Date: 20.09.2013



Work package number:1
Start date or starting event:The 1st month following the signature of the Contract by the last party.
Work package title:Recruitment and return of experienced researchers
Activity type:SUPP
Participant number:1
Participant short name:BCAS
Person-months per participant:151


To increase research capacities by building up the human potential.

Description of work

Work performed on WP1 tasks:

  • T 1.1: Recruitment of 5 researchers

    • Mgr. Ondřej Lenz, Ph.D. – employed since March 1, 2009
    • Mgr. Jan Stehlík, Ph.D. – employed since March 1, 2009 up to May 31, 2011;
      since June 1, 2011 substituted by Mgr. Igor Koloniuk, PhD.
    • Dr. Konstantin Vinokurov (Russia) – employed since March 1, 2009
    • Dr. Roman Sidorov (Russia) – employed since March 1, 2009

    Yuliya Taranushenko was identified as the fifth researcher to complete the team, nevertheless her direct employment in MOBITAG was later from internal reasons terminated. Since January 2010, it has been looked for anyone to substitute Dr. Taranushenko. In March 2010 it was decided to accept Dr. Valeriya Zabelina onto the vacant position.

    • Dr. Naoyuki Yonemura – working for MOBITAG 5. 6. – 30. 9. 2009
    • Mgr. Yuliya Taranushenko, Ph.D. – employed by MOBITAG 1. 10. - 31. 12. 2009
    • Dr. Valeriya Zabelina (Ukraine) – employed since August 27, 2010
  • T 1.2: Return of 2 experienced researchers

    Two experienced researchers returned from postdoctoral stays in USA:

    • Mgr. Robert Fedič, Ph.D. began working on MOBITAG by March 1, 2009 up to March 31, 2011;
      since April 1, 2011 substituted by Ing. Eva Prenerová, CSc.
    • Mgr. Radmila Frydrychová, Ph.D. began working on MOBITAG by October 1, 2009
  • T 1.3: Recruitment of other researchers

    At least three PhD students were considered to join MOBITAG team with support from national grant agencies after finishing their studies in 2010-2011. New team members are:

    • Mgr. Igor Koloniuk, Ph.D. – April 1, 2010 - May 31, 2011
    • Mgr. Vladimír Půža, Ph.D. – since April 1, 2010
    • RNDr. Pavel Sroka, Ph.D. – since March 5, 2011
    • Mgr. Yuliya Taranushenko, Ph.D. – 1. 1. 2010 – 8. 8. 2010

    Nevertheless other three postdoctoral fellows showed interest in MOBITAG project from its beginning. These were:

    • RNDr. Jana Fleischmannová, Ph.D.
    • Ing. Pavel Jedlička, Ph.D.
    • RNDr. Magda Vítková, Ph.D.
  • T 1.4: Preparatory technical works – Setting-up of new laboratories

    Technical works were initiated in spring 2009. The plan was to arrange and equip laboratory for plant transgenosis and for GMO safety. It was planned to start using them in September 2009. An establishment of the laboratory for GMO safety was carried out under supervision of Dr. R. Fedič and the lab is being used since mid-August 2009. Reconstruction of the laboratory for plant transgenosis was realized under supervision of Dr. J. Bříza since April 2009 and was completed in October 2009 by delivery of the last ordered item.

  • As an extension of the original plan, in January 2012, BCAS got permission to set up 2 small laboratory units for testing entomopathogenic microorganisms (one for controls and one for handling the entomopathogens). Because the most important advance reached with the aid of infrastructure built with the project support was done in the development of an entomopathogenic fungus ( intellectual property), there is attempt to complete transfer of this innovative technology into practice. Use of bioagents is the modern method of plant protection allowing reduction of chemical pesticides, which is justifiably one of EC priorities. These two extramural units will therefore contribute to the implementation of EC environmental and agricultural policy.



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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