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Total found: 1677 records
Frouz J., Frouzová J. (2003) Raketoplány a ochrana přírody [Space shuttles and nature conservation]. Živa 51: 90–92..
Frouz J., Matěna J., Ali A. (2003) Survival strategies of chironomids (Diptera. Chironomidae) living in temporary habitats: a review. European Journal of Entomology 100: 459–465..
Hejzlar J. (2003) Řízení kvality vody ve vodárenských nádržích [Water quality control in drinking water reservoirs]. In: Zborník odborných prác z konferencie s mezinárodnou účasťou Pitná voda, Trenčianské Teplice, October 8–9, 2003, Slovenský národný komitét IWA, Bratislava. pp. 35–41.
Hejzlar J., Boers P., Kronvang B., Karaer F. (2003) Nutrient Retention – A key element in evaluating reference conditions of lakes and reservoirs for the EU Water Framework Directive. In: Gnauck, A., Heinrich, R. (eds.), The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, Part 1:Concepts and Methods, 17th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Cottbus 2003, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg:pp. 357–364. ISBN 3–89518–440–3.
Hejzlar J., Dubrovský M., Buchtele J., Růžička M. (2003) The apparent and potential effects of climate change on the inferred concentration of dissolved organic matter in a temperate stream (the Malše River, South Bohemia). The Science of the Total Environment 310: 143–152..
Hejzlar J., Kopáček J., Porcal P., Haider Z. (2003) Příčiny dlouhodobého nárůstu koncentrace organických látek v nádrži Římov [Causes of long-term increase in concentrations of dissolved organic matter in Římov reservoir]. In: Ambrožová, J. (ed.), 19. seminář Aktuální otázky vodárenské biologie, Praha, February 5–6, 2003, Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor, Chrudim, pp. 209–213. ISBN 80–903203–1–7.
Hladík M., Kubečka J. (2003) Fish migration between a temperate reservoir and its main tributary. Hydrobiologia 504: 251–266..
Hohausová E., Copp G., Jankovský P. (2003) Movement of fish between a river and its backwater: diel activity and relation to environmental gradients. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 12: 107–117..
Horňák K., Mašín M., Jezbera J., Nedoma J., Šimek K. (2003) Vliv živin a predace prvoků na složení společenstva bakterií přeneseného z živinami bohatého do živinami chudého prostředí přehradní nádrže [Effects of nutrients and protozoan grazing on community composition of bacteria that were transferred from a nutri Acta Facultatis Ecologiae 10: 23–25..
Hrbáček J. (2003) Jak ovlivnil silný průtok plankton Slapské nádrže? [The effect of a high through-flow on the plankton of the Slapy reservoir]. In: Ambrožová, J. (ed.), 19. seminář Aktuální otázky vodárenské biologie, Praha, February 5–6, 2003, Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor, Chrudim, pp. 203–208. ISBN 80–903203–1–7.
Hrbáček J., Brandl Z. (2003) Co ovlivňuje život planktonu v údolních nádržích? [Effects on planktonic life in valley reservoirs?]. Acta Facultatis Ecologiae 10: 123–126..
Hrbáček J., Brandl Z., Straškraba M. (2003) Do the long-term changes in zooplankton biomass indicate changes in fish stock? Hydrobiologia 504: 203–213..
Jenkins A., Camarero L., Cosby B., Ferrier R., Forsius M., Helliwell R., Kopáček J., Majer V., Moldan F., Posch M., Rogora M., Schöpp W., Wright R. (2003) A modelling assessment of acidification andrecovery of European surface waters. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 7: 447–455..
Jezbera J., Nedoma J., Šimek K. (2003) Longitudinal changes in protistan bacterivory and bacterial production in two canyon-shaped reservoirs of different trophic status. Hydrobiologia 504: 115–130..
Kettle H., Kopáček J., Hejzlar J. (2003) Modelling air temperature at Čertovo Lake back to 1781. Silva Gabreta 9: 15–32..
Komárek J., Komárková J. (2003) Phenotype diversity of the cyanoprokaryotic genus Cylindrospermopsis (Nostocales); review 2002. Czech Phycology 3: 1–30. .
Komárek J., Komárková J., Kling H. (2003) Filamentous Cyanobacteria. In: Wehr, J.D., Sheath, R.G. (ed.), Freshwater Algae of North America. Academic Press, Elsevier Science, San Diego, pp. 117–196. ISBN 0–12–741550–5.
Komárková J., Komárek O., Hejzlar J. (2003) Evaluation of the long term monitoring of phytoplankton assemblages in a canyon-shape reservoir using multivariate statistical methods. Hydrobiologia 504: 143–157..
Komárková J., Šimek K. (2003) Unicellular and colonial formations of picoplanktonic cyanobacteria under variable environmental conditions and predation pressure. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Algological Studies (Cyanobacterial Research 4) 109: 327–340..
Komárková J., Tavera R. (2003) Steady state of phytoplankton assemblage in the tropical Lake Catemaco (Mexico). Hydrobiologia 502: 187–196..
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