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Total found: 1677 records
Kopáček J., Borovec J., Hejzlar J., Ulrich K., Norton S., Amirbahman A. (2005) Aluminum control of phosphorus sorption by lake sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 39: 8784–8789..
Kopáček J., Klementová Š., Norton S. (2005) Photochemical production of ionic and particulate aluminum and iron in lakes. Environmental Science & Technology 39: 3656–3662..
Kopáček J., Stuchlík E., Wright R. (2005) Long-term trends and spatial variability in nitrate leaching from alpine catchment–lake ecosystems in the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia–Poland). Environmental Pollution 136: 89–101..
Kopáček J., Veselý J. (2005) Sulfur and nitrogen emissions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia from 1850 till 2000. Atmospheric Environment 39: 2179–2188..
Kronvang B., Hejzlar J., Boers P., Jensen J., Behrendt H., Anderson T., Arheimer B., Venohr M., Hoffmann C. (2005) Nutrient Retention Handbook. Software Manual for EUROHARP-NUTRET and Scientific Review on Nutrient Retention. In: EUROHARP Report 9–2004, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, ISBN 82–577–4564–2 103.
Kronvang B., Larsen S., Jensen J., Andersen H., Hejzlar J. (2005) Catchment Report: Zelivka, Czech Republic – Trend Analysis, Retention and Source Apportionment. In: EUROHARP Report 17–2005, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, ISBN 82–577–4792–0 23.
Mankiewicz J., Komárková J., Izydorczyk K., Jurczak T., Tarczynska M., Zalewski M. (2005) Hepatotoxic cyanobacterial blooms in the lakes of northern Poland. Environmental Toxicology 20: 499–506..
Mindl B., Sonntag B., Pernthaler J., Vrba J., Psenner R., Posch T. (2005) Effects of phosphorus loading on interactions of algae and bacteria: reinvestigation of the ‘phytoplankton–bacteria paradox’ in a continuous cultivation system. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 38: 203–213..
Rajaniemi P., Hroužek P., Kaštovská K., Willame R., Rantala A., Hoffmann L., Komárek J., Sivonen K. (2005) Phylogenetic and morphological evaluation of the genera Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Trichormus and Nostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55: 11–26..
Rejmánková E., Komárková J. (2005) Response of cyanobacterial mats to nutrient and salinity changes. Aquatic Botany 83: 87–107..
Růžička M., Hejzlar J., Jarošík J. (2005) Modelling the hydrodynamics and water quality of the Vltava River reservoir cascade. In: Hřebíček, J., Ráček, J. (eds.) EnviroInfo Brno 2005 – Networking Environmental Information, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, September 7–9, 2005, Brno. Masaryk University in Brno, ISBN 80–210–3780–6:pp. 522–562.
Šimek K., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Mašín M., Nedoma J., Gasol J., Schauer M. (2005) Influence of top-down and bottom-up manipulations on the R-BT065 subcluster of ?-proteobacteria, an abundant group in bacterioplankton of a freshwater reservoir. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71: 2381–2390..
Straškrábová V., Izmest’yeva L., Maksimova E., Fietz S., Nedoma J., Borovec J., Kobanova G., Shchetinina E., Pislegina E. (2005) Primary production and microbial activity in the euphotic zone of Lake Baikal (Southern Basin) during late winter. Global and Planetary Change 46: 57–73..
Straškrábová V., Šimek K., Vrba J. (2005) Long-term development of reservoir ecosystems – changes in pelagic food webs and their microbial component. Limnetica 24: 9–20..
Štrojsová A., Vrba J., Nedoma J., Šimek K. (2005) Extracellular phosphatase activity of freshwater phytoplankton exposed to different in situ phosphorus concentrations. Marine and Freshwater Reseach 56: 417–424..
Štrojsová M., Vrba J. (2005) Direct detection of digestive enzymes in planktonic rotifers using enzyme-labelled fluorescence (ELF). Marine and Freshwater Research 56: 189–195..
Veselý J., Majer V., Kopáček J., Šafanda J., Norton S. (2005) Increasing silicon concentrations in Bohemian Forest lakes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 9: 699–706..
Vrba J., Svoboda J., Fuksa J. (2005) Fluorescenční stanovení aminopeptidázové aktivity jako alternativní indikátor kvality povrchových vod? [The fluorescence assay of aminopeptidase activity as an alterantive indicator of water quality?]. In: Ambrožová, J., Tlustá, P. (eds.), Sborník konference Vodárenská biologie 2005. Praha, February 2–3, 2005, Vodní zdroje EKOMONITOR, Chrudim, ISBN 80–86832–07–4:pp. 37–42.
Wright R., Larssen T., Camarero L., Cosby B., Ferrier R., Helliwell R., Forsius M., Jenkins A., Kopáček J., Majer V., Moldan F., Posch M., Rogora M., Schöpp W. (2005) Recovery of acidified European surface waters. Environmental Science & Technology 39: 64A–72A..
Znachor P., Jezberová J. (2005) The occurrence of a bloom-forming green alga Pleodorina indica (Volvocales) in the downstream reach of the River Malše (Czech Republic). Hydrobiologia 541: 221–228..
DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s10750-004-5710-5
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