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Total found: 495 records
Schmidt S., Hejzlar J., Kopáček J., Paule-Mercado M., Porcal P., Vystavna Y. (2021) Relationships between a catchment-scale forest disturbance index, time delays, and chemical properties of surface water. Ecological Indicators 125: 107558.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107558
Shabarova T., Salcher M., Porcal P., Znachor P., Nedoma J., Grossart H., Seďa J., Hejzlar J., Šimek K. (2021) Recovery of freshwater microbial communities after extreme rain events is mediated by cyclic succession. Nature Microbiology 6: 479–488.
DOI: 10.1038/s41564-020-00852-1
Stuchlík E., Vondrák D., Hořická Z., Hrubá J., Mijovilovich A. E., Kletetschka G. (2021) Identification of the Younger Dryas onset was confused by the Laacher See volcanic eruption. PNAS 118: e2022485118.
Sudová R. , Rydlová J., Čtvrtlíková M., Kohout P., Oelh F., Voříšková J., Kolaříková Z. (2021) Symbiosis of isoetid plant species with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under aquatic versus terrestrial conditions. Mycorrhiza 31: 273–288.
DOI: 10.1007/s00572-020-01017-y
Svitok M., Kubovčík V., Kopáček J., Bitušík P. (2021) Temporal trends and spatial patterns of chironomid communities in alpine lakes recovering from acidification under accelerating climate change. Freshwater Biology 66: 2223–2239.
DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13827
Vašek M., Souza A., Říha M., Kubečka J., Znachor P., Hejzlar J. (2021) Stable isotope evidence from archived fish scales indicates carbon cycle changes over the four-decade history of the Římov Reservoir (Czechia). Science of the Total Environment 755: 142550.
Vystavna Y., Mercado M., Juras R., Schmidt S., Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Huneau F. (2021) Effect of snowmelt on the dynamics, isotopic and chemical composition of runoff in mature and regenerated forested catchments. Journal of Hydrology 598: 126437.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126437
Erostate M., Huneau F., Garel E. , Ghiotti S., Vystavna Y., Garrido M., Pasqualini V. (2020) Groundwater dependent ecosystems in coastal Mediterranean regions: Characterization, challenges and management for their protection Water Research 172: 115461.
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.115461
Abdolahpur Monikh F., Arenas-Lago D., Porcal P., Grillo R., Zhang P., Guo Z., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020) Do the joint effects of size, shape and ecocorona influence the attachment and physical eco(cyto)toxicity of nanoparticles to algae? Nanotoxicology 14: 310-325.
DOI: 10.1080/17435390.2019.1692381
Cantonati M., Poikane S., Pringle C.M., Stevens L.E., Turak E., Heino J., Richardson J.S., Bolpagni R., Borrini A., Cid N., Čtvrtlíková M., Galassi D.M.P. , Hájek M., Hawes I., Levkov Z., Naselli-Flores L., Saber A.A., Di Cicco M., Fiasca B. , Hamilton P., Kubečka J., Segadelli S., Znachor P. (2020) Characteristics, Main Impacts, and Stewardship of Natural and Artificial Freshwater Environments: Consequences for Biodiversity Conservation Water 12: 260.
DOI: 10.3390/w12010260
Čtvrtlíková M., Kopáček J., Nedoma J., Znachor P., Vrba J. (2020) Only the adults survive – A long-term resistance of Isoëtes lacustris to acidity and aluminium toxicity stress in a Bohemian Forest lake Ecological Indicators 111: 106026.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.106026
Čtvrtlíková M., Kučerová A., Krolová M., Znachor P., Hejzlar J., Matěna J., Muška M., Kubečka J., Hladík M. (2020) Vodní makrofyta umělých plovoucích ostrovu v nádržích České republiky. [Aquatic macrophytes of artificial floating islands in the reservoirs of the Czech Republic.] book 108pp.
Ersoy Z., Scharfenberger U., Baho D.L., Bucak T., Feldmann T., Hejzlar J., Levi E.E., Mahdy A., Nõges T., Papastergiadou E., Stefanidis K., Šorf M., Søndergaard M., Trigal C., Jeppesen E. , Beklioglu M. (2020) Impact of nutrients and water level changes on submerged macrophytes along a temperature gradient: A pan-European mesocosm experiment. Global Change Biology 26: 6831–6851.
Frková Z., Vystavna Y., Koubová A., Kotas P., Grabicová K., Grabic R., Kodešová R., Chroňáková A. (2020) Microbial responses to selected pharmaceuticals in agricultural soils: Microcosm study on the roles of soil, treatment and time Soil Biology and Biochemistry 149: Article number 107924.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107924
Kaňa J., Porcal P., Choma M. (2020) Plešné jezero a kůrovec. [Plešné lake and bark beetle.] Book 40.
Kopáček J., Bače R., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J., Kučera T., Matějka K., Porcal P., Turek J. (2020) Changes in microclimate and hydrology in an unmanaged mountain forest catchment after insect-induced tree dieback Science of the Total Environment 720 : 137518.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137518
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Oulehle F., Porcal P., Weyhenmeyer G., Norton S. (2020) Disruptions and re-establishment of the calcium-bicarbonate equilibrium in freshwaters Science of the Total Environment 743: 140626.
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Rulík M. (2020) Voda na Zemi. [Water on Earth.] Nakladatelství Jihočeské univerzity 399.
Koschorreck M., Downing A.S., Hejzlar J., Marcé R., Laas A., Arndt W.G., Keller P.S., Smolders A.J.P., van Dijk G., Kosten S. (2020) Hidden treasures: Human-made aquatic ecosystems harbour unexplored opportunities Ambio 49: 531–540.
DOI: 10.1007/s13280-019-01199-6
Kubečka J., Čtvrtlíková M., Muška M., Hladík M. (2020) Zařízení pro zlepšení ekologických vlastností vodních nádrží a sestava s tímto zařízením Užitný vzor 34438.
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