Celkem nalezeno: 718 záznamů |
Prchalová M.,
Kubečka J.,
Říha M.,
Čech M.,
Jůza T., Ketelaars H.,
Kratochvíl M.,
Mrkvička T.,
Peterka J.,
Vašek M., Wagenvoort A. (2013) Eel attacks – A new tool for assessing European eel (Anguilla anguilla) abundance and distribution patterns with gillnet sampling. Limnologica
43: 194–202..
Prchalová M.,
Peterka J.,
Čech M.,
Kubečka J. (2013) A simple proof of gillnet saturation. Boreal Environmental Research
18: 303–308..
Říha M.,
Blabolil P.,
Čech M.,
Draštík V.,
Frouzová J.,
Jůza T.,
Kratochvíl M.,
Muška M.,
Peterka J.,
Prchalová M.,
Tušer M.,
Vašek M.,
Kubečka J. (2013) Chování a role ryb v evropských nádržích a jezerech [Behaviour and role of fish in European reservoirs and lakes]. Živa
61: 294–297..
Říha M., Hladík M.,
Mrkvička T.,
Prchalová M.,
Čech M.,
Draštík V.,
Frouzová J.,
Jůza T.,
Kratochvíl M.,
Peterka J.,
Vašek M.,
Kubečka J. (2013) Post-spawning dispersal of tributary spawning fish species to a reservoir system. Folia Zoologica
62: 1–13..
Šorf M.,
Brandl Z.,
Znachor P.,
Vašek M. (2013) Floating large-volume mesocosms as a simple, lowcost experimental design suitable for the variety of lakes and reservoirs. Fundamental and Applied Limnology
183: 41–48..
Souza A., Ester Dias, Ana Nogueira, Joana Campos, João Carlos Marques, Irene Martins (2013) Population ecology and habitat preferences of juvenile flounder Platichthys flesus (Actinopterygii: Pleuronectidae) in a temperate estuary Journal of Sea Research
79: 60-69.
DOI: |
Souza A., Martina Ilarri (2013) Behavioral changes of a Brazilian endemic damselfish Stegastes rocasensis when guarding egg clutches Environmental Biology of Fishes
97(11): 1295-1303.
DOI: 10.1007/s10641-013-0215-6 |
Tušer M.,
Prchalová M.,
Mrkvička T.,
Frouzová J.,
Čech M.,
Peterka J.,
Jůza T.,
Vašek M.,
Kratochvíl M.,
Draštík V.,
Kubečka J. (2013) A simple method to correct the results of acoustic surveys for fish hidden in the dead zone. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
29: 358–363..
Vašek M., Adámek Z., Kubečka J. (2013) Účelové rybářské hospodaření [Food-web manipulation by fish stock management]. In: Randák, T. (ed) Rybářství ve volných vodách. JU, FROV, Vodňany, ISBN 978–80–87437–49–0:pp. 208–220. |
Vašek M.,
Prchalová M.,
Peterka J., Ketelaars H., Wagenvoort A.,
Čech M.,
Draštík V.,
Říha M.,
Jůza T.,
Kratochvíl M.,
Mrkvička T.,
Blabolil P., Boukal D., Duras J.,
Kubečka J. (2013) The utility of predatory fish in biomanipulation of deep reservoirs. Ecological Engineering
52: 104–111..
Boukal D.,
Jankovský M.,
Kubečka J., Heino M. (2012) Stock-catch analysis of carp recreational fisheries in Czech reservoirs: Insights into fish survival, water body productivity and impact of extreme events. Fisheries Research
119–120: 23–32..
Čech M.,
Peterka J.,
Říha M.,
Vejřík L.,
Jůza T.,
Kratochvíl M.,
Draštík V.,
Muška M.,
Znachor P.,
Kubečka J. (2012) Extremely shallow spawning of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.): the roles of sheltered bays, dense semi-terrestrial vegetation and low visibility in deeper water. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
406: 09p1–09p12..
Čech M., Vejřík L., Peterka J., Říha M., Muška M., Jůza T., Draštík V., Kratochvíl M., Kubečka J. (2012) The use of artificial spawning substrates in order to understand the factors influencing the spawning site selection, depth of egg strands deposition and hatching time of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) Journal of Limnology, 71 (1): 170–179. |
Godlewska M., Frouzová J., Kubečka J., Wisniewolski W., Szlakowski J. (2012) Comparison of hydroacoustic estimates with fish census in shallow Malta Reservoir – which TS/L regression to use in horizontal beam applications? Fisheries Research, 123–124: 90–97. |
Jůza T.,
Čech M.,
Kubečka J.,
Vašek M.,
Peterka J.,
Kratochvíl M.,
Frouzová J., Matěna J. (2012) The influence of the trawl mouth opening size and net colour on catch efficiency during sampling of early stages of perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in the bathypelagic layer of a canyon-shaped reservoir. Fisheries Research
123–124: 21–25..
Jůza T.,
Frouzová J., Brämick U.,
Draštík V.,
Mrkvička T.,
Kubečka J. (2012) The vertical distribution of fish in the open water area of a deep temperate mesotrophic lake assessed by hydroacoustics and midwater trawling. International Review of Hydrobiology
97: 509–525..
Kosík M., Čadková Z., Přikryl I., Seďa J., Pechar L., Pecharová E. (2012) Initial succession of zooplankton and zoobenthos assemblages in newly formed quarry Lake Medard (Sokolov, Czech Republic). In: Rüde, T.R., Freund, A., Wolkersdorfer, C. (eds.) Mine Water – Managing the Challenges, Aachen 2011, ISBN 978–1–897009–47–5: pp. 517–522. |
Kratochvíl M.,
Mrkvička T.,
Vašek M.,
Peterka J.,
Čech M.,
Draštík V.,
Jůza T., Matěna J.,
Muška M.,
Seďa J.,
Znachor P.,
Kubečka J. (2012) Littoral age 0+ fish distribution in relation to multi-scale spatial heterogeneity of a deep-valley reservoir. Hydrobiologia
696: 185–198..
Kubečka J., Godø O., Hickley P.,
Prchalová M.,
Říha M., Rudstam L., Welcomme R. (2012) Fish sampling with active methods. Fisheries Research
123–124: 1–3..
Macháček J., Seďa J. (2012) Vliv nízké teploty na perloočku Daphnia galeata: adaptivní reakce nebo jenom důsledek vyšších metabolických nákladů [Low temperature effect on the cladoceran Daphnia galeata: adaptive response or just a result of higher metabolic costs]. In: Zborník príspevkov XVI. Konferencia SLS a ČLS Od molekúl po ekosystémy, Jasná, June 25–29, 2012, ISBN 978–80–971056–0–0: pp. 98–101. |