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Total found: 710 records
Říha M., Jůza T., Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Čech M., Draštík V., Muška M., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Vašek M., Kubečka J. (2012) The size selectivity of the main body of a sampling pelagic pair trawl in freshwater reservoirs during the night. Fisheries Research 127–128: 56–60..
Weigl S., Körner H., Petrusek A., Seďa J., Wolinska J. (2012) Natural distribution and co-infection patterns of microsporidia parasites in the Daphnia longispina complex. Parasitology 139: 870–880..
Yin M., Petrusek A., Seďa J., Wolinska J. (2012) Fine-scale genetic analysis of Daphnia host populations infected by two virulent parasites – strong fluctuations in clonal structure at small temporal and spatial scales. International Journal for Parasitology 42: 115–121..
Yin M., Petrusek A., Seďa J., Wolinska J. (2012) Fine-scale temporal and spatial variation of taxon and clonal structure in the Daphnia longispina hybrid complex in heterogeneous environments. BMC Evolutionary Biology 0,508333333:
Čech M., Peterka J., Říha M., Muška M., Hejzlar J., Kubečka J. (2011) Location and timing of the deposition of egg strands by perch (Perca fluviatilis L.): the roles of lake hydrology, spawning substrate and female size. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 403: 08p1-08p12..
Čech M., Vejřík L. (2011) Winter diet of great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) on the River Vltava: estimate of size and species composition and potential for fish stock losses. Folia Zoologica 60: 129-142.
Frouzová J., Kubečka J., Mrkvička T. (2011) Differences in acoustic target strength pattern between fish with one- and two-chambered swimbladder during rotation in the horizontal plane. Fisheries Research 109: 114-118..
Jankovský M., Boukal D., Pivnička K., Kubečka J. (2011) Tracing possible drivers of synchronously fluctuating species catches in individual logbook data. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18: 297-306..
Kubečka J. (2011) Special issue: Proceedings of the XII. Czech Ichthyological Conference. Folia Zoologica 60: 91-92..
Peterka J., Matěna J. (2011) Feeding behaviour determining differential capture success of evasive prey in underyearling European perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)). Hydrobiologia 661: 113-121..
Prchalová M., Horký P., Slavík O., Vetešník L., Halačka K. (2011) Fish occurrence in the fishpass on the lowland section of the River Elbe, Czech Republic, with respect to water temperature, water flow and fish size. Folia Zoologica 60: 104-114..
Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Peterka J., Čech M., Berec L., Kubečka J. (2011) A model of gillnet catch in relation to the catchable biomass, saturation, soak time and sampling period. Fisheries Research 107: 201-209..
Říha M., Kubečka J., Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hohausová E., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Vašek M. (2011) The influence of diel period on fish assemblage in the unstructured littoral of reservoirs. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18: 339-347..
Ronaldo Sousa, Martina Ilarri, Souza A., Carlos Antunes, Lúcia Guilhermino (2011) Rapid decline of the greater European peaclam at the periphery of its distribution Annales de Limnologie 47(3): 211-219.
Seďa J., Petrusek A. (2011) Daphnia as a model organism in limnology and aquatic biology: introductory remarks. Journal of Limnology 70: 337-344..
Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Ierecê Lucena Rosa (2011) Habitat use, feeding and territorial behavior of a Brazilian endemic damselfish Stegastes rocasensis (Actinopterygii: Pomacentridae) Environmental Biology of Fishes 91(2): 133-144.
DOI: 10.1007/s10641-010-9765-z
Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Joana Campos, João Carlos Marques, Irene Martins (2011) Differences in the neighborhood: Structural variations in the carapace of shore crabs Carcinus maenas (Decapoda: Portunidae) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 95(4): 424-430.
Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Paulo Roberto de Medeiros, Sampaio C.L.S., Floeter S.R. (2011) Unusual colour patterns of territorial damselfish (Pomacentridae: Stegastes) in the south-western Atlantic Marine Biodiversity Records 4: e101.
Tušer M., Balk H., Mrkvička T., Frouzová J., Čech M., Muška M., Kubečka J. (2011) Validation of current acoustic dead-zone estimation methods in lakes with strongly sloped bottoms. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9: 507-514..
Vaníčková I., Seďa J., Macháček J., Petrusek A. (2011) Effects of extreme floods on the Daphnia ephippial egg bank in a long narrow reservoir. Journal of Limnology 70: 369-377..
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