List of publications AME
Total found: 617 records |
Nedoma J., Van Wambeke F.,
Štrojsová A.,
Štrojsová M., Duhamel S. (2007) Affinity of extracellular phosphatases for ELF97 phosphate in aquatic environments. Marine and Freshwater Research
58: 454–460..
Posch T., Mindl B., Horňák K.,
Jezbera J.,
Salcher M., Sattler B., Sonntag B.,
Vrba J.,
Šimek K. (2007) Biomass reallocations within freshwater bacterioplankton induced by manipulating phosphorus availability and grazing. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
49: 223–232..
Řeháková K., Johansen J., Casamatta D., Xuesong L., Vincent J. (2007) Morphological and molecular characterization of selected desert soil cyanobacteria: Three species new to science including Mojavia pulchra gen. et sp. nov. Phycologia
46: 481–502..
Salcher M., Hofer J., Horňák K.,
Jezbera J., Sonntag B.,
Vrba J.,
Šimek K., Posch T. (2007) Modulation of microbial predator-prey dynamics by phosphorus availability: Growth patterns and survival strategies of bacterial phylogenetic clades. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
60: 40–50..
Šimek K., Weinbauer M., Horňák K.,
Jezbera J.,
Nedoma J., Dolan J. (2007) Grazer and virus-induced mortality of bacterioplankton accelerates development of Flectobacillus populations in a freshwater community. Environmental Microbiology
9: 789–800..
Štrojsová M.,
Vrba J. (2007) Rotifer digestive enzymes: direct detection using the ELF technique. Hydrobiologia
593: 159–165..
Weinbauer M., Horňák K.,
Jezbera J.,
Nedoma J., Dolan J.,
Šimek K. (2007) Synergistic and antagonistic effects of viral lysis and protistan grazing on bacterial biomass, production and diversity. Environmental Microbiology
9: 777–788..
Zapomělová E.,
Řeháková K.,
Znachor P.,
Komárková J. (2007) Morphological diversity of coiled planktonic types of the genus Anabaena (cyanobacteria) in natural populations – taxonomic consequences. Cryptogamie. Algologie
28: 353–371..
Horňák K.,
Jezbera J.,
Nedoma J., Gasol J.,
Šimek K. (2006) Effects of resource availability and bacterivory on leucine incorporation in different groups of freshwater bacterioplankton, assessed using microautoradiography. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
45: 277–289..
Jezbera J., Horňák K.,
Šimek K. (2006) Prey selectivity of bacterivorous protists in different size fractions of reservoir water amended with nutrients. Environmental Microbiology
8: 1330–1339..
Komárková J.,
Nedoma J. (2006) The CYATAXO Database. Czech Phycology
6: 49–54..
Kopáček J.,
Vrba J. (2006) Integrated ecological research of catchment-lake ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest (Central Europe): A preface. . Biologia
61: S363–S370. .
Macek M., Callieri C.,
Šimek K., Vázquez A. (2006) Seasonal dynamics, composition and feeding patterns of ciliate assemblages in oligotrophic lakes covering a wide pH range.
Archiv für Hydrobiologie
166: 261–287. .
Nedoma J., García J., Comerma M.,
Šimek K., Armengol J. (2006) Extracellular phosphatases in a Mediterranean reservoir: seasonal, spatial and kinetic heterogeneity. Freshwater Biology
51: 1264–1276. .
Nedoma J., Nedbalová L. (2006) Chlorophyll content of Plešné Lake phytoplankton cells studied with image analysis. Biologia
61: S491–S498. .
Nedoma J.,
Vrba J. (2006) Specific activity of cell-surface acid phosphatase in different bacterioplankton morphotypes in an acidified mountain lake. Environmental Microbiology
8: 1271–1279..
Plachno B., Adamec L., Lichtscheidl I., Peroutka M., Adlassnig W.,
Vrba J. (2006) Fluorescence labelling of phosphatase activity in digestive glands of carnivorous plants. Plant Biology
8: 813–820..
Rajaniemi-Wacklin P., Rantala A., Mugnai M., Turicchia S., Ventura S.,
Komárková J., Lepistö L., Sivonen K. (2006) Correspondence between phylogeny and morphology of Snowella spp. and Woronichinia naegeliana, cyanobacteria commonly occurring in lakes. Journal of Phycology
42: 226–232..
Šimek K., Horňák K.,
Jezbera J.,
Nedoma J.,
Vrba J.,
Straškrábová V.,
Macek M., Dolan J., Hahn M. (2006) Maximum growth rates and possible life strategies of different bacterioplankton groups in relation to phosphorus availability in a freshwater reservoir. Environmental Microbiology
8: 1613–1624. .
Sirová D.,
Vrba J., Rejmánková E. (2006) Extracellular enzyme activities in benthic cyanobacterial mats: comparison between nutrient-enriched and control sites in marshes of northern Belize.
Aquatic Microbial Ecology
44: 11–20..