List of publications
Total found: 495 records |
Čtvrtlíková M., Kučerová A.,
Rychtecký P.,
Blabolil P., Borovec J. (2018) Hydrobotanický průzkum umělých jezer Medard, Most a MIlada [Aquatic macrophyte survey in artificial lakes Medard, Most and Milada] Zpravodaj Hnědé uhlí
2018 (4): 16-24.
Diadin D.,
Vystavna Y., Vergeles Y. (2018) Quantification of nitrate fluxes to groundwater and rivers from different land use types Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
67 (4): 333–341.
DOI: 10.15201/hungDeoiabduinll,. 6D7.. 4e.t3 |
Hejzlar J.,
Jarošík J.,
Kopáček J.,
Vystavna Y. (2018) Trendy vývoje koncentrací fosforu v nádržích Orlík a Slapy /Trends in development of phosphorus concentrations in Orlík and Slapy Reservoirs/ VTEI
2018 (2): 30-35.
Hejzlar J., Potužák J., Drozd B., Rutegwa M. (2018) Metabolismus uhlíku a bilance živin v hypertrofním produkčním rybníku [Carbon metabolism and nutrient balance in a hypertrophic production fishpond] In: Říhová Ambrožová J., Pecinová A. (Edit.) Sborník konference Vodárenská biologie 2018, 6.-7. 2. 2018, Praha, Vodní zdroje EKOMONITOR spol. s r. o., Chrudim, ISBN 978-80-88238-06-5.
Kletetschka G., Vondrák D., Hrubá J., Procházka V., Nabelek L. , Svitavská-Svobodová H., Bobek P.,
Hořická Z., Kadlec J., Takac M.,
Stuchlík E. (2018) Cosmic-Impact Event in Lake Sediments from Central Europe Postdates the Laacher See Eruption and Marks Onset of the Younger Dryas The Journal of Geology
126: 561–575.
DOI: 10.1086/699869 |
Kopáček J. (2018) Vody i lesy Šumavy se zotavují [Water and forest are recovering in the Sumava Mountains] Vesmír
97 (1): 52-54.
Kopáček J., Evans C.,
Hejzlar J.,
Kaňa J.,
Porcal P., Šantrůčková H. (2018) Factors Affecting the Leaching of Dissolved Organic Carbon after Tree Dieback in an Unmanaged European Mountain Forest Environmental Science & Technology
52: 6291-6299.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00478 |
Kopáček J.,
Hejzlar J. (2018) Vltavská kronika [Chronicle of the Vltava River] Vesmír
97 (7): 452-455.
Kopáček J.,
Hejzlar J.,
Kaňa J.,
Porcal P.,
Turek J. (2018) Fluxes of ecologically important solutes in the Čertovo catchment–lake system from 1998–2017 Silva Gabreta
24: 85-114.
Kopáček J.,
Hejzlar J.,
Kaňa J.,
Porcal P.,
Turek J. (2018) Fluxes of ecologically important solutes in the Plešné catchment–lake system from 2000–2017 Silva Gabreta
24: 115-147.
Navrátil T., Burns D.A., Nováková T.,
Kaňa J., Rohovec J., Roll R., Ettler V. (2018) Stability of mercury concentration measurements in archived soil and peat samples Chemosphere
208: 707-711.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.06.033 |
Porcal P.,
Kopáček J. (2018) Photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter reduces the availability of phosphorus for aquatic primary producers Chemosphere
193: 1018-1026 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.11.140 |
Tahovská K., Čapek P., Šantrůčková H.,
Kopáček J. (2018) In situ phosphorus dynamics in soil: long-term ion-exchange resin study Biogeochemistry
139: 307–320.
DOI: 10.1007/s10533-018-0470-x |
Vejříková I.,
Vejřík L.,
Kočvara L., Lepš J., Sajdlová Z.,
Čtvrtlíková M.,
Peterka J. (2018) Impact of herbivory and competition on lake ecosystem structure: underwater experimental manipulation. Scientific Reports
8: article number 12130.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-30598-0 |
Vystavna Y., Cherkashyna M., van der Valk M.R. (2018) Water laws of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine: current problems and integration with EU legislation Water International
43: 424-435.
DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1447897 |
Vystavna Y., Diadin D., Huneau F. (2018) Defining a stable water isotope framework for isotope hydrology application in a large transboundary watershed (Russian Federation/Ukraine) Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies
54: 147–167.
DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2017.1346635 |
Vystavna Y., Diadin D., Rossi P.M., Gusyev M.,
Hejzlar J., Mehdizadeh R., Huneau F. (2018) Quantification of water and sewage leakages from urban infrastructure into a shallow aquifer in East Ukraine Environmental Earth Sciences
77: 748.
DOI: 10.1007/s12665-018-7936-y |
Vystavna Y.,
Frková Z., Celle-Jeanton H., Diadin D., Huneau F., Steinmann M., Crini N., Loup C. (2018) Priority substances and emerging pollutants in urban rivers in Ukraine: Occurrence, fluxes and loading to transboundary European Union watersheds Science of the Total Environment
637–638 : 1358–1362.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.095 |
Vystavna Y., Holko L.,
Hejzlar J., Persoiu A., Graham N.D., Juras R., Huneau F., Gibson J. (2018) Isotopic response of runoff to forest disturbance in small mountain catchments Hydrological Processes
32: 3650-3661.
DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13280 |
Znachor P.,
Nedoma J.,
Hejzlar J.,
Seďa J.,
Kopáček J., Boukal D.,
Mrkvička T. (2018) Multiple long-term trends and trend reversals dominate environmental conditions in a man-made freshwater reservoir Science of the Total Environment
624: 24-33 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.061 |