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Total found: 232 records
Kopáček J., Marešová M., Hejzlar J., Norton S. (2007) Natural inactivation of phosphorus by aluminum in preindustrial lake sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1147–1155..
Monteith D., Stoddard J., Evans C., De Wit H., Forsius M., Hogasen T., Wilander A., Skjelkvale B., Jeffries D., Vuorenmaa J., Keller B., Kopáček J., Veselý J. (2007) Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Nature 450: 537–540..
Šantrůčková H., Šantrůček J., Svoboda M., Kopáček J. (2007) Carbon isotope in tree rings of Norway spruce exposed to atmospheric pollution Environmental Science and Technology 41: 5778-5782.
Kaňa J., Kopáček J. (2006) Sulphate sorption characteristics of the Bohemian Forest soils. Silva Gabreta 11: 3–12..
Kaňa J., Kopáček J. (2006) Impact of soil sorption characteristics and bedrock composition on phosphorus concentrations in two Bohemian Forest lakes. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 173: 243–259..
Kopáček J., Borovec J., Hejzlar J., Kotorová I., Stuchlík E., Veselý J. (2006) Chemical composition of modern and pre-acidification sediments in the Tatra Mountain lakes. Biologia 61: S65–S76..
Kopáček J., Kaňa J., Šantrůčková H. (2006) Pools and composition of soils in the alpine zone of the Tatra Mountains. Biologia 61: S35–S49..
Kopáček J., Marešová M., Norton S., Porcal P., Veselý J. (2006) Photochemical source of metals for sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 40: 4455–4459. .
Kopáček J., Stuchlík E., Hardekopf D. (2006) Chemical composition of the Tatra Mountain lakes: Recovery from acidification. Biologia 61: S21–S33..
Kopáček J., Turek J., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J., Porcal P. (2006) Element fluxes in watershed-lake ecosystems recovering from acidification: Plešné Lake, the Bohemian Forest, 2001–2005. Biologia 61: S427–S440. .
Kopáček J., Turek J., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J., Porcal P. (2006) Element fluxes in watershed-lake ecosystems recovering from acidification: Čertovo Lake, the Bohemian Forest, 2001–2005. Biologia 61: S413–S426..
Kopáček J., Vrba J. (2006) Integrated ecological research of catchment-lake ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest (Central Europe): A preface. . Biologia 61: S363–S370. .
Nedbalová L., Vrba J., Fott J., Kohout L., Kopáček J., Macek M., Soldan T. (2006) Biological recovery of the Bohemian Forest lakes from acidification. Biologia 61: S453-S465.
Pražáková M., Veselý J., Fott J., Majer V., Kopáček J. (2006) The long-term succession of cladoceran fauna and palaeoclimate forcing: A 14,600–year record from Plešné Lake, the Bohemian Forest. Biologia 61: S387–S399..
Stuchlík E., Kopáček J., Fott J., Hořická Z. (2006) Chemical composition of the Tatra Mountain lakes: Response to acidification. Biologia 61: S11–S20. .
Svoboda M., Kopáček J., Matějka K., Podrázský V., Sládková L. (2006) Carbon pools in mountain Norway spruce ecosystem in the Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic). Forestry Journal 52: 79–87..
Svoboda M., Matějka K., Kopáček J. (2006) Biomass and element pools of selected spruce trees in the catchments of Plešné and Čertovo Lakes in the Šumava Mts. Journal of Forest Science 52: 482–495. .
Svoboda M., Matějka K., Kopáček J. (2006) Biomass and element pools of understory vegetation in the catchments of Čertovo Lake and Plešné Lake in the Bohemian Forest. Biologia 61: S509–S521..
Svoboda M., Matějka K., Kopáček J., Žaloudík J. (2006) Estimation of tree biomass of Norway spruce forest in the Plešné Lake catchment, the Bohemian Forest. Biologia 61: S523–S532. .
Vrba J., Kopáček J., Bittl T., Nedoma J., Štrojsová A., Nedbalová L., Kohout L., Fott J. (2006) A key role of aluminium in phosphorus availability, food web structure, and plankton dynamics in strongly acidified lakes. Biologia 61: S441–S451..
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