
Celkem nalezeno: 34 záznamů
Hejzlar J., Jarošík J., Kopáček J., Vystavna Y. (2018) Trendy vývoje koncentrací fosforu v nádržích Orlík a Slapy /Trends in development of phosphorus concentrations in Orlík and Slapy Reservoirs/ VTEI 2018 (2): 30-35.
Vystavna Y., Cherkashyna M., van der Valk M.R. (2018) Water laws of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine: current problems and integration with EU legislation Water International 43: 424-435.
DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1447897
Vystavna Y., Diadin D., Huneau F. (2018) Defining a stable water isotope framework for isotope hydrology application in a large transboundary watershed (Russian Federation/Ukraine) Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 54: 147–167.
DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2017.1346635
Vystavna Y., Diadin D., Rossi P.M., Gusyev M., Hejzlar J., Mehdizadeh R., Huneau F. (2018) Quantification of water and sewage leakages from urban infrastructure into a shallow aquifer in East Ukraine Environmental Earth Sciences 77: 748.
DOI: 10.1007/s12665-018-7936-y
Vystavna Y., Frková Z., Celle-Jeanton H., Diadin D., Huneau F., Steinmann M., Crini N., Loup C. (2018) Priority substances and emerging pollutants in urban rivers in Ukraine: Occurrence, fluxes and loading to transboundary European Union watersheds Science of the Total Environment 637–638 : 1358–1362.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.095
Vystavna Y., Holko L., Hejzlar J., Persoiu A., Graham N.D., Juras R., Huneau F., Gibson J. (2018) Isotopic response of runoff to forest disturbance in small mountain catchments Hydrological Processes 32: 3650-3661.
DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13280
Hejzlar J., Jarošík J., Kopáček J., Vystavna Y. (2017) Koncentrace fosforu v nádržích Orlík a Slapy: výsledek socioekonomického vývoje v povodí a změny klimatu [Phosphorus concentration in the Orlík and Slapy reservoirs: a result of socio-economic trends in the catchment and climate change]. In: Kosour, D. et al. (edit.) Sborník konference Vodní nádrže 2017, 3.–4.10.2017, Brno, Povodí Moravy, s.p., ISBN 978-80-905368-5-2 60–67.
Vystavna Y., Diadin D., Grynenko V., Yakovlev V. , Vergeles Y., Huneau F., Rossi P.M., Hejzlar J., Knöller K. (2017) Determination of dominant sources of nitrate contamination in transboundary (Russian Federation/Ukraine) catchment with heterogeneous land use Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189: 509.
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-017-6227-5
Vystavna Y., Diadin D., Huneau F. (2017) Defining a stable water isotope framework for isotope hydrology application in a large trans-boundary watershed (Russian Federation/Ukraine) Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 54: 147-167.
DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2017.1346635
Vystavna Y., Diadin D., Yakovlev V. , Hejzlar J., Vadillo I., Huneau F., Lehmann M.F. (2017) Nitrate contamination in a shallow urban aquifer in East Ukraine: evidence from hydrochemical, stable isotopes of nitrate and land use analysis Environmental Earth Sciences 76: 463.
DOI: 10.1007/s12665-017-6796-1
Vystavna Y., Frková Z., Marchand L. , Vergeles Y., Stolberg F. (2017) Removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals in a full scale constructed wetland in East Ukraine Ecological Engineering 108: 50–58.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.08.009
Vystavna Y., Hejzlar J., Kopáček J. (2017) Long-term trends of phosphorus concentrations in an artificial lake: Socio-economic and climate drivers PLoS ONE 12: e0186917 .
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186917
Vystavna Y., Zaichenko L., Klimenko N., Rätsep R. (2017) Trace metals transfer during vine cultivation and winemaking processes Journal of the Science of the Food and Agriculture 97: 4520-4525.
DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8318
Hejzlar J., Vystavna Y., Kopáček J. (2016) Trends in the balance and material flows of phosphorus in the Czech Republic . Waste Forum 4: 225-233.


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