Ing. Jaroslava Frouzová, Ph.D.

Job Position: Research Assistant - Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology (FZE)

Contact details

Phone: 420387775870
Room: 235


Professional expertise

My expertise include collection, processing and interpretation of hydroacoustic data and fish ageing.



Curriculum vitae

Date and place of birth : 24Th September 1965, Prague

Maried, two children



- Master degree in 1988 – Ing. -University of Agriculture, Prague.

- Ph.D. degree in 2005 -University of  South Bohemia – Department of ecology, Ph.D. thesis “The use of the echosounder for freshwater ecosystems studies”.

Professional career

My professional scientific career has started in 1998. Until this time I worked in different administrative and managers positions. 

From 2005 I has also taught on Charles University in Prague (Methods of abundance and biomass estimation, Special methods in ichthyology and Applied ecology).


Coordination :

- 2008 and 2009- project with Hungary acoustical observation of fish stock in Lake Balaton , consultation of data processing.

- 2011- 2012   technical-scientific cooperation with Austria, establishing the relationship between fish size and acoustic target strength for ecological studies of lakes and reservoirs: Modifications required for new species (whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus) and new frequencies (38 kHz).

- 2011-2015 -  the project of GA CR : Hydroacoustical distinguishing between fish and bubbles, and quantification of methane bubble ebullition in freshwater reservoirs of temperate zone. 

Other experiences 

-in 1999 participating  in Europe Union project Fishstrat  in Asia.

-in 2001, 10 months stay in Fisheries Research Laboratory, US Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commision, Florida, USA;

- in 2016 – participating in training course of ICES: Principles and methods of broadband/wideband technologies​


Author and coauthor of  50 publications with IF and 1 book chapter, 497 citations, H-index 14.


