Closest airports
Prague, Vienna or Munich.
Landing at the Prague International Airport (Václav Havel Airport Prague, PRG), there is a bus departing every 30 min from the front of the airport (one journey takes about 30 min) to the main train station (“Hlavní nádraží“ in Czech). Tickets can be bought on the bus.
To České Budějovice
From Prague: Bus/train approx. 10 Euro, travel duration around 2.5 hours. You can find transportation details and schedule at IDOS.
From Linz: approx. 10-20 Euro, travel duration around 3 hours by train, shuttle or WESTbus.
From Vienna International Airport: approx. 42 Euro, travel duration 4.5 hours by train or shuttle.
From Munich Airport: approx. 60 Euro, travel duration 2.5-3 hours by shuttle.
Public transportation in České Budějovice
Arriving in Č. Budějovice, take the trolley-bus no. 3 at the stop outside the Mercury Shopping center (bus station is located in the same building and train station is across the street). Get off the bus at the stop "Jihočeská Univerzita" (it takes about 15 minutes). You can buy a ticket for 13 CZK in yellow vending machines at the bus stop. Don't forget to validate it when you enter the bus. A map of city bus lines is here.
You should consider that the city center, with many restaurants, coffee shops and pubs, is also easy to reach in 15-20 min by walk.
Visa requirements and currency
You can check visa requirements here. Those participants that need to have visa will be provided with an invitation letter (please, let us know in advance).
The members of European Union do not require visa for visiting Czech Republic.
Official Czech currency is koruna (CZK); 1 EUR ≈ 27 CZK.
There are a lot of hotels and accommodation possibilities in České Budějovice. You can easily check it here.