Date: 16.08.2013


European Communities R&D program (7th framework)

2010–2014 Reg. code 244121, Adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on European freshwater ecosystems (J. Hejzlar)

Project financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of CR

2011–2014 Reg. code CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0130, Interdisciplinary network of cooperation for policy development for sustainable development (J. Vrba)

Projects financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of CR

2010–2013 Reg. code QI102A265, Determination of the importance of erosion-originated phosphorus in water bodies endangered by eutrophication (J. Hejzlar)

Projects financed by the Grant Agency of CR

2009–2013 Reg. code 206/09/0309, Competition mechanisms in Cyanobacteria affecting phytoplankton species composition (K. Řeháková)
2009-2013 Reg. code GA526/09/0567, The integrated impact of climate change, air quality, and forest management on water ecosystem in headwater catchments (J. Kopáček, coordinated by Faculty od Science UK, Praha)
2010–2013 Reg. code EEF/10/E011, Functional role and ecotype divergence in Actinobacteria of the AcI lineage (J. Jezbera)
2011–2013 Reg. code P504/11/2177, The importance of cell death for freshwater phytoplankton succession, structure and composition (P. Znachor)
2011–2014 Reg. code P504/11/2182, Phytoplankton release of dissolved organic carbon and its relationship to bacterioplankton composition (J. Nedoma)
2012–2015 Reg. code P504/12/1186, Hydroacoustical distinguishing between fish and bubbles (J. Frouzová)
2012–2016 Reg. code P504/12/1218, The efffect of natural dieback of mountain spruce forest on microclimate (J. Kopáček)
2012–2014 Reg. code P505/12/P647, Get out! she signalized: sex segregation of freshwater fish (M. Prchalová)
2012–2014 Reg. code P503/12/0781, Effects of solar radiation on biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and metals in surface waters (P. Porcal)
2013–2017 Reg. code 13-00243S, Unveiling life strategies of selected groups of planktonic Betaproteobacteria in relationship to carbon flow to higher trophic levels (K. Šimek)
2013–2016 Reg. code 13-00000S, Funtional diverzity of soil microorganisms in spruce swamp forest and its effect on soil DOM (Coordination PřF JU České Budějovice, spoluřešitel J. Borovec)

International projects

2012–2014 Reg. code 264 (přeshraniční spolupráce Cíl 3, ČR - Bavorsko, 2007 - 2013), Integrated Soil and Water Conservation in the Drachensee Catchment. ERDF - Cíl 3 (Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR) (J. Žaloudík)
2012–2015 Reg. code CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0204, Centre for Ecological Potential of Fish Communities in Reservoirs and Lakes. MŠMT - OPVK (J. Kubečka, B. Helclová)


2012–2013 Complex assessment of the fish community of the Chabařovice post mining lake in 2012. Palivový kombinát Ústí, s.p. (J. Peterka, J. Kubečka)
2012–2013 Reg. code 1205/2012, Complex fish stock assessment of Žlutice and Římov Reservoirs. Povodí Vltavy, s.p. (V. Draštík)
2012–2013 Reg. code 2096/2012-SML, A study on water quality of the Lipno Reservoir. Povodí Vltavy, s.p. (J. Hejzlar)
2013 Study of the limnological components of the ecosystem of lake Medard-Libík. Sokolovská uhelná, právní nástupce a.s. (J. Peterka, P. Znachor)



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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