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Total found: 1684 records
Kopáček J., Čapek P., Choma M., Cudlín P., Kaňa J., Kopáček M., Porcal P., Šantrůčková H., Tahovská K., Turek J. (2023) Long-term changes in soil composition in unmanaged central European mountain spruce forests after decreased acidic deposition and a bark beetle outbreak. Catena 222: 106839.
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106839
Kopáček J., Čapek P., Choma M., Cudlín P., Kaňa J., Kopáček M., Porcal P., Šantrůčková H., Tahovská K., Turek J. (2023) Long-term changes in soil composition in unmanaged central European mountain spruce forests after decreased acidic deposition and a bark beetle outbreak. Catena 222: 106839.
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106839
Křeček J., Šedivá L., Palán L., Stuchlík E. (2023) Environmental role of snowmelt in headwaters affected by atmospheric acid deposition. Water 15: 2458.
DOI: 10.3390/w15132458
Kubečka J., Souza A., Soukalová K., Čech M., Šmejkal M., Ďurišová J., Svojtka M. (2023) S otolity za tajemstvími candátů. [With otoliths after the secrets of pikeperch.] Rybářství 1: 56-59.
Ladle R., Alves-Martins F., Malhado A.C.M., Reyes-García V., Courchamp F. , Di Minin E., Roll U., Jarić I., Correia R.A. (2023) Biocultural aspects of species extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction 1: e22.
DOI: 10.1017/ext.2023.20
Lennox R.J. , Aarestrup K., Alós J., Arlinghaus R. , Aspillaga E., Bertram M.G., Birnie-Gauvin K. , Brodin T., Cooke S.J., Dahlmo L.S., Dhellemmes F., Gjelland K.Ø., Hellström G., Hershey H., Holbrook C., Klefoth T., Lowerre-Barbieri S., Monk C.T., Nilsen C.I., Pauwels I., Pickholtz R., Prchalová M., Reubens J., Říha M., Villegas-Ríos D., Vollset K.W., Westrelin S., Baktoft H. (2023) Positioning aquatic animals with acoustic transmitters. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 2514–2530.
DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14191
Lisnerová M., Holzer A., Blabolil P., Fiala I. (2023) Evaluation and optimization of an eDNA metabarcoding assay for detection of freshwater myxozoan communities Environmental DNA 5: 312–325.
DOI: 10.1002/edn3.380
Martinez C., Cinquemani E., de Jong H., Gouzé J.-L. (2023) Optimal protein production by a synthetic microbial consortium: coexistence, distribution of labor, and syntrophy. Journal of Mathematical Biology 87: 23.
DOI: 10.1007/s00285-023-01935-3
Masuda T., Inomura K., Mareš J., Kodama T., Shiozaki T., Matsui T., Suzuki K., Takeda S., Deutsch C., Prášil O., Furuya K. (2023) Coexistence of dominant marine phytoplankton sustained by nutrient specialization. Microbiology Spectrum 11: 1-14.
DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.04000-22
Matoulek D., Ježek B., Vohnoutová M., Symonová R. (2023) Advances in vertebrate (cyto)genomics shed new light on fish compositional genome evolution. Genes 14: 244.
DOI: 10.3390/genes14020244
Moldovan O.T., Carrell A.A., Bulzu P., Levei E., Bucur R., Sitar C., Faur L., Mirea I.C., Șenila M., Cadar O., Podar M. (2023) The gut microbiome mediates adaptation to scarce food in Coleoptera. Environmental Microbiome 18: 80.
DOI: 10.1186/s40793-023-00537-2
Molnár Z., Fernández-Llamazares Á., Schunko C., Teixidor-Toneu I., Jarić I., Díaz-Reviriego I., Ivascu C., Babai D., Sáfián L., Karlsen P., Dai H., Hill R. (2023) Social justice for traditional knowledge holders will help conserve Europe's nature. Biological Conservation 285: 110190.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110190
Muška M. (2023) Stav reofilních druhů ryb v České republice a negativní vlivy na ně působící. [The status of rheophilic fish species in the Czech Republic and negative effects on their populations.] Příroda 44: 3-20.
Němečková K., Mareš J., Procházková L., Culka A., Košek F., Wierzchos J., Nedbalová L., Dudák J., Tymlová V., Žemlička J., Kust A., Zima J., Nováková E., Jehlička J. (2023) Gypsum endolithic phototrophs under moderate climate (Southern Sicily): their diversity and pigment composition. Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1175066.
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1175066
Ngugi D.K., Salcher M., Andrei A.S., Ghai R., Klotz F., Chiriac M., Ionescu D., Büsing P., Grossart H., Xing P., Priscu J.C., Alymkulov S., Pester M. (2023) Postglacial adaptations enabled colonization and quasi-clonal dispersal of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in modern European large lakes. Sciences Advances 9: eadc9392.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adc9392
Novotná A., Mennicken S., Pires de Paula C., Vogt-Schilb H., Kotilínek M., Těšitelová T., Šmilauer P., Jersáková J. (2023) Variability in nutrient use by orchid mycorrhizal fungi in two medium types. Journal of Fungi 9: 88.
DOI: 10.3390/jof9010088
Orderud G., Porcal P., Eikebrokk B., Sláma J., Vogt R.D., Hejzlar J., Haaland S. (2023) The technological development of drinking water treatment plants in the Czech Republic. Water Policy 25: 889.
DOI: 10.2166/wp.2023.102
Osafo N., Jan J., Porcal P., Borovec J. (2023) Contrasting catchment soil pH and Fe concentrations influence DOM distribution and nutrient dynamics in freshwater systems. Science of the Total Environment 858: Article number 159988.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159988
Park H., Shabarova T., Salcher M., Kosová L., Rychtecký P., Mukherjee I., Šimek K., Porcal P., Seďa J., Znachor P., Kasalický V. (2023) In the right place, at the right time: the integration of bacteria into the Plankton Ecology Group model. Microbiome 11: 112.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-023-01522-0
Petruželová J., Bojková J., Sychra J., de Donnová S., Vrba J., Polášková V., Seifert L., Šorfová V., Kopáček J. (2023) Accelerated recovery of lake macroinvertebrates in the third decade since the reversal of acidification. Science of the Total Environment 892: 164553.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164553
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