Date: 28.10.2015

Contracts – legal information

Contracts – legal information


The blank contracts below are examples only as each contract is different. Important parts of a contract are subject matter of the contract, due date, place of execution, terms of payment, copyright, warranties, resolution of faults, contractual penalties, etc. We will check your contract within 3 work days. You can send the draft of your contract to


Contracts over CZK 500.000 (VAT excluded) are required by law to be published on contractor’s profile.Contractor profiles are managed by Mgr. Zdeněk Volák, email:


Contracts regarding small-scale public contracts of which the subject matter is goods and services (CZK 200.000 – CZK 2.000.000, VAT excluded) are signed by the Director of BC CAS, Director of the relevant institute, and by the Head of the Service Unit.


Contracts regarding small-scale public contracts of which the subject matter is construction works (up to CZK 6.000.000, VAT excluded) are signed by the Director of BC CAS, and by the Head of the Service Unit.


Below-the-threshold andabove-the-threshold public contracts are signed by the Director of BC CAS.


Other contracts that bind the BC CAS in relation to other legal entities are always signed by the Director of BC CAS. This means notably funding contracts, partnership contracts, cooperation contracts, contracts concerning EU funding etc.


Original contracts are kept in the Contracts register. Contracts register is managed by Bc. Michaela Eltschknerová, email: Scanned contracts are sent by her to all concerned employees (for example in the case of GA ČR funded projects the scan is sent to the project’s researcher, to the secretary of the relevant institute and to a Projects department employee).


Examples of contracts:


*example of Contract for the sale of goods

*example of Contract for services rendered





Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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