Tanja Shabarova, Ph.D.

Job Position: Research Scientist - Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology (AME)

Contact details

Phone: 420387775841
E-mail: shabrik@gmail.com
Room: 014


My research explores the fascinating processes underlying the assembly of microbial communities in freshwater ecosystems. By applying metacommunity theory and other ecological frameworks, I aim to identify and explain the successional patterns shaping these communities across temporal and spatial scales. In my current project, my team focuses on Fragilaria crotonensis, a diatom that frequently forms blooms in temperate water bodies. To unravel the intricate interactions within the phycosphere (the microscale environment where bacteria, protists, algae, and fungi coexist) we integrate advanced omics approaches with traditional cell-labeling microscopy techniques. Our work explores the compositional shifts and functional roles of members of these microbial consortia, particularly their contributions to carbon flux and their influence on freshwater food web dynamics.

Research focus

Assembly of microbial communities. Metacommunity theory. Ecology of bacteria and protists in freshwater ecosystems and microbial successions.

Curriculum vitae

Education and Work Experience

01/2021 – till now               Researcher at Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS
01/2018 – 12/2020             Associated scientist at Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS

Postdoctoral Experience

04/2014 – 2017                  Postdoctoral position at Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS
06/2013 – 12/2013             Postdoctoral position at Limnological Station, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Awards, Scholarships and Projects (as PI)

2022– 2025                       Grant Agency of Czech Republic standard grant 23-05081S, "Hotspot of inter-kingdom interactions: microbial colonization of Fragilaria crotonensis as a model for community assembly processes"
2020 – 2023                       Grant Agency of Czech Republic junior grant 20-23718Y, "From dark to dark: do bacterial ‘seeds’ from subsurface habitats find their place in lake hypolimnia?" 
2015 – 2016                       Support of Perspective Human Resources – Postdoctoral Research program (Czech Academy of Sciences, grant No. L200961502)
2014                                   Appreciation award for the PhD thesis by Foundation of Limnology and Hydrobiology, Switzerland
2013                                   Award for young scientists for the PhD thesis (Swiss Commission for Scientific Speleology)
2010                                   Thomas Bitterli Scholarship for research project on Gallionella bacteria in "F1" cave (Swiss Speleological Society)
2009 – 2010                       University of Zurich Candoc Grant No. 57150401

Academic Achievements

12/2008 – 05/2013             PhD thesis at Limnological Station, University of Zurich, Switzerland “Life in subsurface pools: Insight into microbial diversity and dynamics in the endokarst environment”. Supervisor Prof. Jakob Pernthaler
2006 – 2008                       MSc Microbiology and Immunology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Master thesis: “Investigation of bacterioplankton communities in four aquatic karst habitats in two karst caves of Bernese Oberland”. Supervisor Prof. Jakob Pernthaler 
2003 – 2006                       BSc Microbiology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2003                                   passed ETH Zurich entrance examinations

IDs and hyperlinks

Researcher ID: B-5327-2015  https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/308346
Scopus ID: 36172727800  https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=36172727800
ORCID: 0000-0003-4526-3587  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4526-3587
Loop profile: 1253087 https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/1253087/overview

Current projects

23-05081S Hotspot of inter-kingdom interactions: microbial colonization of Fragilaria crotonensis as a model for community assembly processes

The microscale environment of the diatom phycosphere represents a hotspot for inter-kingdom interactions between algae, bacteria, protists and fungi. The diatom Fragilaria crotonensis, owing to its large size and ubiquitous distribution, offers a remarkably suitable model to study such complex and intriguing multi-associations and assembly processes leading to their formation. The recent development in omics techniques in combination with more traditional microscopic cell-labelling methods provide us the opportunity to address these questions at resolution from single algal colony to populations in the natural environment. The proposed research is expected to elucidate on the composition and functions of bacterial members in association with different physiological stages of algae, spatiotemporal changes and presence of protists and fungi. We plan to elaborate on the ecological importance of such consortia in freshwater food webs and achieve better understanding on the modification of carbon fluxes by algae-attached eukaryotes.

