Date: 20.09.2013

Other publications


Sehnal F., Drobník J.: White book – Genetically Modified Crops. České Budějovice 2009, 96 pp., ISBN 978-80-86668-05-3.

Mason J.M., Hemakumar M.R., Capkova Frydrychova R. (2011) Telomere Maintenance in Organisms without Telomerase. In: DNA replication – current advances Seligman H. (ed.), InTech, Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, pp. 323-346, ISBN 978-953-307-593-8.

Habuštová O., Sehnal F., Svobodová Z., Hussein H.M.: Optimalizace metodiky ELISA pro stanovení obsahu Cry3Bb1 toxinu v různých částech kukuřice pomocí komerčního kitu. České Budějovice 2011, 24 pp., ISBN 978-80-86668-11-6. (English translation of the title: Optimalization of ELISA procedure for the Cry3Bb1 toxin quantification in maize plants with commercial kit).

Anonymus: Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms, Program and Abstracts. Biologické Centrum, České Budějovice 2011, 72 pp., ISBN 978-80-86668-14-7.

Articles in scientific journals with IF

Matoušek J., Schubert J., Dědič P. (2009) Complementation analysis of triple gene block of Potato virus S (PVS) revealed its capability to support systemic infection and aphid transmissibility of recombinant Potato virus X. Virus Research 146: 81-88. (ISSN 0168-1702).

Lenz O., Beran P., Fousek J., Mráz I. (2010) A microarray for screening the variability of 16S–23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer in Pseudomonas syringae. Journal of Microbiological Methods 82: 90-94. (ISSN 0167-7012).

Pérez-Hedo M., Eizaguirre M., Sehnal F. (2010) Brain-independent development in the moth Sesamia nonagrioides. Journal of Insect Physiology 56: 594-602. (ISSN 0022-1910).

Podzimek T., Matoušek J., Lipovová P., Poučková P., Spiwok V., Šantrůček J. (2011) Biochemical properties of three plant nucleases with anticancer potential. Plant Science 180: 343-351. (ISSN 0168-9452).

Pérez-Hedo M., Pena R.N., Sehnal F., Eizaguirre M. (2010) Gene encoding the prothoracicotropic hormone of a moth is expressed in the brain and gut. General and Comparative Endocrinology 169: 203-209. (ISSN 0016-6480).

Koloniuk I., Petrzik K. (2011) Phylogenetic and serological analysis of turnip ringspot virus and radish mosaic virus isolates. Archives of Virology, doi: 10.1007/s00705-011-1186-6

Lenz O., Markova J., Sarkisova T. (2011) Discriminating 16Sr groups of phytoplasma by an oligonucleotide microarray targeting 16S-23S ribosomal spacer. Bulletin of Insectology 64: S31-S32. (ISSN 1721-8861).

Pavingerová D., Bříza J., Niedermeierová H., Vlasák J. (2011) Stable Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Norway spruce embryogenic tissues using somatic embryo explants. Journal of Forest Science 57: 277-280. (ISSN 1212-4834).

Pérez-Hedo M., Goodman W.G., Schafellner C., Martini A., Sehnal F., Eizaguirre M. (2011) Control of larval-pupal-adult molt in the moth Sesamia nonagrioides by juvenile hormone and ecdysteroids. Journal of Insect Physiology 57: 602-607. (ISSN 0022-1910).

Seda J., Petrusek A. (2011) Daphnia as a model organism in limnology and aquatic biology: introductory remarks. Journal of Limnology 70: 337-344. (ISSN 1129-5767).

Viktorinova I., Kucerova L., Bohmova M., Henry I., Jindra M., Dolezal P., Zurovcova M, Zurovec M. (2011) Characterization of two closely related &-amylase paralogs in the bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 72: 179-198. (ISSN 1520-6327).

