Date: 17.08.2017

Mini-symposium: Metals, plants, and people (KOROLID)

Mini-symposium on metals in photosynthetic organisms aimed at bringing together existing and (potential) future members and cooperation partners on the KOROLID grant will be held on August 17-19 at Institute of Plant Molecular Biology.

Registrations and "last minute" poster contributions are still welcome on e-mail, preferably till 6th August.

Programme of the mini-symposium [PDF].

Project KOROLID is focused on the metabolism of metals, i.e. how plants absorb metals, how they transport, store and use metals, and how they deal with deficiency and toxicity of metals. In the future, the scientific results may contribute to more effective environmental risks estimates as well as to improvements in agriculture (better targeted fertilization and crop breeding) and last but not least, phytoremediation, ie. the technologies that use living plants to clean up the polluted soil and water resources contaminated with toxic metals. Knowledge of the biochemical and biophysical mechanisms in plants will also help to understand the function of metals in other organisms, including humans.



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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