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Hejzlar J., Porcal P.,
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Kopáček J., Bače R., Grill S.,
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Kopáček J., Brahney J. ,
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Kopáček J., Bače R., Choma M.,
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Kopáček J., Čapek P., Choma M., Cudlín P.,
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Kopáček M., Porcal P. (2023) Odkud pochází voda v Plešném jezeře? [Where does the water in Plešné lake come from?] Hydrologie malého povodí
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Vystavna Y.,
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Hejzlar J.,
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Osafo N., Jan J., Valero A., Porcal P., Petrash D., Borovec J. (2022) Organic matter character as a critical factor determining the fate and stability of its association with iron in sediments Journal of Soils and Sediments
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