Date: 27.10.2015

Public contracts


Public contracts


Contact person (Public contract manager): Mgr. Zdeněk Volák, phone no.: 5057,

During the public procurement the employees, who are involved in the preparation and management of the procurement procedure, are particularly obliged to observe the principles of transparency, equal treatment and non-discrimination and to decide with responsibility for achieving the optimum relationship between the economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

Extract from the directive:

Small-scale public contracts financial limits of mandatory procedures of BC CAS

Supplies, services and works with value to 100.000 CZK without VAT (does not apply to investments)

*without tender procurement

*the purchase can be proved simply by a tax document

* ”One order for one company”

* It is not allowed to divide the amount and purpose of each purchase solely just because of a reduction in the estimated value of purchase =a serious violation of the Conditions of Employment


Supplies, services from 100.000 to 2.000.000 CZK without VAT

Investments supplies from 40.000 CZK without VAT

* by an email or other suitable written form provably reach at least 3 tenderers able to perform the tender

* the collected data is necessary to fill in the registration form

* from the value of 200.000 CZK without VAT a relevant written agreement must be concluded


Works from 100.000 to 6.000.000 CZK without VAT (investments from 40.000 CZK without VAT)

* by an email or other suitable written form provably reach at least 3tenderers able to perform the tender, public contract is awarded only by Director of BC CAS or Head of Service Unit of BC CAS.

* the collected data is necessary to fill in the registration form

* from the value of 200.000 CZK without VAT a relevant written agreement must be concluded


Supplies, services from 2.000.000 CZK without VAT

* public contract is awarded only by Directorof BC CAS or Head of Service Unit of BC CAS


All contracts with value over 500.000 without VAT must be sent to Public contracts Manager within 5 days of signing for publication on the contracting entity profile.

*Supply means especially the purchase of devices and instruments = supply is all that is not a service or works

*purchase of chemicals, small laboratory material and sequencing services is govern by Chemicals, small laboratory materials and sequencing services BC CAS Manual.



Employees who award the small scale public contracts fill out the Form, which is used for recording and archiving purchases (which are not covered from OP VK or OP VaVpI and which are purchased outside the regime of Law no. 137/2006 Coll., on Public contracts, as amended).

The BC CAS small scale public contract manual is annex no. 9 of the Directive.

Chemicals, small laboratory materials and sequencing services BC CAS Manual is annex no.10 of the Directive.

Financial limits are govern by annex no. 11 Directive.

Schedule during the year:

Each institution shall submit to the manager of public contracts (Mgr. Zdeněk Volák) the list of planned purchases for the calendar year for purposes of determining the estimated value of public contracts and selection of mode of the award procedure not later than till January31 of the relevant calendar year. Ensuring the financial coverage is the condition for starting the award procedure. Financial coverage must be confirmed on the form by a senior employee of the relevant part of BC CAS (annex no. 5) and it must be submitted to the manager of public contracts before the tender is launched.
The acquisition of supplies, services orworks (with are not a part of the list of planned purchases) during the calendar year, always consult with the manager of public contracts.

The Directors of each Institution of BC CAS shell submit quarterly to the manager of public contracts a written report about concluded small scale public contracts with estimated value lower than 500.000 CZK without VAT.

According to the Act no. 137/2006 Coll., on Public contracts it is not possible to extend the subject matter of the contract (the final price must correspond with the bid price).

The contracting authority cannot request the documents or copies of documents, if the law (Act no. 137/2006 Coll., on Public contracts) states submitting a statutory declaration.

Manager of public contracts must comply with all deadlines specified in the Act no.137/2006 Coll., on Public contracts – Observe his instructions.



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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