MSc. Igor Królikiewicz
Job Position: PhD student - Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology (AME)
+420 38 777 5894
- Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Master Science Degree, Major: Molecular Diagnostics
- University of Warmia and Masuria in Olsztyn, Bachelor Science Degree, Major: Microbiology
- 01-10-21 – 20-09-22, Practical course of veterinary parasitology,
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences.Project POWER 03.05.00 IP.08-00-PZ3/17.
Coproscopy, fish parasitology, helminthology, veterinary protozoology, the most common parasites of pets and farm animals, searching for parasites inside invertebrates, parasitological aspects of veterinary laws.
- 28-09-2020 – 29-09-2020, How to detect a virus? - Modern techniques in diagnostics of plant viruses,
Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute (IOR – PIB),
Techniques of electron microscopy in diagnostics of plant viruses, LAMP (Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification) as detection tool of viruses in plant samples,biological tests in diagnostics of plant viruses.
Scientific activity
- 11-09-2023 - 17.09-2023, The Central and Eastern Europe Symposium on Microbial Ecology (CEESME), Budapest, Hungary, Poster presentation “Bacteria from extreme environment as inoculants for sustainable agriculture”
- 19-06-2023 – 02-07-2023, Student Mobility for InternationAl CoopeRaTion: SMART3, Internship in Microbial Aquatic Microbial Group, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research in Budapest, Hungary
- 15-06-2023, XXI Conference Biotechnology on Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology and challenges of modern world, 3rd place for oral presentation “Molecular identification of bacterial strains from aquatic environment and archeological wood deposited in it”
- 20-01-2022 – 30-06-2023, Participating in project “N-fixing bacteria from extreme environments as a remedy for nitrogen deficiency in saline soils” (Horyzont 2020, NitroFixSal 101038072), Auxiliary research