Datum: 10.06.2019

Advanced methods of electron microscopy in cell biology

10. - 20. 6. 2019 Mezinárodní praktický EMBO kurz, který se bude konat 10. -20. 6. 2019 v Českých Budějovicích v areálu Biologického centra. Během intenzivního kurzu si studenti budou moci prakticky vyzkoušet řadu pokročilých metod elektronové mikroskopie v buněčné biologii za doprovodu zkušených lektorů z celého světa s využitím elektronových mikroskopů, které jsou k dispozici v Laboratoři elektronové mikroskopie. REGISTRACE DO 31. 3. 2019.

Course Overview
This EMBO Practical Course offers the opportunity to acquire a portfolio of cutting edge EM methods; allowing the participants to integrate EM tools and readouts into the workflow of their own cell biological research projects. The course focuses on teaching the theoretical background and the latest practical developments in the field.

Students, early-stage post-docs and technicians are encouraged to apply.


  • State of the art fixation including cryo-methods
  • Correlative light and electron microscopy
  • Molecular mapping (immuno-EM)
  • Three-dimensional EM imaging using tomography and serial imaging
  • Advanced quantitative image analysis (stereology, nanomorphomics).

Learning Outcomes
You will gain an intensive overview of the most advanced methods in electron microscopy for cell biology. We will provide training in project/experimental design, often adapted to each of the student projects. Moreover, the course has been running for over 30 years and has contributed to the creation of a wide community of electron microscopists (both students and teachers) all over the world.




Andreas Brech - Oslo University Hospital, NO

Petr Chlanda - University of Heidelberg, DE

Marek Cyrklaff - University of Heidelberg, DE

Christel Genoud - Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, CH

Gareth Grifths - University of Oslo, NO

Christian Hacker - University of Exeter, UK

Herb Hagler - UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, US

Irina Kolotuev - University of Lausanne, CH

Jana Nebesářová - Biology Centre of CAS, CZ

Randi Olsen - University of Tromsø, NO

Urska Repnik - University of Oslo, NO

Yannick Schwab - EMBL Heidelberg, DE

Heinz Schwarz - MPI for Developmental Biology, DE

Marie Vancová - Biology Centre of CAS, CZ


Jana Nebesářová
Biology Centre of CAS, CZ

Martina Tesařová
Biology Centre of CAS, CZ


Martina Tesařová



Biologické centrum AV ČR, v.v.i.
Hydrobiologický ústav
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice