Microbial drama in four acts: How small waterbodies defy the storms and help the landscapes to overcome consequences24. 1. 2022 An international research team led by the Institute of Hydrobiology recorded and characterized the response of an entire pond plankton community to heavy rain events. This unique and very detailed...
Czech scientists helped to clarify the mysterious deaths of eagles in the United States24. 1. 2022 For more than 25 years, the American public in the southeastern United States has been plagued by the mysterious deaths of bald eagles dying of a neurological disease of unknown origin. A team of...
Monitoring of the post-mining lakes in the North Bohemia. New study focused on microorganisms and phosphorus.24. 1. 2022 Crystal-clear water and dense algal mats covering the lakebed – that is how the littoral zones of newly emerged post-mining lakes in the North Bohemia look like. Water quality and development of...
Biological Specimens in Electron Microscopes 20214. 10. 2021 On October 4 - 8, 2021 Laboratory of Electron Microscopy will organize in collaboration with Czechoslovak Microscopy Society and Czech Bio-Imaging a practical course Biological Specimens in...
Conference Microscopy 202113. 9. 2021 The annual conference of the Czechoslovak Microscopy Society "Microscopy 2021" is planned for the date 13.-15.9. 2021 in the premises of the Biology Centre of the CAS / the University of South...
Biochemistry congress 202129. 8. 2021 August 29th - September 1st, 2021, České Budějovice. XXVI. Annual Congress of Czech and Slovak Societies for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with cooperation of Austrian and German Biochemical...
When did the first COVID-19 case arise? Novel analysis suggests much earlier, more rapid spread than confirmed cases imply25. 6. 2021 Using methods from conservation science, a new analysis suggests that the first case of COVID-19 arose between early October and mid-November, 2019 in China, with the most likely date of origin...
IWOP 202014. 6. 2021 14.06.2021 České Budějovice - 15. International workshops on Opportunistic Protists
Collection of Microscopic Fungi of the Institute of Soil Biology BC CAS (CMF-ISB)24. 3. 2021 The Collection of Microscopic Fungi of the Institute of Soil Biology BC CAS (CMF-ISB), is a nonprofit organization established in the Laboratory of Soil Biology, Institute of Landscape Ecology CSAS...
Editors´ Choice of Science recommended paper in Nature Microbiology by Tanja Shabarova23. 2. 2021 The unique survey made by authors from the Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS, and published in Nature Microbiology in January 2021, which characterized the response of an entire pond...