Date: 20.09.2013



Work package number:2
Start date or starting event:The 4th month following the signature of the Contract
Work package title:Exchange of know-how and experience
Activity type:TRA
Participant number:1
Participant short name:BCAS
Person-months per participant:30


To upgrade human potential by hosting excellent international scientists as lecturers for our young scientists and by sending BCAS specialists abroad.

Description of work

Mobility activities related to the tutoring of BCAS researchers were confirmed by foreign partners.

T 2.1: Mutual short term visits of researchers working on joint projects in the BCAS and elsewhere in EU

Visits were planned at the rate 4 visits annually, each for 5 days in both directions. Overview of visits that have already been carried out or are planned for the future is summarized in the chart bellow.

Year 2009
foreign scientists' visits in BCwhenfrom
Dr. G. Steger19. 4. - 24. 4.Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany (J. Matoušek)
Dr. J. Schubert4. 5. - 9. 5.Julius-Kühn-Institut, Germany (J. Matoušek)
Dr. M. Mandrioli15. 6. - 19. 6.University di Modena, Italy (F. Marec)
Dr. M. Eizaguirre8. 7. - 12. 7.University of Lleida - IRTA, Spain (F. Sehnal)
MOBITAG researchers in foreign labswhento
Dr. K. Vinokurov22. 6. - 26. 6.University of Bayreuth, Germany (J. Ferré)
Dr. J. Matoušek6. 10. - 10. 10.Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany (G. Steger)
Prof. Dr. F. Marec19.10. - 24.10.University di Modena (M. Mandrioli)
Year 2010
foreign scientists' visits in BCwhenfrom
Prof. Dr.D. Riesner12. 4. - 16. 4.University of Düsseldorf, Germany (J. Matoušek)
Prof. Dr. D. De Keukeleire19. 5. - 21. 5.University Ghent, Belgium (J. Matoušek)
Dr. M.-A. Lelu-Walter21. 6. - 25. 6.INRA, Orleans, France (J. Bříza)
Dr. D. Podar11. 8. - 16. 8.Babes-Bolyai University ,Romania (F. Sehnal)
Dipl. Ing. A. Sauer23. 8. - 26. 8.Julius Kühn-Institut, Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany
MOBITAG researchers in foreign labswhento
Dr. J. Matoušek13.6. - 18.6.University Ghent, Belgium
Prof. Dr. F. Sehnal24. 6. - 27. 6.University of Lleida - IRTA, Spain (M. Eizaguirre)
Dr. D. Pavingerová8. 11. - 12. 11.Institute of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, SAS, Nitra, Slovakia (T. Salajová)
Year 2011
foreign scientists' visits in BCwhenfrom
Prof. Dr. A. Vilcinskas25. 1. - 28. 1.Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany (P. Kopáček)
Dr. N. Aoudsley22. 5. - 27. 5.The Food and Environment Research Agency, Sand Hutton, York, UK (P. Jedlička)
Dr. A. Heyerick21. 9. - 23. 9.University Ghent, Belgium (J. Matoušek)
Prof. Dr. J. Jehle26. 9. - 30. 9.Julius Kühn-Institut, Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany (O. Habuštová)
Dr. H. Loxdale16.10. - 21.10.Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany (M. Žurovcová)
MOBITAG researchers in foreign labswhento
Prof. Dr. F. Sehnal6. 5. - 10. 5.University of Naples, Italy (F. Pennacchio; postponed from 2009)
Dr. V. Zabelina11. 5. - 15. 5.CRA (Council of Research and Experiments in Agriculture), Apiculture and Sericulture Unit, Padua, Italy (S- Capellozza)
Dr. J. Matoušek20. 5. - 25. 5.University of Ghent, Belgium
Dr. M. Žurovec28. 6. - 1. 7.Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary (P. Vilmos)
Dr. D. Kodrík10.10. - 14.10.Inst. of Genetics MTA, Szeged, Hungary (I. Kiss, A. Fónagy)
Dr. J. Matoušek10. 12. - 14. 12.University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Year 2012
MOBITAG researchers in foreign labswhento
Dr. I. Koloniuk12. 2. - 18. 2.Plant Research International, Wageningen UR, Netherlands (R. van der Vlugt)

T 2.2: Training of BCAS staff in advanced EU laboratories

This activity should allow a rapid acquisition of new methods. Overview of long-term training stays that have already been carried out or are planned for the future is summarized in the chart bellow.

