Publikace MEV
Celkem nalezeno: 618 záznamů |
Mehrshad M., Salcher M.M., Okazaki Y., Nakano S.,
Šimek K., Andrei A.,
Ghai R. (2018) Hidden in plain sight—highly abundant and diverse planktonic freshwater Chloroflexi Microbiome
6: 176.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-018-0563-8 |
Neuenschwander S.,
Ghai R., Pernthaler J.,
Salcher M. (2018) Microdiversification in genome-streamlined ubiquitous freshwater Actinobacteria ISME Journal
12: 185-198 .
DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2017.156 |
Nguyen N.H.A., Špánek R.,
Kasalický V., Ribas D., Vlková D., Řeháková H., Kejzlar P., Ševců A. (2018) Different effects of nano-scale and micro-scale zero-valent iron particles on planktonic microorganisms from natural reservoir water Environmental Science: Nano
5: 1117.
DOI: 10.1039/c7en01120b |
Petrash D.A., Jan J.,
Sirová D., Osafo N.O.A., Borovec J. (2018) Iron and nitrogen cycling, bacterioplankton community composition and mineral transformations involving phosphorus stabilisation in the ferruginous hypolimnion of a post-mining lake Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts
20: 414-1426 .
DOI: 10.1039/c8em00328a |
Piwosz K.,
Shabarova T., Tomasch J.,
Šimek K., Kopejtka K., Kahl S., Pieper D.H. , Koblížek M. (2018) Determining lineage-specific bacterial growth curves with a novel approach based on amplicon reads normalization using internal standard (ARNIS) ISME Journal
12: 2640-2654.
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-018-0213-y |
Rejmánková E.,
Sirová D., Castle S.T., Bárta J., Carpenter H. (2018) Heterotrophic N2-fixation contributes to nitrogen economy of a common wetland sedge, Schoenoplectus californicus PLoS ONE
13: e0195570.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195570 |
Rott E., Pentecost A.,
Mareš J. (2018) Introduction: Recent developments in cyanobacterial research with special reference to aquatic habitats, molecular ecology and phylogenetic taxonomy Hydrobiologia
811: 1-6.
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-017-3468-9 |
Saber A.A.,
Mareš J., Guella G., Anesi A.,
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18: 227–242.
DOI: 10.5507/fot.2018.008 |
Šimek K.,
Grujčić V., Hahn M., Horňák K.,
Jezberová J.,
Kasalický V.,
Nedoma J.,
Salcher M.,
Shabarova T. (2018) Bacterial prey food characteristics modulate community growth response of freshwater bacterivorous flagellates Limnology and Oceanography
63: 484–502.
DOI: 10.1002/lno.10759 |
Sirová D., Bárta J., Borovec J.,
Vrba J. (2018) The Utricularia-associated microbiome: composition, function, and ecology In: Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, ecology, and evolution. Edited by Aaron M. Ellison and Lubomír Adamec: © Oxford University Press
Print ISBN-13: 9780198779841: 349-358.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198779841.003.0025 |
Sirová D., Bárta J.,
Šimek K., Posch T., Pech J., Stone J., Borovec J., Adamec L.,
Vrba J. (2018) Hunters or farmers? Microbiome characteristics help elucidate the diet composition in an aquatic carnivorous plant Microbiome
6 : 225.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-018-0600-7 |
Vavourakis C.D. , Andrei A.,
Mehrshad M.,
Ghai R., Sorokyn D. Y., Muyzer G. (2018) A metagenomics roadmap to the uncultured genome diversity in hypersaline soda lake sediments Microbiome
6: 168.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-018-0548-7 |
Vrba J., Benedová Z.,
Jezberová J.,
Matoušů A., Musil M.,
Nedoma J., Pechar L., Potužák J.,
Řeháková K.,
Šimek K., Šorf M., Zemanová J. (2018) Nevstoupíš dvakrát do téhož rybníka – předběžná zpráva o stavu dnešních hypertrofních rybničních ekosystémů [You cannot step into the same fishpond twice – A preliminary report on the current status of hypertrophic fishpond ecosystems] Vodní hospodářství
68 (8): 1-5.
Vrba J., Benedová Z.,
Jezberová J.,
Matoušů A., Musil M.,
Nedoma J., Pechar L., Potužák J.,
Řeháková K.,
Šimek K., Šorf M., Zemanová J. (2018) Nevstoupíš dvakrát do téhož rybníka aneb vývoj rybničních ekosystémů od Šusty k hypertrofii [You cannot step into the same fishpond twice - an evolution of fishpond ecosystems to hypertrophy] Sborník konference Rybníky 2018
Vrba J., Macholdová M., Nedbalová L.,
Nedoma J., Šorf M. (2018) An Experimental Insight into Extracellular Phosphatases – Differential Induction of Cell-Specific Activity in Green Algae Cultured under Various Phosphorus Conditions Frontiers in Microbiology
9: 271.
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00271 |
Znachor P.,
Nedoma J.,
Hejzlar J.,
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Kopáček J., Boukal D.,
Mrkvička T. (2018) Multiple long-term trends and trend reversals dominate environmental conditions in a man-made freshwater reservoir Science of the Total Environment
624: 24-33 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.061 |
Znachor P.,
Nedoma J.,
Hejzlar J.,
Seďa J.,
Kopáček J., Boukal D.,
Mrkvička T. (2018) Multiple long-term trends and trend reversals dominate environmental conditions in a man-made freshwater reservoir. Science of Total Environment
624: 24-33.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.061 |
Al-Qahtani A.A., Al-Anazi M.R., Nazir N.,
Ghai R., Abdo A.A. , Sanai F.M. , Al-Hamoudi W.K. , Alswat K.A. , Al-Ashgar H.I. , Khan M.Q. , Albenmousa A., Cruz D.D. , Bohol M.F.F. , Al-Ahdal M.N. (2017) Hepatitis B virus (HBV) X gene mutations and their association with liver disease progression in HBV-infected patients Oncotarget
8: 105115-105125.
DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.22428 |
Alfreider A., Baumer A., Bogensperger T., Posch T.,
Salcher M., Summerer M. (2017) CO2 assimilation strategies in stratified lakes: Diversity and distribution patterns of chemolithoautotrophs Environmental Microbiology
19: 2754–2768.
DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.13786 |
Bednařík A., Blaser M.,
Matoušů A., Hekera P., Rulík M. (2017) Effect of weir impoundments on the methane dynamics in a river. Science of the Total Environment
584–585 : 164–174.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.163 |