doc. RNDr. Martin Čech, Ph.D.
Job Position: Research Scientist - Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology (FZE)
+420 387 775 870, +420 778 727 007
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Vlašim, Czechoslovakia
1995-2000 University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences (USB FBS), České Budějovice, CR
2000-2006 Postgraduate study – Hydrobiological Institute AS CR and USB FBS
Professional qualification:
1998 – B.Sc., B.Sc.-thesis: Abundance and biomass of fish in the open water of Želivka water supply reservoir (supervisor: Dr. Jan Kubečka).
2000 – M.Sc. in Ecology and ethology of vertebrates, M.Sc.-thesis: Pelagic behaviour of riverine fish in Římov water supply reservoir (supervisor: Dr. Jan Kubečka).
2002 – RNDr. (rerum naturalium doctor), RNDr.-thesis: Sinusoidal cycling swimming pattern of reservoir fishes (supervisor: Dr. Jan Kubečka).
2006 – Ph.D. in Zoology, Ph.D.-thesis: Diel vertical migrations, distribution and ontogeny of bathypelagic layer of European perch, Perca fluviatilis L. fry in reservoirs (supervisor: Dr. Jan Kubečka).
2015 – Associate professor (Doc.) in environmental sciences, Habilitation thesis: Early life history of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in reservoirs and lakes.
Scientific and professional experience:
Present jobs (80%): research scientist at the Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology – Fish Ecology Unit (FishEcU, see or, Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS; and (25%): associate professor at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science.
1994 – awarded a 'Price of special' in the national level of secondary-school expert works, thesis: Breeding and rearing of dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia) (supervisor: Dr. Lubomír Hanel).
1996-2000 – employed at Hydrobiological Institute AS CR in České Budějovice as a student assistant worker.
1997 – International Training Course on Fisheries Acoustic Techniques for Ecological Research (Slapy Res.).
1998-2002 – research work for Royal Holloway Institute of Environmental Research, Uni. London (UK), for Dresden Uni. Technology (Germany), for WSC Brabantse Biesbosch (Netherlands).
1999 – co-operation on sonar calibrations under the ice with University of Oslo and Simrad AS (Norway).
2004 – awarded a 'Price of Dr. A. Bečvář' for the researcher to the age of 26 working in natural sciences.
2006-2009 – post-doc at the Institute of Hydrobiology, BC AS CR – (investigator of two GA ČR projects – No. 206/06/1371 and 206/09/P266 – both with 'excellent' final classification)
2007 – DIDSON workshop Austria – Fischamend, DIDSON workshop California, USA – San Francisco.
2007-2008 and 2012-2016 – vice-chairman of the scientific council of the BC AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology.
2008-2012 – chairman of the scientific council of the BC AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology.
2010-2015 – assistant professor at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science.
2013-till now – vice-head of the Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology (BC CAS, IHB).
2015-till now – associate professor at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science.
The research interests during the past five years included the understanding the role of fish in the open water of reservoirs and lakes, fish behavior, ecology of ichthyoplankton, quantitative sonar studies of YOY fish, fish spawning, fish migrations, using SCUBA divers in fish and submerged macrophytes research, fish sampling in habitats with high structural complexity.
Ph.D. students: Lukáš Vejřík (2013-October 2018), Zuzana Sajdlová (2013-January 2019; supervisor specialist), Roman Lyach (2014-September 2018), Alena Hadravová (since 2016)
Other indicators of professional esteem: 90 impact factor publications (WoS), H-index (WoS) = 18 (till 15 Oct 2019).
[ResearchID: C-5797-2014; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1350-4286; see also ResearchGate]
60 presented talks at international (30 talks) and national (30 talks) conferences incl. 6 invited lectures (4+2).
Czech patent No. 302159 (year 2010)
Over 160 published articles (scientific non-impact or popular) dealing with fish biology, fisheries and feeding ecology of fish-eating birds and mammals.
Reviewing of manuscripts for scientific journals (e.g. J. Fish Biol., Fisheries Manag. Ecol., Ecol. Freshw. Fish, Oecologia, Aquat. Sci., Fish. Res., Hydrobiologia, Folia Zool., Biologia, Environ. Biol. Fish, Knowl. Manage. Aquat. Ec., N. Am. J. Aquacult., T. Am. Fish. Soc., Acta Ornithol., Behav. Process.) and grants for the Grant Agency AS CR and the Ministry of Environment CR.
Socio-economic conflicts in nature conservation
Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Basic Ecology
Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Charles University