Publikace MEV
Celkem nalezeno: 617 záznamů |
Straškrábová V., Callieri C., Carrillo P., Cruz-Pizarro L., Fott J., Hartman P.,
Macek M., Medina-Sánchez J.,
Nedoma J.,
Šimek K. (1999) Investigations on pelagic food webs in mountain lakes – aims and methods. Journal of Limnology
58: 77-87..
Straškrábová V., Flousek J. (1999) Long-term ecological research - specific problems in Central European countries, case situation in Czech Republic. In: Bijok, P. and Prus, M. (eds.), Long Term Ecological Research Examples, Methods, Perspectives for Central Europe, pp. 21-24. Madralin, September 16-18, 1998, International Centre of Ecology PAS, Dziekanów Leśny. |
Straškrábová V., Šimek K., Nedoma J. (1999) Importance of pelagic bacteria in lakes and reservoirs of different trophy-implications for long-term monitoring. In: Lake 99, Sustainable Lake Management, 8th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes, Vol. II, S7C-5, 4 pp. Copenhagen, May 17-21, 1999. /Extended abstract/ |
Dolan J.,
Šimek K. (1998) Ingestion and digestion of an autotrophic picoplankter, Synechococcus, by heterotrophic nanoflagellate, Bodo saltans. Limnology and Oceanography
43: 1740-1746..
Hejzlar J., Dolejš P.,
Komárková J.,
Seďa J.,
Šimek K., Vyhnálek V. (1998) Effect of biomanipulation on the structuring of the planktonic food web and water treatability by coagulation. Water Science and Technology
37: 105-112..
Hejzlar J., Kopáček J., Vrba J., Čížková R., Komárková J., Šimek K. (1998) Limnological study of Plešné Lake in 1994-1995. Silva Gabreta 2: |
Komárková J. (1998) Fish stock as a variable modifying trophic pattern of phytoplankton. Hydrobiologia
369/370: 139-152..
Komárková J. (1998) The tropical planktonic genus Cylindrospermopsis (Cyanophytes, Cyanobacteria). In: Azevedo, T. de Paiva (ed.), Anais dos IV Congresso latino-americano de Ficologia:pp. 327-340. Caxambú, 28. 7.-3. 8. 1996, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado. |
Komárková J., Vyhnálek V. (1998) Long-term changes in chlorophyll concentration and phytoplankton structure in two canyon-type reservoirs. International Review of Hydrobiology
83: 421-430..
Kratz T., Bojanovsky B., Drabkova V., Straškrábová V. (1998) Working group topic 4 In: George D.G. et al. (eds.), Management of Lakes and Reservoirs during Global Climate Change, pp. 307-320. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands. |
Pernthaler J., Posch T., Šimek K., Vrba J., Psenner R., Amann R. (1998) Protisten-induzierte Populationsverschiebungen in einer experimentellen mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft (Protist-induced population shifts in an experimental microbial community). In: Neueste Entwicklungen in der in situ-Charakterisierung mikrobieller Biozönosen in Abwasser, Oberflächengewässern, Grund- und Trinkwasser, pp. 117-126. R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München. |
Šimek K., Armengol J., Comerma M., García J., Chrzanowski T.,
Macek M.,
Nedoma J., Straškrabová V. (1998) Characteristics of protistan control of bacterial production in three reservoirs of different trophy. International Review of Hydrobiology
83: 485-494..
Šimek K., Babenzien D., Bittl T., Koschel R.,
Macek M.,
Nedoma J.,
Vrba J. (1998) Microbial food webs in an artificially divided acidic bog lake. International Review of Hydrobiology
83: 3-18..
Šimek K., Comerma M., García J., Hejzlar J., Kojecká P., Nedoma J. (1998) Eliminace bakteriálního znečištění na podélném profilu vodárenské nádrže (An elimination of bacterial pollution along a longitudinal transect of a drinking water reservoir). In: Sládeček, V. (ed.) Sborník ze 14. semináře Aktuální otázky vodárenské biologie, pp. 96-100. Praha, February 4-5, 1998, Pobočka, ČVVS. |
Straškrabová V.,
Brandl Z.,
Hrbáček J.,
Komárková J.,
Seďa J., Straškraba M.,
Šimek K. (1998) Long-term changes of bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton: temporal coherence between deep stratified reservoirs. International Review of Hydrobiology
83: 21-30..
Straškrábová V., Kopáček J., Procházková L., Vrba J. (1998) Die Versauerung der Seen im Böhmerwald, Ursachen, Trends und Folgen für die biologischen Prozesse und die Wasserqualität (Acidification of lakes in Bohemian Forest, causes, trends and consequencies for biological proceses and water quality) In: Geller, W. et al. (eds.), Ergänzungsheft zum Tagungsband des Gewässerschutz und Wassernutzung im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe, pp. 74-77. Karlovy Vary 20.-23. 10. 1998. B. G. Teubner. |
Vrba J. (1998) Book reviews. Die Eiszeitseen des Bayerischen Waldes. Weilner, C., Regen, 1997 In: 284 pp. Silva Gabreta, 2 409-410.: |