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Total found: 1679 records
Komárek J., Zapomělová E. (2007) Planktic morphospecies of the cyanobacterial genus Anabaena = subg. Dolichospermum – 1. part. coiled types. Fottea 7: 1–31..
Komárková J., Jezberová J. (2007) Morphometry and growth of three Synechococcus-like picoplanktic cyanobacteria at different culture conditions. Hydrobiologia 578: 17–27..
DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s10750-006-0429-0
Kopáček J., Marešová M., Hejzlar J., Norton S. (2007) Natural inactivation of phosphorus by aluminum in preindustrial lake sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1147–1155..
Kubečka J. (2007) Porozumíme rybím obsádkám našich velkých nádrží? [Are we going to understand fish stocks of our large reservoirs?]. Rybářství 10–13..
Kubečka J., Matěna J., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hohausová E., Jarolím O., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Muška M., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Říha M., Tušer M., Vašek M. (2007) Jak vlastně studovat rybí obsádky našich velkých nádrží? [How shall we study the fish stock of our large water reservoirs?]. In: Švátora, M. (ed.), X. česká ichtyologická konference, sborník referátů z vědecké konference s mezinárodní účastí, Praha, June 26–27, 2007. Univerzita Karlova, Praha, ISBN 978–80–86561–82–0:pp. 92–94.
Kubečka J., Peterka J., Matěna J., Hohausová E. (2007) Za pravdivým obrazem dějů pod hladinou vod [After the true picture of events under the water surface]. Akademický bulletin 2007: 4–5..
Macháček J., Seďa J. (2007) Life history response of Daphnia galeata to heterogeneous conditions within a reservoir as determined in a cross-designed laboratory experiment. Aquatic Ecology 41: 55–66..
Monteith D., Stoddard J., Evans C., De Wit H., Forsius M., Hogasen T., Wilander A., Skjelkvale B., Jeffries D., Vuorenmaa J., Keller B., Kopáček J., Veselý J. (2007) Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Nature 450: 537–540..
Muška M., Říčan O., Novák J. (2007) Ontogeneze zbarvení neotropických cichlid tribu Heroini (TELEOSTEI CICHLIDAE CICHLASOMATINAE) [Ontogeny of coloration patterns in Neotropical cichlids of the Tribe Heroini (TELEOSTEI CICHLIDAE CICHLASOMATINAE)]. In: Švátora, M. (ed.), X. česká ichtyologická konference, sborník referátů z vědecké konference s mezinárodní účastí, Praha, June 26–27, 2007. Univerzita Karlova, Praha, ISBN 978–80–86561–82–0:pp. 1–6.
Nedoma J., Van Wambeke F., Štrojsová A., Štrojsová M., Duhamel S. (2007) Affinity of extracellular phosphatases for ELF97 phosphate in aquatic environments. Marine and Freshwater Research 58: 454–460..
Paulo Roberto de Medeiros, Renato Grotta Grempel, Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Sampaio C.L.S. (2007) Effects of recreational activities on the fish assemblage structure in a northeastern Brazilian reef Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 2(3): 288-300.
Posch T., Mindl B., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Salcher M., Sattler B., Sonntag B., Vrba J., Šimek K. (2007) Biomass reallocations within freshwater bacterioplankton induced by manipulating phosphorus availability and grazing. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 49: 223–232..
Řeháková K., Johansen J., Casamatta D., Xuesong L., Vincent J. (2007) Morphological and molecular characterization of selected desert soil cyanobacteria: Three species new to science including Mojavia pulchra gen. et sp. nov. Phycologia 46: 481–502..
Salcher M., Hofer J., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Sonntag B., Vrba J., Šimek K., Posch T. (2007) Modulation of microbial predator-prey dynamics by phosphorus availability: Growth patterns and survival strategies of bacterial phylogenetic clades. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 60: 40–50..
Seďa J., Kolářová K., Petrusek A., Macháček J. (2007) Daphnia galeata in the deep hypolimnion: spatial differentiation of a “typical epilimnetic” species. Hydrobiologia 594: 47–57..
Seďa J., Petrusek A., Macháček J., Šmilauer P. (2007) Spatial distribution of the Daphnia longispina species complex and other planktonic crustaceans in the heterogeneous environment of canyon-shaped reservoirs. Journal of Plankton Research 29: 619–628..
Šimek K., Weinbauer M., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Nedoma J., Dolan J. (2007) Grazer and virus-induced mortality of bacterioplankton accelerates development of Flectobacillus populations in a freshwater community. Environmental Microbiology 9: 789–800..
Skage M., Hobæk A., Ruthová Š., Keller B., Petrusek A., Seďa J., Spaak P. (2007) Intra-specific rDNA-ITS restriction site variation and an improved protocol to distinguish species and hybrids in the Daphnia longispina complex. Hydrobiologia 594: 19–32..
Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Leandro Perrier Faria Valentim (2007) A 'hitch-hiker octopus' on a southern stingray at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, SW Atlantic Coral Reefs 26(2): 333.
DOI: 10.1007/s00338-007-0199-9
Souza A., Martina Ilarri, Paulo Roberto de Medeiros, Renato Grotta Grempel, Ricardo Rosa, Sampaio C.L.S. (2007) Fishes (Elasmobranchii and Actinopterygii) of Picãozinho reef, Northeastern Brazil, with notes on their conservation status Zootaxa 1608: 11-19.
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