Total found: 108 records
Tušer M., Frouzová J. (2025) Enigmatic headstands in European freshwater fish species. Ecology and Evolution 15 : e71005.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.71005
Frouz J., Čemus V., Frouzová J., Peterková A., Kotecký V. (2024) Can corporate supply chain sustainability standards contribute to soil protection? Soil 10 : 505–519.
DOI: 10.5194/soil-10-505-2024
Říha M., Prchalová M., Brabec M., Draštík V., Muška M., Tušer M., Bartoň D., Blabolil P., Čech M., Frouzová J., Holubová M., Jůza T., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Rabaneda Bueno R., Sajdlová Z., Souza A., Šmejkal M., Vašek M., Vejřík L., Vejříková I., Peterka J., Kubečka J. (2023) Calibration of fish biomass estimates from gillnets: Step towards broader application of gillnet data. Ecological Indicators 153 : 110425.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110425
Tesfaye M., Souza, A.T., Soukalová K., Šmejkal M., Hejzlar J., Prchalová M., Říha M., Muška M., Vašek M., Frouzová J., Blabolil P., Boukal D., Kubečka J. (2023) Somatic growth of pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) in relation to variation in temperature and eutrophication in a Central Europe Lake. Fisheries Research 267 : 106824.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106824
Tušer M., Brabec M., Balk H., Draštík V., Kubečka J., Frouzová J. (2023) Feasibility of time-dependent amplitude in pulse-compressed broadband acoustic signals for determining the dorsal orientation of fish. Water 15 : 1596.
DOI: 10.3390/w15081596
Jůza T., Blabolil P., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Sajdlová Z., Holubová M., Kočvara L., Kolařík T., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Muška M., Souza A., Vašek M., Říha M., Tušer M., Šmejkal M., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Kubečka J. (2022) Fish stock mass reduction is indicated in standard abundance and biomass estimates from gillnets and hydroacoustics. Fisheries Research 253 : 106389.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106389
Kubečka J., Balk H., Blabolil P., Frouzová J., Kolařík T., Kratochvíl M., Muška M., Prchalová M., Říha M., Sajdlová Z., Soukalová K., Tušer M., Souza A., Vejřík L., Vejříková I. (2022) Methodology of monitoring fish communities in reservoirs and lakes. Book
Kubečka J., Balk H., Frouzová J., Muška M., Tušer M. (2022) Hydroacoustic surveys. In: Methodology of monitoring fish communities in reservoirs and lakes.
Nazarizadeh M., Peterka J., Kubečka J., Vašek M., Jůza T., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Čech M., Holubová M., Souza A., Blabolil P., Muška M., Tsering L., Bartoň D., Říha M., Šmejkal M., Tušer M., Vejřík L., Frouzová J., Jarić I., Prchalová M., Vejříková I., Štefka J. (2022) Different hosts in different lakes: occurrence and prevalence of Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Czech water bodies. Folia Parasitologica 69 : 18.
DOI: 10.14411/fp.2022.018
Nazarizadeh M., Peterka J., Kubečka J., Vašek M., Jůza T., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Čech M., Holubová M., Souza A., Blabolil P., Muška M., Tsering L., Bartoň D., Říha M., Šmejkal M., Tušer M., Vejřík L., Frouzová J., Jarić I., Prchalová M., Vejříková I., Štefka J. (2022) Different hosts in different lakes: occurrence and prevalence of Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Czech water bodies Folia Parasitologica 69 : 18.
DOI: 10.14411/fp.2022.018
Peterka J., Čech M., Draštík V., Jůza T., Sajdlová Z., Blabolil P., Vejřík L., Vejříková I., Holubová M., Kočvara L., Kolařík T., Prachař Z., Říha M., Frouzová J., Muška M., Soukalová K., Prchalová M., Šmejkal M., Vašek M., Tušer M., Kubečka J. (2022) Ryby důlních jezer – zdary, nezdary a budoucí hrozby. [Fish of post-mining lakes – successes, failures and future threats.] Živa 5 : 219-222.
Tesfaye G., Souza A., Bartoň D., Blabolil P., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Holubová M., Kočvara L., Kolařík T., Martinez C., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Muška M., Prchalová M., Říha M., Sajdlová Z., Soukalová K., Šmejkal M., Tušer M., Vašek M., Vejřík L., Vejříková I., Peterka J., Jůza T., Kubečka J. (2022) Long-term monitoring of fish in a freshwater reservoir: Different ways of weighting complex spatial samples. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10 : 1000087.
DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1000087
Anton - Pardo M., Muška M., Jůza T., Vejříková I., Vejřík L., Blabolil P., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Holubová M., Říha M., Sajdlová Z., Šmejkal M., Peterka J. (2021) Diel changes in vertical and horizontal distribution of cladocerans in two deep lakes during early and late summer Science of the Total Environment 751 : 141601.
Baran R., Blabolil P., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Holubová M., Jůza T., Koliada I. , Muška M., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Říha M., Sajdlová Z., Šmejkal M., Tušer M., Vejřík L., Kubečka J. (2021) New way to investigate fish density and distribution in the shallowest layers of the open water. Fisheries Research 238 : 105907.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2021.105907
Frouz J., Frouzová J. (2021) Aplikovaná ekologie Univerzita Karlova, Nakladatelství Karolinum, Praha, 431 pp.
Jůza T., Blabolil P., Bartoň D., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Holubová M., Ketelaars H.A.M. , Kočvara L., Kubečka J., Muška M., Prchalová M., Říha M., Sajdlová Z., Šmejkal M., Tušer M., Vašek M., Vejřík L., Vejříková I., Wagenvoort A.J., Peterka J. (2021) Recovery of the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernua) population after an invasion boom of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in De Gijster Lake (the Netherlands). Aquatic Invasions 16 : 499-511.
DOI: 10.3391/ai.2021.16.3.07
Perivolioti T. M., Mouratidis A., Terzopoulos D., Kalaitzis P., Ampatzidis D., Tušer M., Frouzová J., Bobori D. (2021) Production, validation and morphometric analysis of a digital terrain model for Lake Trichonis using geospatial technologies and hydroacoustics. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 : 91.
Perivolioti T. M., Frouzová J., Tušer M., Bobori D. (2020) Assessing the fish stock status in Lake Trichonis: A hydroacoustic approach Water 12 : 1823.
Peterka J., Čech M., Draštík V., Jůza T., Sajdlová Z., Blabolil P., Vejřík L., Vejříková I., Šmejkal M., Holubová M., Kočvara L., Bartoň D., Kolařík T., Prachař Z., Říha M., Frouzová J., Muška M., Soukalová K., Prchalová M., Vašek M., Tušer M., Kubečka J. (2020) Ryby v rekultivovaných důlních jámách – udržení kvality vody a socioekonomický rozvoj [Fish in reclaimed post-mining pits - maintaining water quality and socio-economic development] Živa 5/2020 : 261-264.
Souza A., Soukalová K., Děd V., Šmejkal M., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Říha M., Muška M., Frouzová J., Kubečka J. (2020) Otolith shape variations between artificially stocked and autochthonous pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) Fisheries Research 231 : 105708.

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