory fishes in a freshwater ecosystem. Hydrobiologia
849: 3351-3371.
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-022-04938-1 |
Šmelhausová J., Riepe C.,
Jarić I., Essl F. (2022) How Instagram users influence nature conservation: A case study on protected areas in Central Europe. Biological Conservation
276: 109787.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109787 |