Year 2009 - MOBITAG researchers in foreign labs
namenumber of monthswhento
Dr. P.Jedlička21 .6. - 1. 7.Bayreuth University, Germany
Dr. P. Jedlička - finishing 201012. 4. - 30. 4.The Food and Environment Research Agency, York, UK
Dr. J. Fleischmannová21. 6. - 31. 7.Humboldt University, Germany
Dr. O. Habuštová120. 5. - 3. 6.Biotechnological Plant Protection Centre in Neustadt, Germany
Dr. O. Habuštová - finishing 201021. 6. - 2. 7.Julius Kühn-Institut, Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany
Dr. J. Bříza16. 7. - 4. 8.INRA Unit Ameliorat, France
Dr. K. Vinokurov225. 11. - 24. 12.
+ 1. 1. - 31. 1.
University of Valencia, Spain
Year 2010 - MOBITAG researchers in foreign labs
namenumber of monthswhento
Dr. J. Matoušek119. 6. - 15. 7.University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Dr. Y. Taranushenko116. 6. - 16. 7.Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany (Prof. Dr. A. Vilcinskas)
Dr. T. Kocábek14. 10 - 29. 10.Hohenheim Agricultural University,Germany (Dr. A. Heyerick)
Dr. I. Koloniuk218. 10. - 18. 12.Centro de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada del Segura, Murcia, Spain (Dr. M. Aranda)
Year 2011 - MOBITAG researchers in foreign labs
namenumber of monthswhento
Dr. V. Půža21. 3. - 30. 4.Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany
Dr. H. Hussein115. 5. - 15. 6.University of Lleida, Faculty of Agriculture, Spain (to prof. M. Eizaguirre)
Dr. R. Sidorov25. 10. - 3. 12.Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Dr. I. Koloniuk214.10. - 15.12.Plant Research International, Wageningen UR, Netherlands
Dr. H. Hussein1,2524. 10. - 30. 11.University of Lleida, Faculty of Agriculture, Spain (to prof. M. Eizaguirre)
Dr. V. Zabelina124. 10. - 24. 11.University of Lleida, Faculty of Agriculture, Spain (to prof. M. Eizaguirre)
Dr. P. Sroka16. 11. - 3. 12.Přírodovědné muzeum, Stutgart, Německo
Dr. V. Půža17. 11. - 7. 12.University of Montpellier, France
Year 2012 - MOBITAG researchers in foreign labs
namenumber of monthswhento
Dr. H. Hussein0,758. 1. - 29. 1.University of Lleida, Faculty of Agriculture, Spain (to prof. M. Eizaguirre)
Dr. R. Sidorov119. 1. - 16. 2.Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

T 2.3: Participation of experienced European researchers in investigations conducted in BCAS

Employment of foreign experts was planned at the rate 2 person-months per year. Overview of visits that have already been carried out or are planned for the future is summarized in the chart bellow.

Year 2009 - foreign scientists' stays in BCAS
namenumber of monthswhenfrom
Dr. P. Vilmos15. 10. - 31. 10.Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary
Year 2010 - foreign scientists' stays in BCAS
namenumber of monthswhenfrom
Dr. P. Vilmos215. 6. - 15. 7.Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary
Dipl. Ing. A. Sauer123. 8. - 26. 8.
+ 8. 11. - 19. 11.
Julius Kühn-Institut, Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany
Year 2011 - foreign scientists' stays in BCAS
namenumber of monthswhenfrom
Tamás Szlanka118. 9. - 19.10.Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Adrien Fónagy114. 11. - 14. 12.Plant Protection Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary
Tamás Szlanka114. 11. - 14. 12.Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Year 2012 - foreign scientists' stays in BCAS
namenumber of monthswhenfrom
Tamás Szlanka119. 1. - 18. 2.Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Adrien Fónagy126. 1. - 25. 2.Plant Protection Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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