Factors responsible for distribution and diversity of two major groups of Betaproteobacteria
Two key groups of microbes affiliated with the Betaproteobacteria received our immense attention during the last year. Those globally distributed groups, represented here by the genus Limnohabitans and species-like cluster of Polynucleobacter, differ fundamentally in their habitat preferences, distribution, metabolical activities and abundance. Just recently, a successful isolation and description of the first strains of the genus Limnohabitans has made it possible to conduct a comprehensive study focused on niche separation between their coexisting, closely related members. Interactions between these strains, predators and viruses have been recorded, suggesting contrasting ecophysiological capabilities between the closely related ecotypes. Moreover, ecological differentiation within the most important subspecies of Polynucleobacter was identified and described. Different ecotypes of freshwater Polynucleobacter were found to occupy contrasting habitats.
Šimek, K. - Kasalický, V - Jezbera J. - Jezberová J. - Hejzlar, J. - Hahn, M. W.: Broad habitat range of the phylogenetically narrow R-BT065 cluster representing a core group of the betaproteobacterial genus Limnohabitans. Applied Environmental Microbiology (2010): Roč. 76, č. 3 (2010) s. 631- 639.
Hahn, M. W. - Kasalický, V. - Jezbera J. - Brandt U. - Šimek, K. : Limnohabitans australis sp. nov., isolated from a freshwater pond. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Roč. 60, (2010) s. 2946 - 2950.
Kasalický V. - Jezbera, J. - Šimek, K. - Hahn M. W.: Limnohabitans planktonicus sp. nov., and Limnohabitans parvus sp. nov., two novel planktonic Betaproteobacteria isolated from a freshwater reservoir. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Roč. 60, (2010) s. 2710 - 2714.
Hahn, M.W. - Kasalický, V. - Jezbera J. - Brandt U. - Jezberová J. - Šimek, K.: Limnohabitans curvus gen. nov., sp. nov., a planktonic bacterium isolated from a freshwater lake. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Roč. 60, (2010) s 1358-1365.
Šimek, K. - Kasalický, V. - Horňák, K. - Hahn, M. W. - Weinbauer M. G.: Assessing niche separation in coexisting Limnohabitans strains through interactions with a competitor, viruses, and a bacterivore. Applied Environmental Microbiology Roč. 76, č. 5 (2010) s. 1406-1416
Jezberová, J. - Jezbera, J. - Brandt, U. - Lindstroem, E.S. - Langenheder, S. - Hahn, M.W.: Ubiquity of Polynucleobacter necessarius ssp asymbioticus in lentic freshwater habitats of a heterogenous 2000 km2 area. Environental Microbiology Roč. 12, č. 3 (2010) s. 658-669.
Jezbera, J. - Jezberová, J. - Brandt, U. - Hahn, M.W.: Ubiquity of Polynucleobacter necessarius subspecies asymbioticus results from ecological diversification. Environmental Microbiology (2010) .