Total found: 16 records
Boukheloua R., Mukherjee I., Park H., Šimek K., Kasalický V., Ngochera M., Grossart H., Picazo-Mozo A., Camacho A. , Cabello-Yeves P.J., Rodriguez-Valera F. , Callieri C., Andrei A.S., Pernthaler J., Posch T., Alfreider A., Sommaruga R., Hahn M., Sonntag B., López-García P., Moreira D., Jardillier L., Lepère C., Biderre-Petit C., Bednarska A., Ślusarczyk M., Tóth V.R., Banciu H.L., Kormas K., Orlić S., Śantić D., Muyzer G., Herlemann D.P.R., Tammert H., Bertilsson S., Langenheder S., Zechmeister T. , Salmaso N., Storelli N., Capelli C., Lepori F. , Lanta V., Henriques Vieira H., Kostanjšek F., Kabeláčová K., Chiriac M., Haber M., Shabarova T., Rychtecký P., Fernandez C., Znachor P., Szöke-Nagy T., Layoun P., Wong H., Kavagutti V., Bulzu P., Salcher M., Piwosz K., Ghai R. (2024) Global freshwater distribution of Telonemia protists. The ISME Journal 18 : wrae177.
DOI: 10.1093/ismejo/wrae177
Mukherjee I., Grujčić V., Salcher M., Znachor P., Seďa J., Devetter M., Rychtecký P., Šimek K., Shabarova T. (2024) Integrating depth-dependent protist dynamics and microbial interactions in spring succession of a freshwater reservoir. Environmental Microbiome 19 : 31.
DOI: 10.1186/s40793-024-00574-5
Park H., Bulzu P., Shabarova T., Kavagutti V., Ghai R., Kasalický V., Jezberová J. (2024) Uncovering the genomic basis of symbiotic interactions and niche adaptations in freshwater picocyanobacteria. Microbiome 12 : 150.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-024-01867-0
Schillé L., Valdés-Correcher E., Archaux F., Balacenoiu F., Bjørn M. C., Bogdziewicz M., Boivin T., Branco M., et al., Mallick S., Mäntylä E., Mårell A., Milanović S., Molnár M., Moreira X., Moser V., Mrázová A., et al., Sam K., Sedikhin N.V., Shabarova T., Tack A.J.M., Thomas R., et al., Varela Z., Barbaro L., Castagneyrol B. (2024) Decomposing drivers in avian insectivory: Large-scale effects of climate, habitat and bird diversity. Journal of Biogeography 51 : 1079-1094.
DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14808
Schmidt S., Svátková M., Kodeš V., Shabarova T. (2024) Correlations between the increase in atmospheric CO2 and temperature, and the subsequent increase in silica, and groundwater organisms. Science of the Total Environment 955 : 176970.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176970
Kavagutti V., Bulzu P., Chiriac M., Salcher M., Mukherjee I., Shabarova T., Grujčić V., Mehrshad M., Kasalický V., Andrei A.S., Jezberová J., Seďa J., Rychtecký P., Znachor P., Šimek K., Ghai R. (2023) High‑resolution metagenomic reconstruction of the freshwater spring bloom. Microbiome 11 : 15.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-022-01451-4
Park H., Shabarova T., Salcher M., Kosová L., Rychtecký P., Mukherjee I., Šimek K., Porcal P., Seďa J., Znachor P., Kasalický V. (2023) In the right place, at the right time: the integration of bacteria into the Plankton Ecology Group model. Microbiome 11 : 112.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-023-01522-0
Mujakic I., Andrei A., Shabarova T., Kolesár Fecskeová L., Salcher M., Piwosz K., Ghai R., Koblížek M. (2021) Common presence of phototrophic Gemmatimonadota in temperate freshwater lakes. mSystems 6 : e01241-20.
DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.01241-20
Shabarova T., Salcher M., Porcal P., Znachor P., Nedoma J., Grossart H., Seďa J., Hejzlar J., Šimek K. (2021) Recovery of freshwater microbial communities after extreme rain events is mediated by cyclic succession. Nature Microbiology 6 : 479–488.
DOI: 10.1038/s41564-020-00852-1
Mukherjee I., Salcher M., Andrei A., Kavagutti V., Shabarova T., Grujčić V., Haber M., Layoun P., Hodoki Y., Nakano S., Šimek K., Ghai R. (2020) A freshwater radiation of diplonemids Environmental Microbiology 22 : 4658–4668.
DOI: doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.14.095992
Piwosz K., Shabarova T., Pernthaler J., Posch T., Šimek K., Porcal P., Salcher M. (2020) Bacterial and eukaryotic small-subunit amplicon data do not provide a quantitative picture of microbial communities, but they are reliable in the context of ecological interpretations mSphere 5 : e00052-20.
DOI: 10.1128/mSphere.00052-20
Grujčić V., Nuy J. K., Salcher M., Shabarova T., Kasalický V., Boenigk J., Jensen M. , Šimek K. (2018) Cryptophyta as major bacterivores in freshwater summer plankton ISME Journal 12 : 1668-1681.
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-018-0057-5
Piwosz K., Shabarova T., Tomasch J., Šimek K., Kopejtka K., Kahl S., Pieper D.H. , Koblížek M. (2018) Determining lineage-specific bacterial growth curves with a novel approach based on amplicon reads normalization using internal standard (ARNIS) ISME Journal 12 : 2640-2654.
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-018-0213-y
Šimek K., Grujčić V., Hahn M., Horňák K., Jezberová J., Kasalický V., Nedoma J., Salcher M., Shabarova T. (2018) Bacterial prey food characteristics modulate community growth response of freshwater bacterivorous flagellates Limnology and Oceanography 63 : 484–502.
DOI: 10.1002/lno.10759
Shabarova T., Kasalický V., Šimek K., Nedoma J., Znachor P., Posch T., Pernthaler J., Salcher M. (2017) Distribution and ecological preferences of the freshwater lineage LimA (genus Limnohabitans) revealed by a new double hybridization approach Environmental Microbiology 19 : 1296–1309 .
DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.13663
Šimek K., Pitsch G., Salcher M., Sirová D., Shabarova T., Adamec L., Posch T. (2017) Ecological Traits of the Algae-Bearing Tetrahymena utriculariae (Ciliophora) from Traps of the Aquatic Carnivorous Plant Utricularia reflexa Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 64 : 336–348. .
DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12368


Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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