Date: 20.09.2013



Work package number:4
Start date or starting event:The 1st month following the signature of the Contract by the last party.
Work package title:Acquisition of research equipment
Activity type:SUPP
Participant number:1
Participant short name:BCAS
Person-months per participant:0


Enhancing research potential by equipment upgrading and implementation of modern bioinformatics software.

Description of work

Purchase of durable equipment was the main aim of this WP. Market screening confirmed that instruments identified at the time of project submission in the autumn 2008 remained also at the respective time most suitable with regards to performance and price. Therefore following instruments were ordered in March and April 2009. Purchase of all instruments was completed on 17.6.2009.

  • T4.1: Purchase of equipment set 1:

    • Set for protein analysis (responsible scientist: K. Vinokurov)
      • Äkta FPLC System for Fast Liquid Protein Chromatography
      • SpektraMax M5 Mikroplate reader with dual monochromator
      • Bio-Rad System pro 2-D protein electrophoresis
    • Bio-Plex System with HTF for the oriented suspension array technology (responsible scientist: K. Petrzik)
    • Innova CO-48 Incubator for cell culturing (responsible scientist: M. Žurovec)
  • T4.2: Purchase of equipment set 2:

    • CouloChem III Termostated with accessories for the monitoring of charged fractions separated by HPLC (responsible scientist: D. Kodrík)
    • CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System (responsible scientist: V. Košťál)
    • BioLogic DuoFlow Pathfinder 20 System for the separation of natural compounds (responsible scientist: J. Matoušek)
  • T4.3: Purchase of equipment set 3 and the software:

    • Three Thermal Xp Gradient Cyclers with different blocks for nucleic acid analysis (responsible scientist: M. Žurovcová)
    • Lasergene software from DNASTAR for (responsible scientist: F. Marec)
  • Current use of equipment

    Purchase of all instruments and software was accomplished during the first reporting period and all devices are used extensively by the MOBITAG teams. In all cases, it provided a substantial innovation of the previously established methods as well as created environment for adopting new approaches. The research conducted with the help of these new appliances already resulted in number of scientific publications that are also listed in section other publications. Apart from the team members and visiting scientists the equipment is also used by the students participating in the research of the involved laboratories. In this way, new equipment also contributes to the education and training of new young professionals.



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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