Date: 26.08.2013

Research projects

  • Research Centre “Ichthyoparasitology”. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (LC522; P.I.: T. Scholz; P.I. – Coordinator: M. Gelnar, Masaryk University, Brno; 2005–2010)
  • A survey of the tapeworms (Cestoda: Platyhelminthes) from the vertebrate bowels of the Earth. National Science Foundation, USA (Planetary Biodiversity Inventory, P.I. – Coordinator: J.N. Caira, University of Connecticut, Storrs; Co-P.I.: T. Scholz; 2008–2012)
  • Research Centre “Ichthyoparasitology”. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (LC522; P.I.: T. Scholz; P.I. – Coordinator: M. Gelnar, Masaryk University, Brno; 2005–2010)
  • PARAPOPGENE – Comparative genetic patterns in parasite populations and species: the search for structuring force. FP7-PEOPLE-2009_IOF (Marie Curie Action; project No. 252124; P.I.: M.I. Blasco-Costa; 2009–2013)
  • Revision of monozoic tapeworms (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea): a key to understanding the evolution of cestodes? Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (524/08/0885; P.I.: T. Scholz; 2008–2012)
  • Trematode communities in molluscs as a model system to forecast the impact of climate change in freshwater ecosystems in Central Europe. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (P505/10/1562; P.I.: A. Faltýnková; 2010–2013)
  • Eggs and early larval stages of tapeworms (Cestoda): new ultrastructural tools for diagnostics and phylogenetic studies. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (506/10/1994; P.I.: C. Levron; 2010–2011)
  • Host-parasite relationships and evolution of parasitism. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (206/09/H026 – project to support PhD studies; P.I.: T. Scholz; 2009–2012)
  • Origin and homology of attachment organs in lower tapeworms (Eucestoda). Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (KJB600960902; P.I.: R. Kuchta; 2009–2011)
  • Parásitos del atún rojo atlántico oriental (Thunnus thynnus) en poblaciones naturales y en cautividad. Comunidades y patologías asociadas. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (AGL2010-20892; P.I. A. Kostadinova; P.I. – Coordinator: F.E. Montero, University of Valencia, Spain; 2011–2013)



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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