Date: 23.11.2015



FishEcU - Specialists for fisheries surveys of large inland waters

Quantitative and qualitative surveys of the fish stock of large inland waters (LIW; waters with surface areas up to 1000 km2 and depths of up to hundreds of meters) represent some of the most challenging tasks of aquatic ecology. HBI was facing the decision of either abandoning this type of survey or of setting up a strong group capable of such surveys. HBI decided on the latter and FISHECU was set up to:
1. provide fish stock assessment, especially in large lakes and reservoirs
2. explain the role of the fish component within the aquatic food web
3. provide support for undergrad, grad and postdoc students studying fish ecology

Most activities of FISHECU are aimed at providing information on the fish component in complex limnological studies carried out by the HBI on LIW. This includes explaining the role of fish in trophic webs in LIW. It also includes providing background information for enhancing the fish stocks for fisheries, biomanipulation, conservation and other practical needs. FISHECU research targets the patterns of fish distribution, behaviour, feeding activity, abundance and biomass in LIW.

Aside from pure research work for government and grant agencies, FISHECU provides limited contract research work for various clients. In previous years, this contract and consultancy work has provided important stimuli for the methodical and professional growth of our unit and enabled us to collect and preserve extensive expertise for fisheries surveys in LIW.



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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