Project review
Project objectives
The aim is to educate eco-experts able to develop new biotechnologies, to assess their risks, and conscientiously recommend the scope and manner of their deployment. Maximal attention will be paid to biotechnologies allowing long-term intensive exploitation of the ecosystem without damaging the environment. The education of experts will be accomplished through a multidisciplinary course focusing on the methods; Lectures highlighting the advances in biotechnology and the current problems of their development and implementation will supplement practical training.
Main methods used to achieve objectives of scientific education
- recruitment of top researchers from the Biology Centre, University of South Bohemia and Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology as tutors of carefully prepared seminars and practical exercises,
- use of the current facilities of the Biology Centre and building a new laboratory (equipped for the course of molecular biology methods),
- strengthening international contacts, including a network of research institutions with similar focus to increase the mobility of students and young researchers,
- creating conditions for inviting foreign experts to deliver lectures and to join research teams of the Biology Centre for longer periods and thereby pass over their knowledge and experience,
- requesting students to present their data at international conferences.
Reason needs of the project
The competitiveness of states and their regions will increasingly depend on biotechnologies that will allow exploitation of renewable resources to produce food, industrial materials, energy, etc. Sustained use of ecosystems without disturbing multiple functions of the environment (conservation of the aesthetic values, use for recreation, stable water husbandry, etc.) requires new approaches based primarily on modern technologies. Their development, critical evaluation of the environmental risks and then their practical application depend on the eco-experts who have sufficient awareness of modern biotechnologies and can participate in their development and validation. Given the inherent multidisciplinarity of approaches, the education of such professionals is difficult. Biology Centre has, however, sufficient human and material back-up and in collaboration with partners is capable to provide necessary education. Very important is the emphasis on practical training and networking. Almost daily contact of participants allows transfer of experience and special knowledge, and will stimulate the interest in research and application of new biotechnologies. Development of human resources for innovative research is extremely important especially in convergent regions which economically lag behind the EU average.