Celkem nalezeno: 725 záznamů |
Čech M.,
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Ronaldo Sousa, Martina Ilarri,
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Seďa J., Petrusek A. (2011) Daphnia as a model organism in limnology and aquatic biology: introductory remarks. Journal of Limnology
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Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Ierecê Lucena Rosa (2011) Habitat use, feeding and territorial behavior of a Brazilian endemic damselfish Stegastes rocasensis (Actinopterygii: Pomacentridae) Environmental Biology of Fishes
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DOI: 10.1007/s10641-010-9765-z |
Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Joana Campos, João Carlos Marques, Irene Martins (2011) Differences in the neighborhood: Structural variations in the carapace of shore crabs Carcinus maenas (Decapoda: Portunidae) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
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Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Paulo Roberto de Medeiros, Sampaio C.L.S., Floeter S.R. (2011) Unusual colour patterns of territorial damselfish (Pomacentridae: Stegastes) in the south-western Atlantic Marine Biodiversity Records
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Tušer M.,
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Čech M.,
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Jarolím O.,
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