The so-called hydropeaking, i.e. discontinuous flow changes in rivers, significantly disrupts fish reproduction. In the current study, scientists from the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences focused on how hydropeaking affects the spawning asp shoal in the Želivka River. The local asp shoal, protected under the Natura 2000, faces unpredictable water...
The international team, which also includes Czech researchers from České Budějovice and Třeboň, received the Newcomb Cleveland Prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for the best research article or report published in the scientific journal Science in 2021.
Have you ever been interested in what fish do at night, where they hide in winter, or where that bird that frequently visits your bird feeder flies? The current revolution in animal movement tracking technologies may soon provide you with answers to such questions. A review of the ongoing advances in understanding animal movement was recently published in the journal Science. with input from...
We live in an age of mass extinction, with biological extinctions predominantly caused by various human actions. However, in tandem with this process, and sometimes in advance of it, the loss of species from our collective memory and attention can occur, with their disappearance from our societies, cultures, and discourses – a phenomenon we refer to as societal extinction. This process is...
The Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology invites application from prospective PhD students to study ecology of aquatic protists under supervision of Karel Šimek and Indranil Mukherjee.
Book Applied ecology by Jan Frouz and Jaroslava Frouzova, published in Czech by Karolinum Press, Charles University, has been published in English by Springer. The book discusses specialized aspects of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, addresses how provisioning food and renewable resources shapes our planet and offers an accessible reference on ecological principles for students,...
Crystal-clear water and dense algal mats covering the lakebed – that is how the littoral zones of newly emerged post-mining lakes in the North Bohemia look like. Water quality and development of the young ecosystems have been monitored by hydrobiologists from Biology centre of the Czech Academy of Science (BC CAS CR). In the new study published in the Frontiers in Microbiology they investigated...
The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences seeks an outstanding and enthusiastic professional with an international reputation to lead research, development and public interactions for the position of the director.
A new study carried out by scientists from the Institute of Hydrobiology of the BC CAS has focused on the question of how the behavior of aquatic predators will change when aquatic plants are present or absent in lakes.
The lockdowns enacted in many places as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic led to wholesale changes in many societies since early 2020. As many people stayed in their homes, they took part in new activities, or ones that are normally reserved for different periods or locations. Moreover, the forced confinement of many people increased their need for alternate expressions of freedom, space, and...