Total found: 42 records |
Salcher M., Andrei A.,
Bulzu P., Keresztes Z.G., Banciu H.L.,
Ghai R. (2020) Visualization of Lokiarchaeia and Heimdallarchaeia (Asgardarchaeota) by fluorescence in situ hybridization and catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD-FISH) mSphere
5: e00686-20.
DOI: |
Andrei A.,
Salcher M.,
Mehrshad M.,
Rychtecký P.,
Znachor P.,
Ghai R. (2019) Niche-directed evolution modulates genome architecture in freshwater Planctomycetes ISME Journal
13: 1056–1071.
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-018-0332-5 |
Bulzu P.A., Andrei A.,
Salcher M.,
Mehrshad M., Inoue K. , Kandori H. , Béjà O.,
Ghai R., Banciu H.L. (2019) Casting light on Asgardarchaeota metabolism in a sunlit microoxic niche Nature Microbiology
4: 1129–1137 .
DOI: 10.1038/s41564-019-0404-y |
Durán-Viseras A., Andrei A.,
Ghai R., Sánchez-Porro C., Ventosa A. (2019) New Halonotius Species Provide Genomics-Based Insights Into Cobalamin Synthesis in Haloarchaea Frontiers in Microbiology
10: 1928.
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01928 |
Flores-Uribe J., Hevroni G. ,
Ghai R., Pushkarev A. , Inoue K. , Kandori H. , Béjà O. (2019) Heliorhodopsins are absent in diderm (Gram-negative) bacteria: Some thoughts and possible implications for activity Environmental Microbiology Reports
11: 419-424.
DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12730 |
Kavagutti V., Andrei A.,
Mehrshad M.,
Salcher M.,
Ghai R. (2019) Phage-centric ecological interactions in aquatic ecosystems revealed through ultradeep metagenomics Microbiome
7: 135.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-019-0752-0 |
Salcher M., Schaefle D., Kaspar M., Neuenschwander S.,
Ghai R. (2019) Evolution in action: habitat transition from sediment to the pelagial leads to genome streamlining in Methylophilaceae ISME Journal
13: 2764–2777.
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-019-0471-3 |
Vavourakis C.D. ,
Mehrshad M., Balkema C., van Hall R., Andrei A.,
Ghai R., Sorokin D., Muyzer G. (2019) Metagenomes and metatranscriptomes shed new light on the microbial-mediated sulfur cycle in a Siberian soda lake BMC Biology
17: 69.
DOI: 10.1186/s12915-019-0688-7 |
Mehrshad M., Rodriguez-Valera F. , Amoozegar M. A., López-García P.,
Ghai R. (2018) The enigmatic SAR202 cluster up close: Shedding light on a globally distributed dark ocean lineage involved in sulfur cycling The ISME Journal
12: 655-668 .
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-017-0009-5 |
Mehrshad M., Salcher M.M., Okazaki Y., Nakano S.,
Šimek K., Andrei A.,
Ghai R. (2018) Hidden in plain sight—highly abundant and diverse planktonic freshwater Chloroflexi Microbiome
6: 176.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-018-0563-8 |
Neuenschwander S.,
Ghai R., Pernthaler J.,
Salcher M. (2018) Microdiversification in genome-streamlined ubiquitous freshwater Actinobacteria ISME Journal
12: 185-198 .
DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2017.156 |
Vavourakis C.D. , Andrei A.,
Mehrshad M.,
Ghai R., Sorokyn D. Y., Muyzer G. (2018) A metagenomics roadmap to the uncultured genome diversity in hypersaline soda lake sediments Microbiome
6: 168.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-018-0548-7 |
Al-Qahtani A.A., Al-Anazi M.R., Nazir N.,
Ghai R., Abdo A.A. , Sanai F.M. , Al-Hamoudi W.K. , Alswat K.A. , Al-Ashgar H.I. , Khan M.Q. , Albenmousa A., Cruz D.D. , Bohol M.F.F. , Al-Ahdal M.N. (2017) Hepatitis B virus (HBV) X gene mutations and their association with liver disease progression in HBV-infected patients Oncotarget
8: 105115-105125.
DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.22428 |
Cabello-Yeves P.J.,
Ghai R.,
Mehrshad M., Picazo A., Camacho A. , Rodriguez-Valera F. (2017) Reconstruction of diverse Verrucomicrobial genomes from metagenome datasets of freshwater reservoirs Frontiers in Microbiology
8: 2131.
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02131 |
Cabello-Yeves P.J., Haro-Moreno J.M., Martin-Cuadrado A.B.,
Ghai R., Picazo A., Camacho A. , Rodriguez-Valera F. (2017) Novel Synechococcus Genomes Reconstructed from Freshwater Reservoirs Frontiers in Microbiology
8: 1151.
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01151 |
Carda-Diegez M. ,
Ghai R., Rodriguez-Valera F. , Amaro C. (2017) Wild eel microbiome reveals that skin mucus of fish could be a natural niche for aquatic mucosal pathogen evolution. Microbiome
5: 162.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-017-0376-1 |
Ghai R., Mehrshad M., Megumi Mizuno C., Rodriguez-Valera F. (2017) Metagenomic recovery of phage genomes of uncultured freshwater actinobacteria. ISME Journal
11: 304–308.
DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2016.110 |
Koh H. W., Hur M., Kang M. S., Ku Y. B.,
Ghai R., Park S. J. (2017) Physiological and genomic insights into the lifestyle of arsenite-oxidizing Herminiimonas arsenitoxidans Scientific Reports
7: 15007 .
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-15164-4 |
Shevchenko V., Mager T., Kovalev K., Polovinkin V., Alekseev A., Juettner J., Chizhov I., Bamann C., Vavourakis C.,
Ghai R., Gushchin I., Borshchevskiy V., Rogachev A. , Melnikov I. , Popov A. , Balandin T. , Rodriguez-Valera F., Manstein D.J., Bueldt G., Bamberg E., Gordeliy V. (2017) Inward H+ pump xenorhodopsin: Mechanism and alternative optogenetic approach Science Advances
3: e1603187 .
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1603187 |
Ghai R., Mehrshad M., Mizuno C., Rodriguez-Valera F. (2016) Metagenomic recovery of phage genomes of uncultured freshwater Actinobacteria The ISME Journal DOI: doi:10.1038/ismej.2016.110 |