About IPMB
The Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IPMB) was founded in 1990 when several genetically oriented teams split from the Institute of Experimental Botany in Prague and moved to České Budějovice. Since 1.1.2006, IPMB has became partof Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.
The Institute is well equipped with instruments and facilities necessary for plant molecular biology, including air-conditioned greenhouses, climatechambers and rooms for plant tissue cultures. It is authorized to work with genetically modified organisms and quarantined plant pathogens. The Institute contributes significantly to national programs of plant biotechnologyand provides expertise on the diagnosis of quarantined plant viruses to the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Phytosanitary Administration, and on genetically modified crops to the Ministry of the Environment.
An important part of the activities of the Institute is training in plant molecular biology and plant pathology,which is performed in close cooperation with the University of South Bohemia. In association with the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Agriculture and the Institute of Physical Biology, the Institute received accreditation for PhD programs in molecular biology, genetics and physiology, plant pathology and biophysics. Nearly half of the scientiststaff takes part in teaching classes. The University of South Bohemia, Charles University in Prague, and Palacký University in Olomouc are partners in joint research projects.
Workshop: "Methodologies to improve phytoplasma DNA extraction from plants and insects"
Workshop of COST Action FA0807 will take place on July 15th-18th 2013 in Biology centre of ASCR, v.v.i. More information together with registration form are accessible on http://costphytoplasma.eu/WG1.htm
Fascination of Plants Day 2013
On the occassion of Fascination of Plants Day 2013, popular science lectures are to be held for high-school students.
Was on:
2nd Workshop on the Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Repetitive DNA Analysis in Plants February 13 - 15, Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, report (in Czech only) in Academic bulletin.