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Total found: 495 records
Clopin F., Micella I., Mesman J.P., Paule-Mercado M., Amadori M., Lin S., de Senerpont Domis L.N., de Klein J.J.M. (2025) Integrated models of nutrient dynamics in lake and reservoir watersheds: A systematic review and integrated modelling decision pathway. Environmental Modelling & Software 185: 106321.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2025.106321
Kopáček M., Porcal P., Kopáček J., Vystavna Y. (2025) Factors controlling variation of δ2H and δ18O in precipitation in Southern Bohemia, Central Europe. Atmospheric Environment 347: 121101.
DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2025.121101
Azzella M.M., Vecchia A.D., Abeli T., Alahuhta J., Amoroso V.B., Ballesteros E., Bertrin V., Brunton D., Bobrov A.A., Caldeira C., Ceschin S., Chemeris E.V., Čtvrtlíková M., de Winton M. (2024) Global assessment of aquatic Isoëtes species ecology. Freshwater Biology 69: 1420–1437.
DOI: 10.1111/fwb.14316
Blabolil P., Draštík V., Hůda J., Muška M., Jůza T., Peterka J., Vrba J., Kopáček J. (2024) Brown trout natural colonisation as a sign of full lake recovery from acidification. Water Air and Soil Pollution 235: 723.
DOI: 10.1007/s11270-024-07537-z
Cianci-Gaskill J.A., Klug J.L., Merrell K.C., Millar E.E., Wain D.J., van Wijk D., Paule-Mercado M., Finlay K., Glines M.R., Munthali E.M., Teurlincx S., Borre L., Yan N.D. (2024) A lake management framework for global application: monitoring, restoring, and protecting lakes through community engagement. Lake and Reservoir Management 40: 66–92.
DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2023.2299868
Dočkalová K., Stuchlík E., Hamerlik L., Bitušík P., Turek J., Svitok M., Novikmec M., Lackner R., Dvorak M., Kopáček J., Tátosová J., Camarero L., Füreder L., Vondrák D. (2024) Cold mountain stream chironomids (Diptera) of the genus Diamesa indicate both historical and recent climate change. Environmental Entomology 53: 604–618.
DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvae052
Dvorak M., Dittmann I.L., Pedrini-Martha V., Hamerlik L., Bitušík P., Stuchlík E., Vondrák D., Füreder L., Lackner R. (2024) Molecular and morphological characterisation of larvae of the genus Diamesa Meigen, 1835 (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Alpine streams (Ötztal Alps, Austria). PLoS ONE 19: e0298367.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298367
Haaland S., Hejzlar J., Eikebrokk B., Orderud G., Paule-Mercado M., Porcal P., Sláma J., Vogt R.D. (2024) Predicting the dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) concentration and the specific ultraviolet absorption (sUVa) index in a browning central European stream. Ecological Indicators 165 : 112200.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112200
Harris T.D., Reinl K.L., Azarderakhsh M., Berger S.A., Berman M.C., Bizic M., Bhattacharya R., Burnet S.H., Cianci-Gaskill J.A., Domis L.N.d.S., Elfferich I., Ger K.A., Grossart H., Ibelings B.W., Ionescu D., Kouhanestani Z.M., Mauch J., McElarney Y.R., Nava V., North R.L., Ogashawara I., Paule-Mercado M., Soria-Píriz S., Sun X., Trout-Haney J.V., Weyhenmeyer G., Yokota K., Zhan Q. (2024) What makes a cyanobacterial bloom disappear? A review of the abiotic and biotic cyanobacterial bloom loss factors. Harmful Algae 133: 102599.
DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2024.102599
Hejzlar J., Porcal P., Jarošík J., Paule-Mercado M., Voght R.D., Haaland S. (2024) Řízení kvality vody v nádržích režimem vypouštění, zkratováním přítoku a selektivním odtokem z různých hloubek. [Control of water quality in reservoirs through discharge mode, short-circuiting of inflow and selective outflow from different depths.] Schválená metodika 1-50.
Jabinski S., de Melo Rangel W., Kopáček M., Jílková V., Jansa J., Meador T.B. (2024) Constraining activity and growth substrate of fungal decomposers via assimilation patterns of inorganic carbon and water into lipid biomarkers Applied and Environmental Microbiology 90: 1-17.
DOI: 10.1128/aem.02065-23
Kopáček J., Bače R., Grill S., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J., Porcal P., Turek J. (2024) Dynamics and variability of microclimate in an unmanaged mountain forest after a bark beetle outbreak. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 344: 109824.
DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109824
Kopáček J., Brahney J. , Kaňa J., Kopáček M., Porcal P., Stuchlík E. (2024) The concentration of organic nitrogen in mountain lakes is increasing as a result of reduced acid deposition and climate change. Science of the Total Environment 950: 175363.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175363
Kopáček J., Grill S., Hejzlar J., Porcal P., Turek J. (2024) Tree dieback and subsequent changes in water quality accelerated the climate-related warming of a central European forest lake. Journal of Water and Climate Change 15: 127.
DOI: 10.2166/wcc.2023.581
Macek M., Vrba J., Hejzlar J., Řeháková K., Jarošík J., Šorf M., Šimek K. (2024) Two-decade changes in the ciliate assemblage feeding pattern reflect the reservoir nutrient load. Diversity 16: 534.
DOI: 10.3390/d16090534
Mattei A., Huneau F., Garel E. , Santoni S. , Leydier T., Vystavna Y. (2024) Gross primary production of Mediterranean watersheds: Using isotope mass balance approach to improve estimations. Ecohydrology 17: e2619.
DOI: 10.1002/eco.2619
Paule-Mercado M., Rabaneda Bueno R., Porcal P., Kopáček M., Huneau F., Vystavna Y. (2024) Climate and land use shape the water balance and water quality in selected European lakes. Scientific Reports 14: 8049.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-58401-3
Schmidt S.I., Fluksová H., Grill S., Kopáček J. (2024) The significance of tree height as a predictor of tree mortality during bark beetle outbreaks in a small catchment. Forests 15: 803.
DOI: 10.3390/f15050803
Tahovská K., Choma M., Čapek P., Kaštovská E., Kaňa J., Kopáček J. (2024) Increased saprotrophic activity and phosphate leaching following forest soil decomposition without root access. Forests 15: 1378.
Tesfaye M., Jůza T., Šmejkal M., Hejzlar J., Čech M., Prchalová M., Muška M., Tušer M., Kočvara L., Sajdlová Z., Draštík V., Říha M., Vašek M., Blabolil P., Symonová R., Brabec M., Kubečka J., Souza A.T. (2024) The impact of climatic conditions and food availability on bimodality size structure and density of YOY pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). Hydrobiologia 851: 3665–3681.
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-024-05527-0
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