Kucerova L., Broz V., Fleischmannova J.; Santruckova E., Sidorov R., Dolezal V., Zurovec M. (2012) Characterization of the Drosophila adenosine receptor: the effect of adenosine analogs on cAMP signaling in Drosophila cells and their utility for in vivo experiments. Journal of Neurochemistry, doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2012.07701.x

Fleischmannova, J., Kucerova, L., Sandova, K., Steinbauerova, V., Broz, V., Simek, P., Zurovec, M. (2012) Differential response of Drosophila cell lines to extracellular adenosine. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 42: 321-331. (ISSN 0965-1748).

Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Hussein H.M., Půža V., Sehnal F. (2012) Impact of genetically modified maize expressing Cry3Bb1 on non-target arthropods: first year results of a field study. In: Romeis J., Meissle M., Álvarez-Alfageme F. (2012) (eds.) Ecological Impact of genetically modified organisms. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 73: pp. 107-120. (ISBN 978-92-9067-250-0).

Yonemura N., Sehnal F., Konik P., Ajimura M., Tamura T., Mita K. (2012) Conservation of a pair of serpin 2 genes and their expression in Amphiesmenoptera. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 42: 371-380. (ISSN 0965-1748).

Matousek J., Kocabek T., Patzak J., Fussy Z., Prochazkova J., Heyerick A. (2012) Combinatorial analysis of lupulin gland transcription factors from R2R3Myb, bHLH and WDR families indicates a complex regulation of chs_H1 genes essential for prenylflavonoid biosynthesis in hop (Humulus lupulus L.). BMC Plant Biology, doi:10.1186/1471-2229-12-27

Kodrík D., Vinokurov K., Tomčala A. and Socha R. (2012) The effect of adipokinetic hormone on midgut characteristics in Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteroptera). Journal of Insect Physiology 58: 194-204. (ISSN 0022-1910).

Jedlička P, Steinbauerová V, Šimek P, Zahradníčková H. (2012) Functional characterization of the adipokinetic hormone in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 162: 51-58. (ISSN 1095-6433).

Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Sehnal F., Holec M., Hussein H.M. (2012) Epigeic spiders are not affected by the genetically modified maize MON 88017. Journal of Applied Entomology, accepted, doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2012.01727.x

Svobodová Z., Zemek R., Habuštová O., Hussein H.M., Sehnal F. (2011) The influence of different maize varieties and treatments on the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae). IOBC/OILB Bulletin, accepted.

Matoušek J., Stehlík J., Procházková J., Orctová L., Wullenweber J., Füssy Z., Kováčik J., Durajsamy G.S., Ziegler A., Schubert J., Steger G. (2012) Biological and molecular analysis of the pathogenic variant C3 of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) evolved during adaptation to chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). Biological Chemistry, accepted.

Sroka P., Martynov A.V., Godunko R.J. (2012) Morphological and genetic variability of Baetis (Rhodobaetis) braaschi Zimmermann, 1980 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Zootaxa, in press.

Lenz O., Marková J., Sarkišová T., Fránová J., Přibylová J. (2012) Discrimination of phytoplasmas using an oligonucleotide microarray targeting ribosomal protein genes. Plant Pathology, submitted.

Abstracts of presentations at scientific conferences

Füssy Z., Stehlík J., Heyerick A., Matoušek J.: Hop stunt viroid causes disbalance in the expression of putative transcription factors involved in the biosynthesis of hop medicinal secondary metabolites. – In: Abstracts of "8th Int. Symp. Ser. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: New Developments in Green Gene Technology", Szeged, Hungary, 1-4 September, 2009, p. 52.

Kocábek T., Stehlík J., Orctová L., Matoušek J.: Cloning and tissue specificity of promoters regulating expression of crucial factors involved in biosynthesis of medicinal compounds in hop. – In: Abstracts of "8th Int. Symp. Ser. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: New Developments in Green Gene Technology", Szeged, Hungary, 1-4 September, 2009, p. 58-59.

