RNDr. Jan Mareš, Ph.D.

Job Position: Research Scientist - Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology (AME)

Contact details

Phone: 387775886
E-mail: jan.mares@centrum.cz
Room: 032


My long-term research interest lies in diversity, distribution, ecology, and taxonomy of cyanobacteria. Above all I specialize in elucidating the molecular phylogeny and evolution of cyanobacteria, analysis of their genomes and genetic potential for biosynthesis of toxins and other biologically active compounds. Besides basic research I am also involved in research with potential for practical use in hydrobiological monitoring (identification of cyanobacterial species, ecotoxicology), and further in characterizing novel natural products isolated from cyanobacteria utilizable e.g. in pharmaceutical or agricultural research.

Curriculum vitae

BORN:  January 27, 1984, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
• 2009–2015: Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia
                         Ph.D. programme Botany, specialization in Phycology
PhD. Thesis: Polyphasic approach to the taxonomy of selected cyanobacteria.
Evolution, taxonomy and distribution of cyanobacteria (algae), molecular phylogenetics, genomics and bioinformatics.
• Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences (2011-217)
• University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science (2010, since 2012)
• Institute of Microbiology, Czech Academy of Sciences (since 2013)
• Biology Centre CAS, Institute of Hydrobiology (since 2014)
• Povodí Vltavy, s.p. (water management of the Vltava River Basin, state enterprise) – phycologist / hydrobiologist (2008 – 2012)


• 2022-2024 GA ČR 22-05478S: „Iron monopolization versus community service: the two faces of cyanobacterial beta-hydroxy aspartate lipopeptides“, co-PI
• 2022-2024 GA ČR 22-06374S: „Consolidating cyanobacterial systematics through harmonization of polyphasic and genomic taxonomy“, PI
• 2019-2021 GA ČR 19-21649J: „Hunting down the Eagle Killer – Investigations into the cyanotoxin causing avian vacuolar myelinopathy“, PI
• 2014-2016 GA ČR 16-09381S: „Bioactive cyanobacterial lipopeptides: genome mining, detection, and structure-activity relationships“, co-PI
• 2014-2016 GA ČR 14-18067S „Toxic potential, evolution of toxin synthesis, and factors driving anatoxin-a production in benthic and soil nostocacean cyanobacteria“, research team member
• 2012-2014 MŠMT AMVIS/KONTAKT II LH12100 „ Diversity of cyanobacteria from tropical and subtropical biomas“, research team member
• 2012- 2014 GA ČR P506/12/1818 „Phylogenetic and phenotypic evaluation of heterocytous cyanobacteria from the family Scytonemataceae”, research team member
• 2011 doctoral grant of the Institute of Physical Biology (Univ. South Bohemia) "Multilocus sequence analysis as a tool for robust phylogeny in  heterocytous cyanobacteria", holder
• 2010 GA ČR 206/08/0318 „Phylogenetic relations, diversity and ecology of heterocytous cyanobacteria with polarised thalus”, team member

Teaching Phycological determination practicum (KBO/128, and KBO/129)
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science

Kurzy KBO/128 a KBO/129 jsou plánovány jako blokové, s 5ti denním pobytem v zajímavé algologické lokalitě. Poslední den pobytu je koncipován jako shrnující přednáška základních typů řas a sinic, které se na lokalitě vyskytovaly. Obsahem cvičení je determinace sinic a řas ve vzorcích z různých biotopů (toky a stojaté vody různých typů, aerofytická stanoviště), které student sám získá. Cílem je podstatně rozšířit determinační schopnosti studentů při práci se vzorky řas a sinic z nejrůznějších typů biotopů.

EN: Bloc courses of 5-day stay in an interesting algological site with determination of algal and cyanobacterial species.

