Date: 19.09.2013

Project description

Introducing the Biology centre

Biology Centre (BC) of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR) is a public research institution (v.v.i.) founded by AS CR that provides about half of annual BC budget (the remainder is obtained through competition for grants). BC consists of five institutes: Entomological, Hydrobiological, Molecular Biology of Plants, Parasitological, and Soil Biology. These institutes closely collaborate in research that is focused on ecology and solution of biomedical problems with the aid of invertebrate model organisms. Characteristic BC features include collaborations across BC, use of diverse methods ranging from the electron and confocal microscopy to chemical analyses and mathematical modeling, and combination of analytical and holistic approaches to problem solving. BC closely collaborates with adjacent University of South Bohemia (ca 13,000 students) and participates in the education of students of the Faculty of Science. Present project aims at strengthening BC research in areas that are unique in the Czech Republic and in some cases within the whole Europe. Their further development will be spurred by the establishment of twenty post-doctoral positions.

Project objectives

Project includes recruitment of young researchers (within 3 years after defending their PhD thesis) and support of their further professional growth, including their integration into scientific community of the Biology Centre AS CR (BC). To achieve this objective, a set of twenty post-doctoral positions is offered in top BC laboratories. Recruited postdocs are expected to (1) strengthen the chosen research teams, (2) bring in new expertise and thereby increase team potential, (3) participate in the education of students and professional training of research workers. The selection of postdocs from the interested candidates will rely primarily on their current research experience and achievements. Nevertheless, geography and gender issue will also be considered in the selection process. External postdocs, i.e. not working in BC on their doctoral theses, will be preferred. The professional growth and international collaborations of postdocs will be promoted by sending them to long-term stays abroad. Postdocs will interact with students through the teaching activities and as supervisors of students working on their diploma theses. Eventually, well educated and experienced postdocs will significantly contribute to the development and sustainability of BC staff and increase international BC competitiveness. Undoubtedly, the postdocs will also enhance the quality of education, bring new research concepts and fuel motivation of students not only in BC but also in the University of South Bohemia and biologically-oriented research institutions in the region.


BC is the biggest regional institution of the Czech Academy of Sciences and one of the major European scientific workplaces performing research at the boundary between general biology and ecology. BC staff of 438 includes 184 scientists who guide approximately 100 doctoral students and 200 – 300 undergraduates. Being aware of its social responsibility, BC regards the development of human resources as one of its priorities. Establishment of 20 positions for young researchers (shortly after their PhD graduation) and the support of their professional growth are consistent with this BC mission and, at the same time, offer a rare opportunity for BC staff building. Thanks to the financial support provided by the project, BC is able to hire competent postdocs at competitive salaries and promote their careers by providing guidance of experienced researchers and by sending postdocs to high quality partner laboratories. In return, BC will have a chance to enlarge some of its research teams and create new ones. The establishment of postdoc positions will strengthen research areas that are at the frontiers of contemporary biology. Overall project outcome will be beneficial to the research community by enhancing research outputs through stronger cooperation, competitiveness and work efficiency. More efficient research will be projected into increased R&D potential of the region and eventually into economic growth.

Interaction with groups of interest

Researchers and relevant stakeholders of the region will have many opportunities for both formal and informal meetings with the recruited postdoc to discuss topics of interest. Postdocs will have particularly positive influence on three groups of personnel with whom they will closely interact within their teams as well as at the level of BC, University of South Bohemia and other academic institutions in the region: (1) students, (2) young researchers and (3) research experts. Interactions of all these target groups with the postdocs will enhance their experience in research, education, and administration, and in this way foster their professional growth and make their future involvement in the development of human resources more efficient. Interactions with these three groups will also have some specific features: (1) Students of all levels of university education, and to some extent also the high school students, will learn from postdocs who will participate in class teaching, practical exercises, methodology courses, and seminars. Guidance of students working on their diploma theses will be a common component of postdoc activities with high importance for practical student education. (2) Young researchers, with or without (rarely) a PhD degree will work jointly and exchange experience with the recruited postdocs. These mutual interactions will often concern testing and development of new methods and adoption of good laboratory practices. (3) The cooperation of postdocs with experienced researchers, inclusive team leaders, will include joint preparation of grant proposals, gradual transfer of some duties of lab management to the postdocs, and discussions on future research directions and appropriate strategies.



Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Hydrobiology
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

Staff search