Pavingerová D., Bříza J., Niedermeierová H.: Stable Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Picea abies using somatic embryo explants. – In: Abstracts of "8th Int. Symp. Ser. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: New Developments in Green Gene Technology", Szeged, Hungary, 1-4 September, 2009, p. 73.

Kodrík D., Velki M., Bártů I., Večeřa J., Socha R.: Adipokinetic peptides increase effectivity of insecticides. – In: Abstracts of “25th conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists” University of Pécs, 31 August – 4 September 2010, p. 81.

Pavingerová D., Bříza J., Niedermeierová H.: Comparison and improvement of Agrobacterium and biolistic transformation of Norway spruce. – In: Abstracts of 5th EPSO Conference, Olos, Finland, 29 August - 2 September 2010, p. 68.

Bříza J., Tetourová V.: Somatic embryogenesis of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): Comparison of 23 embryogenic lines. - In: Book of Abstracts from XIIth Conference of Plant Experimental Biology, Prague, Czech Rep., 14-17 September, 2010, p. 115.

Matoušek J., Stehlík J., Orctová L., Durajsamy G.S., Selinger M., Fűssy Z., Steger G.: The sequence differences between potato spindle tuber viroid variants PSTVd-C3, evolved in Chamomilla reculita, and PSTVd-AS1 suggest diverse primary targets of viroid pathogenesis. - In: Book of Abstracts from EMBO/EMBL Symposium: Non-Coding Genome, Heidelberg October 13, 2010, p. 208.

Kocábek T., Matoušek J., Orctová L., Fűssy Z., Stehlík J.: Functional analysis of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) genes encoding transcriptional factors controlling production of secondary metabolites in lupulin glands. - In: Book of Abstracts from XIIth Conference of Plant Experimental Biology, Prague, Czech Rep., 14-17 September, 2010, p. 137.

Hussein H.M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F.: Presence of Cry3A in potato leaves consumed by Spodoptera littoralis caterpillars enhances propagation of Steinernema feltiae in this host. – In: The student scientific conference on genetically modified organisms, Brno, Czech Republic, April 8 – 9, 2010, Conference book, p. 22. ISBN 978-80-210-5160-7.

Mostafa M.A.M., Vlasák J., Sehnal F.: The toxicity of novel Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins on beetles. - In: The student scientific conference on genetically modified organisms, Brno, Czech Republic, April 8 – 9, 2010, Conference book, p. 34. ISBN 978-80-210-5160-7.

Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Hussein H.M., Sehnal F. (2010): Impact of GM maize MON 88017 on the non target species of invertebrates. – In: The student scientific conference on genetically modified organisms, Brno, Czech Republic, April 8 – 9, 2010, Conference book, p. 48. ISBN 978-80-210-5160-7.

Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Sehnal F., Spitzer L., Hussein H.M., Holec M., Půža V.: Arthropod communities in the maize field: comparison of transgenic MON 88017 with near-isogenic and non-transgenic maize. – In: International Conference on Invertebrate Reproduction and Development in the Age of Genetic Modifications, Prague, Czech Republic, August 16 - 20, 2010, Abstract book, p P_28.

Petrzik, K.: Molecular detection of rhabdoviruses in new hosts. – In: Book of abstracts from International Advances in Plant Virology, Arnhem, Netherlands, 5-7 September, 2010.

Bříza J., Pavingerová D., Niedermeierová H., Vlasák J.: Somatic embryogenesis in transgenic Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): embryogenic masses. - In: Book of Abstracts from International conference Applied Forestry Research in the 21st Century, Prague-Průhonice, Czech Rep., 13-15 September, 2011, p. 76.

Zabelina V., Doroshenko K., Klymenko V., Sehnal F. (2011) Technology of silkworm cloning. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22, Suppl. 1, p. S53. (Abstracts of European Biotechnology Congress, Istanbul 2011, Eds. Munis Dundar and Yagut Akbarova).

