Total found: 725 records |
Fischer D.,
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Ilarri M.I., Amorim L.,
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Jarić I., Riepe C., Gessner J. (2018) Sturgeon and paddlefish life history and management: Experts' knowledge and beliefs Journal of Applied Ichthyology
34: 244-257.
DOI: 10.1111/jai.13563 |
Jůza T.,
Blabolil P., Baran R., Bartoň D. ,
Čech M.,
Draštík V.,
Frouzová J.,
Holubová M., Ketelaars H.A.M. ,
Kočvara L.,
Kubečka J.,
Muška M.,
Prchalová M.,
Říha M., Sajdlová Z.,
Šmejkal M.,
Tušer M.,
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Vejříková I., Wagenvoort A.J., Žák J.,
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20: 1523-1535.
DOI: 10.1007/s10530-017-1644-5 |
Jůza T.,
Blabolil P., Baran R.,
Draštík V.,
Holubová M.,
Kočvara L.,
Muška M.,
Říha M., Sajdlová Z.,
Šmejkal M.,
Tušer M.,
Vašek M.,
Vejřík L.,
Vejříková I., Wagenvoort A.J., Žák J., Ketelaars H.A.M. (2018) Comparison of two passive methods for sampling invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) populations at different depths in artificial lakes Fisheries Research
207: 175-181.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2018.06.002 |
Jůza T.,
Blabolil P.,
Čech M.,
Kubečka J.,
Mrkvička T.,
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Vejřík L.,
Peterka J. (2018) Spatial distribution of four freshwater fish species in different types of artificial European water bodies Biologia
73: 647-658 .
DOI: 10.2478/s11756-018-0075-9 |
Jůza T., Sajdlová Z.,
Čech M.,
Draštík V.,
Kočvara L.,
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Kubečka J. (2018) Improved trawling setup for sampling pelagic juvenile fish communities in small inland bodies of water Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
48: 105–108.
DOI: 10.3750/AIEP/02373 |
Kubečka J.,
Frouzová J.,
Tušer M., Baran R.,
Čech M.,
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Lyach R.,
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Modesto V., Ilarri M.,
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19: 244-259.
DOI: 10.1111/faf.12252 |
Muška M.,
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Frouzová J.,
Mrkvička T.,
Ricard D.,
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Kubečka J. (2018) Real-time distribution of pelagic fish: combining hydroacoustics, GIS and spatial modelling at a fine spatial scale Scientific Reports
8: 5381 .
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-23762-z |
Ritterbusch D., Argillier C., Białokoz W., Birzaks J.,
Blabolil P., Breine J., Draszkiewicz-Mioduszewska H., Jaarsma N., Karottki I., Krause T.,
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Sajdlová Z.,
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Říha M.,
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63: 473-482.
DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13085 |
Šmejkal M., Kolařík T. , Bartoň D. ,
Blabolil P., Popelka Z. ,
Vejřík L.,
Vejříková I., Sajdlová Z.,
Kočvara L., Šmejkalová Z. ,
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Šmejkal M., Kolařík T. , Bartoň D. ,
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Šmejkal M.,
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Vejříková I., Bartoň D. ,
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Soukalová K., Kolaříková K., Zemanová Z.,
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Šmejkal M.,
Ricard D., Sajdlová Z.,
Čech M.,
Vejřík L.,
Blabolil P.,
Vejříková I.,
Prchalová M.,
Vašek M.,
Souza A., Brönmark C.,
Peterka J. (2018) Can species-specific prey responses to chemical cues explain prey susceptibility to predation? Ecology and Evolution
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DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4000 |
Šmejkal M.,
Souza A.,
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Vejřík L.,
Kubečka J. (2018) Nocturnal spawning as a way to avoid egg exposure to diurnal predators Scientific Reports
8: 15377.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33615-4 |
Souza A., Ilarri M.I., Timóteo S., Marques J.C., Martins I. (2018) Assessing the effects of temperature and salinity oscillations on a key mesopredator fish from European coastal systems Science of the Total Environment
640-641: 1332-1345.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.348 |