Date: 14.08.2013

Graduated students



Miroslav Oborník
Came from University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
1996-1997; phylogeny of parasiti protists
moved on to University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
habilitation at University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
started his lab at the Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice (until 2010)
does research on phylogeny of various eukaryotes

Ivica Kráľová-Hromadová
Came from University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia
1997; phylogeny of trypanosomes and helminths
moved to Institute of Cellular Pathology, Brussels, Belgium
works at the Institute of Parasitology, Košice, Slovakia
maternity leave + does research on helminths there (until 2010)

Nuraly Avliyakulov
Came from Institute of Protein Research, Puschino, Russia
1997; kinetoplast DNA in bodonids
moved to Molecular Biology Institute, Los Angeles, USA
works at University of California, Los Angeles, USA
does research in proteomics (until 2010)

Dorothy Lys Guilbride
Came from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
2001; evolution of kinetoplast DNA
moved to University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
works on transcription in trypanosomes (until 2008)

Sergei Podlipaev
Came from University of Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2002-2003; phylogeny of insect trypanosomatids
moved to Institute of Zoology, Saint Petersburg, Russia
deceased in 2004 (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Jan Šlapeta (co-supervisor)
1998-2003; phylogeny and life cycles of coccidia
PhD at Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University, Brno, CR
moved to University of New York, Albany, USA, University of Paris,
France and recently at University of Sydney, Australia
does research on parasitic organisms (until 2010)

Jan Votýpka (co-supervisor)
1999-2004; life cycles and vectors of trypanosomes
PhD at Charles University, Prague, CR
habilitation at Charles University, Prague, CR (2010)
does research on trypanosomes and coccidians (until 2010)

Eva Vondrušková-Horáková
2000-2005; RNA editing and processing in trypanosomes
moved to University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
maternity leave + does research on leishmania (until 2010)
back in our lab since 2011

Silvie Foldynová-Trantírková
2001-2006; RNA editing processing in trypanosomes
moved to University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
does research on NMR spectroscopy (until 2012)

Eva Zemanová-Chocholová
2001-2006; evolution of Leishmania
worked at University of Liege, Liege, Belgium
moved to Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, České Budějovice (until 2010)
does research in plant molecular biology

Alena Zíková
1997-2006; RNA editing in trypanosomes
worked at Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, Seattle, USA
started her lab at the Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice (until 2010)
does research on trypanosomes

De-Hua Lai (co-supervisor)
2003-2007; evolution of kinetoplast in trypanosomes
PhD at Sun-Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China
moved to Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice (until 2010)
does research on the mitochondrion of trypanosomes (until 2010)

Hassan Hashimi
2005-2009; RNA editing and processing in trypanosomes
Master thesis at Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
works at the Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice (until 2010)
does research on the mitochondrion of trypanosomes

Shaojun Long
2005-2009; Fe-S cluster assembly in trypanosomes
Master thesis at Sun-Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China
moved to University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (until 2010)
does research on Fe-S cluster assembly in plants

Zdeněk Paris
2006-2010; tRNA import and respiratory complexes in trypanosomes
Master thesis at University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
moved to Ohio State University, Columbus, USA (until 2012)
does research on tRNA modifications

Zdeněk Verner
2006-2011; mitochondrial metabolism in trypanosomes
Master thesis at University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
moved to Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia (until 2013)
does research on metabolism in kinetoplastid flagellates

Luděk Kořený (co-supervisor)
2007-2011; heme metabolism in protists
Master thesis at University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
moved to Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K. (until 2013)
does research on nuclear pores in trypanosomes


Tomáš Vaněček
1994-1995; ribosomal RNAs of trypanosomatids
moved to Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzen, CR
does research in human pathology and genetics (until 2010)

Pavel Svoboda
1994-1995; ribosomal RNAs of trypanosomatids
moved to Centre for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA
does research in anti-viral vaccines (until 2010)

Roman Hobza
1995-1997; structure of kinetoplast DNA in trypanosomes
moved to Masaryk University, Brno, CR
works at the Institute of Biophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno
does research on plant chromosomes (until 2010)

David Doležel
1995-1997; phylogeny of trypanosomes
moved to Institute of Entomology, České Budějovice
did PhD in insect physiology
worked at Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
started his lab at Institute of Entomology, České Budějovice (until 2010)
does research on circadian clocks in insects

Petr Štolba
1996-1998; structure of kinetoplast DNA in bodonids
moved to Regional Hospital, Ústí nad Labem, CR
does diagnosis there (until 2010)

Martina Broučková
1997-1999; phylogeny of tapeworms
moved to Motol University Hospital, Prague, CR
does research in human genetics and cancer (until 2006)

Ivana Kodedová-Gažiová
1998-2000; function of topoisomerase II in Bodo
moved to Institute of Entomology, České Budějovice, CR
did PhD in insect physiology
moved to University of Texas, Galveston, USA
maternity leave + does research on drosophila (until 2012)

Iveta Kyselová-Šlapetová
1998-2002; respiratory complexes in trypanosomes
moved to University of New York, Albany, USA
moved to University of Sydney, Australia
maternity leave + does research on ? there (until 2009)

Dagmar Folková
2003-2005; functional analysis of prohibitin
moved to Charles University, Prague, CR
does research in the Academy centre, Krč, Prague (until 2008)

Martina Wijová
2003-2005; phylogeny of fish tapeworms
moved to Regional Hospital, Frýdek Místek, CR
does diagnosis there (until 2010)

Petra Houfková
2003-2005; methylation of RNA in trypanosomes
moved to Department of Botany, České Budějovice, CR
does PhD in archeobotany there (until 2012)

Zdeňka Čičová
2004-2009; RNA editing in trypanosomes
moved to University of Munich, Munich, Germany
does PhD in cancer there (until 2012)

Lenka Richterová
2006-2009; mitochondrial translation in trypanosomes
moved to University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
does PhD in ? there (until 2012)

Petr Růžička
2007-2010; horizontal gene transfer in trypanosomes
moved to BioConsult, Prague (from 2010 on)

Julie Kovářová
2009-2012l Fe-S clusters and heme synthesis in trypanosomes
moved to University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
does PhD there (Marie-Curie program) (until 2016)

Lucie Kafková
2007-2012; RNA editing in trypanosomes
moved to State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
does PhD there (until 2016)

Sabine Kaltenbrunner
2009-2014; Johannes Kepler Universitat, Linz
does Master there

Alexander Haindrich
2009-2014; Johannes Kepler Universitat, Linz
does Master there



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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