Date: 17.06.2013

Institute of Hydrobiology

We study the processes and organisms in large inland waters such as lakes and reservoirs, and the relevant processes that occur in the catchment area. We traditionally apply the holistic approach “from molecules to fish”, including all important parts of the lake environment. The Institute carries on multidisciplinary ecological investigations on a wide range of model waterbodies, which includes several long-term investigated systems. The Institute also serves as an advisory body for the water management and industry.

Today, the staff of more than 70 (of which there are only 33 full-time positions) includes specialists ranging from water chemistry experts to field ecologists. Research is supported by some 30 grants and projects, and annual scientific output counts about 40 papers in renowned international journals (an interactive database of all publications is available on the Institute’s webpage). The core group of the Institute has been active for over 50 years and has educated more than 50 PhDs and organized more than 20 international meetings.



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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