Total found: 53 records
Delawská K., Hájek J., Voráčová K., Kuzma M., Mareš J., Vicková K., Kádek A., Tučková D., Gallob F., Divoká P., Moos M., Opekar S., Koch L., Saurav K., Sedlák D., et al., Šimek P., Villunger A. , Hrouzek P. (2025) Discovery of nostatin A, an azole-containing proteusin with prominent cytostatic and pro-apoptotic aktivity. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 23 : 449–460.
DOI: 10.1039/d4ob01395f
El-Tablawy N.H., Salem O.M.A., Štenclová L., Mareš J., Nikulin A.Y., Alwaili M.A., Albalwe F.M., Elkelish A., Cantonati M., Saber A.A. (2025) Morphotaxonomic, phylogenetic and phytochemical study of the invasive, green-tide-forming macroalga Ulva tepida (Chlorophyta) firstly recorded from the African-Mediterranean coastal waters. Aquatic Botany 198 : 103867.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2025.103867
Bohunická M. , Johansen J., Villanueva C.D., Mareš J., Štenclová L., Becerra–Absalón I., Hauer T., Kaštovský J. (2024) Revision of the pantropical genus Brasilonema (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria), with the description of 24 species new to science. Fottea 24 : 137–184.
DOI: 10.5507/fot.2024.002
Masuda T., Mareš J., Shiozaki T., Inomura K., Fujiwara A., Prášil O. (2024) Crocosphaera watsonii – A widespread nitrogen-fixing unicellular marine cyanobacterium. Journal of Phycology 60 : 604–620.
DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13450
Němečková K., Mareš J., Košek F., Culka A., Dudák J., Tymlová V., Žemlička J., Jehlička J. (2024) Comparative analysis of cyanobacterial communities in gypsum outcrops: insights from sites in Israel and Poland. Extremophiles 28 : 37.
DOI: 10.1007/s00792-024-01352-4
Skotnicová P., Srivastava A., Aggarwal D., Talbot J., Karlínová I., Moos M., Mareš J., Bučinská L., Koník P., Šimek P., Tichý M., Sobotka R. (2024) A thylakoid biogenesis BtpA protein is required for the initial step of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis in cyanobacteria. New Phytologist 241 : 1236–1249.
DOI: 10.1111/nph.19397
Bešta T., Mareš J., Čapková K., Janeček E., Štenclová L., Kust A., Říha M., Konopáčová E., Řeháková K. (2023) Littoral periphyton dynamics in newly established post‑mining lakes. Aquatic Sciences 85 : 21 .
DOI: 10.1007/s00027-022-00914-y
Jehlička J., Culka A., Němečková K., Mareš J. (2023) Using Raman spectroscopy to detect scytonemin of epiliths and endoliths from marble, serpentinite and gypsum. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 54 : 1280–1296.
DOI: 10.1002/jrs.6514
Masuda T., Inomura K., Mareš J., Kodama T., Shiozaki T., Matsui T., Suzuki K., Takeda S., Deutsch C., Prášil O., Furuya K. (2023) Coexistence of dominant marine phytoplankton sustained by nutrient specialization. Microbiology Spectrum 11 : 1-14.
DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.04000-22
Němečková K., Mareš J., Procházková L., Culka A., Košek F., Wierzchos J., Nedbalová L., Dudák J., Tymlová V., Žemlička J., Kust A., Zima J., Nováková E., Jehlička J. (2023) Gypsum endolithic phototrophs under moderate climate (Southern Sicily): their diversity and pigment composition. Frontiers in Microbiology 14 : 1175066.
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1175066
Schwark M., Martinez Yerena J., Röhrborn K., Hrouzek P., Divoká P., Štenclová L., Delawská K., Enke H., Vorreiter C., Wiley F., Sippl W., Sobotka R., Saha S., Wilde S.B., Mareš J., Niedermeyer T.H.J. (2023) More than just an eagle killer: The freshwater cyanobacterium Aetokthonos hydrillicola produces highly toxic dolastatin derivatives. PNAS 120 : e2219230120.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2219230120
Štenclová L., Wilde S.B., Schwark M., Cullen J.L., McWhorter S.A., Niedermeyer T.H.J., Henderson W.M., Mareš J. (2023) Occurrence of aetokthonotoxin producer in natural samples – A PCR protocol for easy detection. Harmful Algae 125 : 102425.
DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2023.102425
Strunecký O., Ivanova A.P., Mareš J. (2023) An updated classification of cyanobacterial orders and families based on phylogenomic and polyphasic analysis. Journal of Phycology 59 : 12-51.
DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13304
Sukačová K., Szotkowski M., Pařil P., Mareš J., Touš M., Vícha D., Polášek M., Márová I., Zavřel T. (2023) Simultaneous production of γ-linolenic acid and carotenoids by a novel microalgal strain isolated from the underexplored habitat of intermittent streams. Algal Research 71 : 103055.
DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103055
Vondrák J., Svoboda S., Zíbarová L., Štenclová L., Mareš J., Pouska V., Košnar J., Kubásek J. (2023) Alcobiosis, an algal‑fungal association on the threshold of lichenisation. Scientific Reports 13 : 2957.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-29384-4
Čapková K., Bešta T., Mareš J., Čapek P., Řeháková K. (2022) A low-cost method of measuring the in situ primary productivity of periphyton communities of lentic waters. JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments 190 : e64078.
DOI: 10.3791/64078
Masuda T., Inomura K., Mareš J., Prášil O. (2022) Crocosphaera watsonii. Trends in Microbiology 30 : 805-806.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tim.2022.02.006
Oren A., Mareš J., Rippka R. (2022) Validation of the names Cyanobacterium and Cyanobacterium stanieri, and proposal of Cyanobacteriota phyl. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 : 005528.
DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005528
Breinlinger S., Phillips T.J., Haram B.N., Mareš J., Martinez Yerena J., Hrouzek P., Sobotka R., Henderson W.M., Schmieder P., Williams S.M., Lauderdale J.D., Wilde H.D., Gerrin W., Kust A., Washington J.W., Wagner C., Geier B., Liebeke M., Enke H., Niedermeyer T.H.J., Wilde S.B. (2021) Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy. Science 371 : 1335.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aax9050
Chen G.E., Hitchcock A., Mareš J., Gong Y., Tichý M., Pilný J., Kovářová L., Zdvihalová B., Xu J., Hunter C., Sobotka R. (2021) Evolution of Ycf54-independent chlorophyll biosynthesis in cyanobacteria. PNAS 118 : e2024633118.
DOI: doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2024633118

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Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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