About us
The Institute of Hydrobiology is one of the institutes associated in the Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in České Budějovice. The town Ceske Budejovice is situated in south Bohemia, 160 km south of Prague.
The main aim of the Institute is the research of biotic interrelations and their interactions with abiotic factors in lenitic water bodies, especially man-made reservoirs. Both the ecosystem approach and investigations focused on processes, involve a multidisciplinary teamwork. The specializations of the staff members in the Institute include water chemistry, biochemistry, bacteriology, protozoology, algology, zooplanktonology and ichthyology. This structure enables studying interrelations within the trophic food chains using both principal approaches: bottom up and top down (feedback).
Another characteristic feature of the Institute is an alternation of experimental and field approaches and basic regular long-term ecological research on selected Czech reservoirs, which allows to distinguish the phenomena in different time-scales.
Many scientists of the Institute take part in teaching programes and/or research cooperations with Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague.