Date: 20.09.2013



Work package number:3
Start date or starting event:The 4th month following the signature of the Contract by the last party.
Work package title:Training of personnel for administering EU projects
Activity type:SUPP
Participant number:1
Participant short name:BCAS
Person-months per participant:0


Enhancing of managerial knowledge and skills of BCAS staff within European project management and technology transfer.

Description of work

Two R&D managers, Ing. Michaela Krištůfková and Ing. Veronika were trained in the management of European R&D projects (including IPR, finances etc.). They learned about general EU strategy of the research support. Special attention was paid to the FP7 program and other EU activities. Both project managers became acquainted with approaches to project preparation, daily practice of project management and popularisation. Their training was carried out in two steps:

  • T 3.1: Training in the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences

    Both M. Krištůfková and V. Zázvorková spent one week (from the 9th to the 12th March) in Technology Centre (TC) and were trained by National FP7 contact points. Later, especially V. Zázvorková participated in various seminars on specific issues of FP7. They have been organized by the TC and explained the special topics into depth.

  • T 3.2: Training in Czech Liaison Office for Research and Development (CZELO) in Brussels

    First week in November 2009, M. Krištůfková and V. Zázvorková underwent training in CZELO. Trainees assisted CZELO employees with fulfilling their daily tasks related to all aspects of running office supporting research and development. Trainees also attended the "BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH” conference in European Parliament (it was beneficial to assist with final organizational works) and participated at the workshop "FROM BLUE SKIES TO POTS OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW - Successful Collaborations between Research and Industry" that dealt with the transfer of research results into the application area.

    In frame of the training abroad, which was extended on the basis of permission granted by project officer, V. Zázvorková was delegated to a conference “Week of Innovative Regions 2010” (WIRE 2010) - Granada, Spain. Conference focussed on programs established by EU for R&D, EU policies related R&D and competitiveness. In addition, experience with the management of FP7 projects and in particular with the Research Potential projects were presented. Within Research Potential section, V. Zázvorková presented a poster on MOBITAG. This contribution is therefore understood also as a publication activity belonging to WP6.

  • T 3.3: Small office for project management

    Small office for project management of MOBITAG and other EU projects was established immediately after project start in March 2009, however it was being equipped gradually. As a brief summary, two computers and related equipment (keyboards, screens, etc.) and necessary software were bought. Except for computers also printer and multifunctional equipment (scanner and copy machine) were purchased to assure all tasks of project management can be easily handled.

    Preparation of a small office was completed together with last purchase on 25th June 2009. The office has been used since then as an advisory place available for all BCAS employees interested in participation in FP7 project. Also people who have already been involved in a FP7 project have had chance to discuss all problematic issues related to their project. Except for this, the office serves mainly for daily project management administration.



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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