Hussein H.M., Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Půža V., Sehnal F.: Effects of GM maize MON 88017 on the non-target plant-dwelling insects. – In: Ecological Impact of genetically Modified Organisms, IOBC/WPRS 5th EIGMO Meeting, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, June 22 – 25, 2011, Program and Abstracts,. p. 61. ISBN 978-80-86668-14-7.

Stehlík J., Kocábek T., Orctová L., Duraisamy G.S., Matoušek J. (2011): Kvantifikace viroidu a viroid-specifických malých RNA pomocí TaqMan real time PCR. Quantitation of viroid RNA and viroid-specific small RNA by Real Time RT PCR. [article in Czech] – In: Svoboda, P. (ed.): Viroids, serious pathogens of plants – current knowledge. Žatec, Czech Republic May 17, 2011, p. 32. Česká fytopatologická společnost – ČFS/ Czech society for plant pathology, 2011. ISBN 978-80-903545-4-8.

Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Hussein H.M., Půža V., Sehnal F.: Two-year field study demonstrates no negative impact of GM maize expressing Cry3Bb1 toxin on non-target arthropods. 24th IWGO Conference & 3rd International Conference of Diabrotica Genetics, 24 – 26 October 2011, Freiburg, Germany. Abstract pp. 5.

Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Hussein H.M., Půža V., Sehnal F.: Two-year field study demonstrates no negative impact of GM maize expressing Cry3Bb1 toxin on non-target arthropods. – In: 2nd Annual Meeting of the European PhD Network in „Insect Sciences, 7 – 11 November 2011, Tours, France. p. 114.

Matoušek J., Podzimek T., Poučková P., Souček J., Orctová L., Škvor J., Lipovová P., Dohnálek J., Koval T., Novotná B., Jirkovská M., Kalous J. (2011)b Anticancerogenic plant nucleases: Preparation by “leaf factory”, biochemical properties and study of biological effects. Book of abstracts of the international seminar: Modification and in planta production of bifunctional nucleses and analysis of their anticancerogenic and biological activities: Recent results, new prospects of experimental work and new perspectives of collaboration. České Budějovice 21.9.2011. P.1a

Matoušek J., Novotná B., Kalous J., Poučková P., Podzimek T. (2011)c Anticancerogenic nuclease TBN1 causes growth suppression and DNA fragmentation in human tumor xenografts but low embryotoxicity on mice models. Book of abstracts of the international seminar: Modification and in planta production of bifunctional nucleses and analysis of their anticancerogenic and biological activities: Recent results, new prospects of experimental work and new perspectives of collaboration. České Budějovice 21.9.2011. P.1b

Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Spitzer L., Půža V., Sehnal F, Hussein H.M. (2012) Non-Target Arthropods Are Not Affected by the GM Maize Expressing Cry3Bb1 Toxin. – In: The student scientific conference on Biotechnology & Biomedicine, Brno, Czech Republic, April 12 – 13, 2012, Conference book, p.162. (ISBN 978-80-210-5811-8).

Articles in magazins

Krištůfková M., Zázvorková V.: MOBITAG boří mýty o GMO. ECHO 2/2010: Informace o evropském výzkumu, vývoji a inovacích, p. 19-20. ISSN 1214-7982.

Sehnal, F. (2011) Geneticky modifikované plodiny – hrozba nebo příležitost? Krasec 18/2011: 24. ISSN 1802-1441.

Sehnal F. (2011) Genetické modifikace hmyzu. Bioprospect: bulletin biotechnologických společností v České republice a Slovenské republice, 21: 32-37. ISSN 1210-1737.

Matoušek J. (2012) „Transgenní metabolom chmelu, některé aspekty jeho přípravy a perspektivy využití. Kvasný průmysl, 58(1): 13-19. ISSN 0023-5830.

Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2012) Jak na invazivního brouka bázlivce kukuřičného? ŽIVA 2/2012: 55-56. ISSN 0044-4812.



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