List of publications
Total found: 495 records |
Kopáček J.,
Turek J.,
Hejzlar J.,
Kaňa J.,
Porcal P. (2006) Element fluxes in watershed-lake ecosystems recovering from acidification: Čertovo Lake, the Bohemian Forest, 2001–2005. Biologia
61: S413–S426..
Kopáček J.,
Vrba J. (2006) Integrated ecological research of catchment-lake ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest (Central Europe): A preface. . Biologia
61: S363–S370. .
Křeček J.,
Turek J., Ljungren E., Stuchlík E., Šporka F. (2006) Hydrological processes in small catchments of mountain headwater lakes: The Tatra Mountains. Biologia
61: S1-S10..
Lexa M., Kvítek T.,
Hejzlar J., Fučík P. (2006) Vliv drenážních systémů na koncentrace dusičnanů v povrchových vodách v povodí VN Švihov [Relations among tile drainage systems, waterlogged soils covered by grassland, and nitrate concentrations in brooks of the Švihov (Želivka) drinking water reservoir Vodní hospodářství
56: 246–250..
Pražáková M., Veselý J., Fott J., Majer V.,
Kopáček J. (2006) The long-term succession of cladoceran fauna and palaeoclimate forcing: A 14,600–year record from Plešné Lake, the Bohemian Forest. Biologia
61: S387–S399..
Šporka F., Livingstone D., Stuchlík E.,
Turek J., Galas J. (2006) Water temperatures and ice cover in lakes of the Tatra Mountains. Biologia
61: S77–S90. .
Stuchlík E.,
Kopáček J., Fott J.,
Hořická Z. (2006) Chemical composition of the Tatra Mountain lakes: Response to acidification. Biologia
61: S11–S20. .
Svoboda M.,
Kopáček J., Matějka K., Podrázský V., Sládková L. (2006) Carbon pools in mountain Norway spruce ecosystem in the Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic). Forestry Journal
52: 79–87..
Svoboda M., Matějka K.,
Kopáček J. (2006) Biomass and element pools of selected spruce trees in the catchments of Plešné and Čertovo Lakes in the Šumava Mts. Journal of Forest Science
52: 482–495. .
Svoboda M., Matějka K.,
Kopáček J. (2006) Biomass and element pools of understory vegetation in the catchments of Čertovo Lake and Plešné Lake in the Bohemian Forest. Biologia
61: S509–S521..
Svoboda M., Matějka K.,
Kopáček J.,
Žaloudík J. (2006) Estimation of tree biomass of Norway spruce forest in the Plešné Lake catchment, the Bohemian Forest. Biologia
61: S523–S532. .
Turek J., Hejzlar J., Jarošík J. (2006) Modelování kvality vody v povodí vodárenské nádrže Římov pomocí HSPF: propojení s modelem nádrže CE-QUAL-W2 [HSPF water quality modelling in the catchment of Římov drinking water reservoir: a coupling with the reservoir model CE-QUAL-W2]. In: Kalousková, N., Dolejš, P. (eds.), Sborník konference Pitná voda 2006, 8. pokračování konferencí Pitná voda z údolních nádrží. Tábor, June 5–8, 2006, W&ET Team, Č. Budějovice, ISBN 80–239–7113–1: pp. 345–350. |
Vrba J.,
Kopáček J., Bittl T.,
Nedoma J.,
Štrojsová A., Nedbalová L., Kohout L., Fott J. (2006) A key role of aluminium in phosphorus availability, food web structure, and plankton dynamics in strongly acidified lakes. Biologia
61: S441–S451..
Wright R., Aherne J., Bishop K., Camarero L., Cosby B., Erlandsson M., Evans C., Forsius M., Hardekopf D., Helliwell R., Hruška J., Jenkins A.,
Kopáček J., Moldan F., Posch M., Rogora M. (2006) Modelling the effect of climate change on recovery of acidified freshwaters: Relative sensitivity of individual processes in the MAGIC model. Science of the Total Environment
365: 154–166..
Curtis C., Botev I., Camarero L., Catalan J., Cogalniceanu D., Hughes M., Kernan M.,
Kopáček J., Korhola A., Psenner R., Rogora M., Stuchlík E., Veronesi M., Wright R. (2005) Acidification in European mountain lake districts: A regional assessment of critical load exceedance. Aquatic Sciences, 67 (3 )
67: 237–251..
Hejzlar J., Hohausová E., Komárková J., Kopáček J., Peterka J., Duras J. (2005) Vodárenská nádrž Nýrsko – vliv makrofyt na jakost vody [Drinking water reservoir Nýrsko – influence of macrophytes on water quality]. In: Ambrožová, J., Tlustá, P. (eds.), Sborník konference Vodárenská biologie 2005. Praha, February 2–3, 2005, Vodní zdroje EKOMONITOR, Chrudim, ISBN 80–86832–07–4:pp. 173–179. |
Hruška J.,
Kopáček J. (2005) Kyselý déšť stále s námi – zdroje, mechanismy, účinky, minulost a budoucnost [Acid rain still with us Sources, processes, effects, past and future]. PLANETA
12: 4–18..
Kaňa J.,
Kopáček J. (2005) Sulphate sorption characteristics of the Bohemian Forest soils. Silva Gabreta
11: 3–12..
Kopáček J., Borovec J.,
Hejzlar J., Ulrich K., Norton S., Amirbahman A. (2005) Aluminum control of phosphorus sorption by lake sediments. Environmental Science & Technology
39: 8784–8789..
Kopáček J., Klementová Š., Norton S. (2005) Photochemical production of ionic and particulate aluminum and iron in lakes. Environmental Science & Technology
39: 3656–3662..